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  1. the worm who ate midgar
    you know how I said I was going to compile all codes in this thred? well im done

    let me know if any of them dont work. I also plan to update the document every 5 to 10 pages of this topic.

    pm me if theirs any errors or you want me to add a code to the document
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. the worm who ate midgar
    darn it, its been out for almost a day and I cant find a torrent for it. the internet is failing me.............

    I cant wait to play it, but im tossing up whether I should play FM or RE: CoM first.
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. the worm who ate midgar
    my lord, dose everyone in the universe have a keyblade now!?!? is everyone going to be a Pc?

    and is it just me or does that bald guy look like gannondorf from zelda?

    but anyway, that spiderman-like guy is defently wering the same dark outfit that riku had, and considering that the bald guy has Xenorts heartles' clothes, then mabey thay have the same powers, or at least the same connection (the red guy is hte bald guys survent)
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. the worm who ate midgar

    you cant do react commands with mickey with out getting the T stance, code or no code, its because he dose not have the animations for it

    I am alredy in the prossess of compiling some of the codes, just give me a day or so
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. the worm who ate midgar
    back to the riku thing, I just dont get why the values for him are so weird, mabey its because he is a party member and a playable ch. if I knew how to find ch values, I would just keep testing them untill I found one that worked, the value is their somewere.

    im assuming the reson you cant play as him using the same method as other world chs is that the game wants to make him playable like in the final battle when you put in the code, but the gam also wants to make him AI controlled since your not in the area for the final boss

    mabey if I joker the play as world ch code it would work when you entered the final battle? like right before the battle starts you press the joker buttons. whato do you think evilman?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. the worm who ate midgar
    if you have a dvd burner, you can copy kh2, or just download it like I did, its perfectly legal as long as you own a copy of kh2 already.

    after you have the game on your psc (it should be in ISO format) just pop it open with winrar and copy the elf and other files out of the iso, you might need another program to rebuild the ISO, not shure if winrar can make ISO's, and if you want to burn it to a DVD and play it after modding it, thats somtihng diffrent entierly, if you want o know how to that, PM me
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. the worm who ate midgar
    I only have or have herd 1 song by them, and thats "takes my pain away" but I really like that song, mit reminds me of Sonic Adventure 2 for some reson lol
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 14, 2007 in forum: Music
  8. the worm who ate midgar
    one of my friends dose that. I have a strict policy, no AR untill after I beat the game at least once
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. the worm who ate midgar
    just put in the all wepons code during roxas' part, equp the struggle hammer. save, then load the DW roxas code, he should have 2 struggel hammers I think.
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. the worm who ate midgar
    dose anyone know any good medieval choir or operatic-like music,

    A good example of medieval choir would be Xepher from DDR supernova and Beatmania. and For Operatic, alot of the music in Xenosaga had a japanes opera feel.

    I have been trying to find some but no luck
    Thread by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  11. the worm who ate midgar
    if you ever need a code jokered just pm me, its not to hard to do real quick, I normally use the same joker values anyway.

    and how exactly do the saves corrupt if you dont save? I want to try these things out but I don't want to make a bunch new saves. dose the save corrupt when you load it or what?

    if we could make alist like DS suggested, then this would be eayser

    so far we have: (underline= confirmed)

    Clock tower (twilight town)
    Atlantica (Ariel singing area)
    Dark beach
    Destiny island
    Pride lands (mufasa dies)
    hollow bastion (villains vain)

    anywhere else? what about the area were Riku and Roxas fight?

    I was thinking, maybe if you load the code with a new game you'll get the clock tower, or load the code on your 1st visit to twilight town with sora. thats not too far into the game right? I ca speed beat the game in about 18-20 hours, and just make a bunch of saves. but I have to get my ps2 back form my friend first
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. the worm who ate midgar
    that would work except for 1 thing, Europe has a different power type than america and japan.

    japanes electronics can be used in america, and vice versa, but eruopen electronics can only be used in euorpe. different outlet and power voltage

    his best bet would be to get a swap magic, A Pal action replay (you can play copied games and imports with AR), a mod chip or some other import method.

