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  1. TehMuffinMan
    yes, he could. The logic behind what I said was that if he can do anything can he eat a taco so hot that he himself cannot eat it. That would contradict God being able to do anything. From what you said I doesn't seem to contradict the fact that he can do anything, unless I'm missing something.
    Post by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  2. TehMuffinMan
    Knowledge can be gained through studying books and such things. It puts us in the way of wisdom, but wisdom is experiential; it is a truth one recognizes in the outside world that already exists inside them. You cannot learn wisdom, you must awaken to it.

    Wisdom is more divine whereas knowledge is intellectual

    can wisdom be gained without knowledge or do you gain wisdom as you seek knowledge?
    Thread by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 8, 2006, 17 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. TehMuffinMan
    This game is pretty cool. I'd say I'm somewhat decent at guitar in real life. In this game however, I completely suck, lol. But it is a very fun game.
    Post by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  4. TehMuffinMan
    Rented this movie with a couple of friends, I had average expactations , it seemed alirght. It was really awesome though, seriously. I don't want to spoil the story by giving away the plot, because it's a thriller, and with thrillers since they can't give away to much the basic plot descripition doesn't tell you much. But it is definetely worth seeing.
    Thread by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 8, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. TehMuffinMan
    Could God make a taco so hot that he himself could not eat it?

    It is questions like these that make me think....
    Thread by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 7, 2006, 40 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. TehMuffinMan
    I was teh Indian one joo know? But monkeyduckman was supposed to be extremely corny. I've been working on my editing skillz but the only new thing I did with editing in that was when he did his acting talents, the 4 boxes. glad you liked it.
    Post by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 5, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  7. TehMuffinMan
    Hello, I am me. me is I. The point is I have joined this forum, hello everybody. I enjoy making short stupid videos, I believe Roxas once posted a couple, I'm the short Indian kid, and I love playing guitar. I don't want to scare you so I'm gonna go ahead and assure that I'm not the guy in the avatar, that's BOB DOLE. Because, Bob Dole likes to hear Bob Dole say Bob Dole.

    Well, anyways,KH is pretty sweet and I look forward to using my computing machine to post on this internet forum.

    o btw the muffin man is a reference to an awesoem frank zappa song.
    Thread by: TehMuffinMan, Oct 5, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures