Yay a PR thread finally, now I can nerd out abit or something like that, LORD ZEDD RULES!!!!!
Oh I almost forgot Golbez sounds awsome, and I guess I'm cool with Ulti's C's then again she didn't say to much in that vid. so she may use K's after all or she might use K's and C's it just kinda bugs me on how she said "Time Compression" in FFVIII saying it like "Kompression" before the fight's then later saying "Compression"
Terra sounds perfect, Ultimecia I love her voice but Im kinda upset because she should of had an Accent I mean really just for the fact that she uses K's and not C's...well up untill the final boss fight in FFVIII but still.
Damn I love that song but I can't even make out Ultimecia's voice I can kinda hear Terra, Exdeath sounds good even though he just made grunting sounds, Kefka sounds good from what I heard out of him (LoL at him beating up Cloud though not too much....damn I rather see him beating up Sephiroth that mammas boy)
Oh my God Onion Knight actually sounds his age and good to might I add on, Cloud of Darkness sounds so sexy.
Hmph, will they ever learn Family Guy SUCKS, and so will this Show nothing good can come out of it only more ******ed idiotic unfunny jokes with no point and just stretched out scenes that'll take up about 6 minutes of the episode, so no I will not watch it and yes I will continue to hate everything about what Family Guy had to offer.... WTF am I saying Family guy didn't offer anything it was just a waste of space and time ever since the day it aired, really they can't even come up with their own ideas they just steal from other shows that are much more superior in every way so my advice don't watch it, the less views means the sooner Fox will take it off, and with that "CIAO"
Meh... just another bad movie it shall be, really it's so Clichéd about crap getting destroyed and the things blowing up and the end of the world the trailer dosen't even make it look good.
They both sound great, hmmmm... next week it'll be Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness can't wait to hear what they sound like.
I don't really care to much about Axel actually I may have liked him more if he didn't kill Vexen and let Riku Rep. kill Zexion, but I must say Larxene is a much more better character she is a Btch and that's what I like.
I must Say Garland really does sound good for a dubed voice (Christopher Sabat no wonder why he sounds good) WOL is pretty decent not bad though.
If Days is going to be remade it'll be for the wii not a ps system, why now is well kinda obviouse the main focus of days is the multiplayer which is a major focus of the wii so yeah...and besides more people own a wii than a ps3 and square just like any other company want money so yeah it would sell more if on the wii,Ciao
Hmph yeah right, oh well who cares what you think, Ciao.
Ummm Okay funny little joke... whatever. (if you were serious now that would be the end for you lol.)
I do agree most sequels are rather annoying, especially when they make more then one sequel, example would be the Saw movies, or most horror movies, as well as the majority of Disney, thank god they never made a sequel to The Black Cauldron, but yes I agree 100%.
Well in KH2 I'd say Xaldin (Sephiroth is just to weak and annoying), in the final mix though Terra, Larxene, or Roxas all three of them make Sephiroth look like a joke.
I don't think anybody at all should believe in it I mean come on people say this day is the end of the world or that day is the end of the world, really like every day is the end of the world. "Ciao"
This game keeps on getting better and better, can't wait for it,"Ciao"
His voice aint horrible or perfect it's kinda just in between.