    I think im going to make a topic addressing imports and import play methods.
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. the worm who ate midgar
    honestly, I proboblu wouldent have much, SA used alot of binary and simple programing language, Kh2, not so much. I know NOTHING about kh2's data structure tree. if I brushed up on it a bit mabey, but I would need a decent computer so I could rip the game onto my hard drive, then a program to look at the sections of code

    if I knew what skiller used, I would be on my way to it already lol
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. the worm who ate midgar
    tifa, leon, cloud, axel, ect. fight with you, but are still enemys. just a slightly modified AI routine so they attack other enemys, not you. you also have to modifie their attack's so they hit enemys (otherwise when you fought them normally they would hit other enemys).

    its not to had to do, I did it all the time in Sonic adventure (pc versioon) when I spent alot of time hacking it. I modified the AI routine so that enemys would attack other enemys when a specific trigger occered.
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. the worm who ate midgar
    freaking Sanctuary, grrrrrrrrr!!

    honestly I think the chances of it coming to the US is slim to none, and it pisses me off, im sick of missing out on good games because componies dont want to ship ****............

    and to clear up anything mentiond before

    Swap magic is NOT illigal, it is perfictly legal to use.

    what swap magic is is a disk that boots ps2 backups, it is perfectly legal to back up your OWN ps2 games, so int he even that the original is damged or somthing you can still play the game. its even ok to download games if you have bought the original at some point.

    but swap magic has some problems somtimes playing inports, but if you back up the inport and play the backup it works fine, thats what I did for "Guilty Gear XXslash the midnigh carnivel" (man thats a long title)

    if anyone needs info on Swap magic of burning games and stuff like that, PM me

    If FM+ dosent come out in the use, im gonna import it and play a downloded copy while I wait for my copy to get here, thats legal as long as I dont download the game untill after I have the charge on my debit card
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. the worm who ate midgar
    care to post some more info on that?

    and yes it is possible to dump the game and mod it but its a very difficult process and you need to be a high level programmer in order to do it, so for a bunch of people in the internet, its not gonna happen anytime soon
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. the worm who ate midgar
    OOC: wait what? dude, dont god mod. OH and would Riku's limit brake count as more than 1 weapon?


    Riku flew though the air, slowly twisting his body before flipping back onto his feet using his hand. HE brought his keyblade to its ready stance

    "Roxas? wasn't expecting to see you here. Dont underestimate Sephiroth, he is one of the better fighters here"

    Roxas completely ignored Vexens presence, not wanting to associate with the Org XIII again.

    "Dark Aura" 5 balls of fire flew twords Sephiroth at a low trajectory, meant as more of a warning shot than an attack.
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. the worm who ate midgar
    Riku slowly walked into the arean, sephiroth already on the move, atacking a member of Org XIII

    "already started? what kind of tornement is this? no structure?"

    a stray orb from sephiroth flew twords Riku. in a flash of dark light his keyblade was drawn and he nailed the dark orb back at sephiroth like a homerun bat in a baseball game.

    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. the worm who ate midgar
    your using code breaker right?

    1. Codebreaker only accepts the codebreaker flash disk that comes with special versions of CB.
    2. if your using a 3er party, store bough flash drive it wont work
    3. you should be able to just add a game to codebreaker and then add code for it, don't ask me how I don't have a CB
    4. if you CB is loading slowly you either need to adjust the ps2 lens, but you don't seem very knowledgeable about ps2's (hardware wise) so you probably shouldent open up your ps2 and do that

    other than that, just buy a new codebreaker, or an AR max

    can someone let me know if those jokered party mod codes worked, I cant test them, I let a friend borrow my ps2
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. the worm who ate midgar
    uh yaah, try this


    E002C7FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10080504 00000000
    E002CBFF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10080504 00000000

    R1 when walking into a new screen to activate

    L1 when walking into a new screen to disable



    let me know if that works
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault