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  1. the worm who ate midgar
    are we ever going to be able to start RPing?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. the worm who ate midgar
    thats easy to do, but you can only use it in 1 area so not much point to it. although if you can manage to get into a fight by jokering the code its pretty fun.

    I can try jokering the code to make it useble in battle if anyone wants it?

    their, valor sora, wisdom sora and anti form in a party, jokered.

    Triangle + O + R1+R2+L1+L2 when walking into a new screen to activate

    Square + X + R1+R2+L1+L2 when walking into a new screen to disable


    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10080504 00000000
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10080504 00000000

    and ARMax


    let me know if you want it in another form
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. the worm who ate midgar
    I did? wjat bonuses? can you specify a bit more?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. the worm who ate midgar
  5. the worm who ate midgar
    Play as World Characters (must skip cutscenes)

    Play as World Characters (Goofy gone, can watch cutscenes)

    Play as World Characters (Donald gone, can watch cutscenes)

    Mickey and Riku in Hollow Bastion Hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle- note there is no off command since there's no oppurtunity to use it- for Sephiroth battle u can't press the buttons while the scene is still going, u wait until RIGHT when the screen goes black and u press buttons.

    I have a bunch more codes in raw from but I forgot kh2's game ID so I cant cant convert them until I find it again
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. the worm who ate midgar
    kokoro can also men ones innner self or soul. so depending on the context it could also mean that axel has moved Roxas (technically soras soul in a since) since he moved "something" in soras heart

    I read it as "axle moved roxas" (in an emotional way)

    and then again depending on when the scene happens, if after sora an roxas become 1, then it could mean that axle reached some part of roxas in soras heart
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. the worm who ate midgar
    you dont in the japanes eversion either, final mix + is were the fight is, not in the original KhII, english or japanese

    the react command in the 3 screen reads "diurubauto" so like "dule bout" or somthing

    the 2nd says "akuseru wa sora no *dont know this kanji* oh *dont know this kanji* sabutta"

    I cant read the kanji in the 1st and second screens, I can ask my japanese teacher tomarrow anad then translate them
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. the worm who ate midgar
    Name: Riku
    Weapon: Way to dawn
    Homeworld: Destiny island
    Reasons for wanting to take part: I want to redeem myself in my own eyes, for the evil that I have done
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. the worm who ate midgar


    lol, the germans say "Feuer Frei" in battelfield all the time.

    they might be singing about bunnies, the last few line of amour go somthing like

    "bla bla bal, give me a kiss"

    I forget what song it it, mabey Sehnsucht or Halleuja, but it sounds like they go "were going clubbing in mexico" I know thats not what their really saying but its still funny
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Music
  10. the worm who ate midgar
    Alright, I want to provide a service to kh-vids so here goes.

    This is The worm who ate midgar's music shop

    Basic idea: you request a song, I find it and upload it some way or another. if I cant find it I say so and someone else is welcome to find it. but more that likely I will.


    1. Only 1 song per person per day
    2. Please no rap, I really don't want to have to liston to it to see if its the correct file ect, but I will if someone really wants it
    3. For every 3 files you request you can upload your own song of choice, but this is optional
    4. Once DeathSpark gets the Reping system up and running, feel free to rep me, or whoever finds your song

    thats all the rules so far


    Song name:
    Album/game/anime: (if from a game or anime please specify)
    Estimated length:
    language: this is only if its not in english


    Song name: Arigato! (Thank you!)
    Anime: Bleach
    Estimated length: 4:00
    language: Japanese

    well thats that, now get posting
    Thread by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 24, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Music
  11. the worm who ate midgar


    I love them.

    Feuer Frei and amour

    I belive Feuer Frei roughly translates to "fire freely" or "Fire at will"

    tell me if im right
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Music
  12. the worm who ate midgar
    Graveyard BBQ - cheat on the church
    Jimi Hendrix - spanish castle magic
    Alexis on fire - dunks, lovers, sinners and saints
    Dope - rebel yell
    Dope - **** the police

    quite the odd mix
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. the worm who ate midgar
    well looks like my 1st guess was right
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Dec 24, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. the worm who ate midgar
    I know the name, I wanted to find it too, and I did in the comments on the video (if I remember correctly) . its called "gunfighter" by "upside"

    if you can post a link to the video I can find the link that was put up to download it

    nvmind, I think this is it
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 4, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. the worm who ate midgar
    the music is some of the best I have seen in a game, fighting or otherwise.

    I recently imported the new Guilty gear XX slash: The midnight carnival.

    as always grate gameplay and new chrs. the fights are grate and like you said some of the BEST sprite detales I have ever seen
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  16. the worm who ate midgar
    18 second TKO.

    lol, man what did you do to him? and the ISO?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Video Showcase
  17. the worm who ate midgar
    yah, im just glad to have my sig back.

    and I decide to use my japanese plug-in.

    can anyone read it?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. the worm who ate midgar
    yah when I went to kh hacks it brought me their untill I logged in. then I was sent here.

    but I wont let me do it anymore, it says somthing about "kh-vids is currently unavalible"
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. the worm who ate midgar
    what final mix section?

    and yah if you did do that fight it would probably be as riku.

    are their any other org fights that were cut scenes?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. the worm who ate midgar
    quote from Nomura interview. dose anyone have any idea who the new org fight will be with?

    the only possibilities I can think of are:

    1. the fight between sora and roxas in TWTNW
    2. The Roxas VS Riku fight in TWTNW

    other than that I cant think of any other fight. anyone got any ideas
    Thread by: the worm who ate midgar, Oct 1, 2006, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX