Search Results

  1. lpfighter3
    "maximum HP which does not decrease"
    1C9AF328 90D4E7A1
    1C9AF32C 0C585EAB
    1C9AF330 B0D4E7A5
    1C81EF00 105393A5

    "Infinite HP"
    0032E024 000000FF

    "HP does not decrease"
    9C9A6328 90D4E7A1
    9C9A632C 0C585EAB
    9C9A6330 B0D4E7A5
    9C81EF00 1053AFA5

    Try all of those, at least one should work.

    As for MP

    "Infinite MP"
    0032E026 000000FF

    "Max MP"
    0032E027 000000FF

    "MP does not decrease"
    9C8D9D30 1456E7A5

    Those are all I have for HP and MP, if neither of them work, I will look harder for the codes ;)

    For a fun code, try this:

    Complete code 1
    D034D45C 0000BFFF
    11CE0B6A 00000051

    complete code 2
    D034D45C 0000BFFF
    11CE0B6C 00000051

    Walk into another area while holding X with either of the codes on and you should be fighting Axel right away, try both to fight 2 at the same time
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. lpfighter3
    I believe you can :D

    Axel code (donald)

    Axel code (goofy)

    Joker code (press and hold X when going to new area)

    Complete code 1

    complete code 2

    Walk into the ES area with this code and you should be fighting The ES and 2 Axels :D

    EDIT: Codes tested and working :P

    Using ARMAX >.>... The thing is real easy to use, i got my EVO edition for around $30 here, well worth the money if you wish to use codes like these.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. lpfighter3
    What cdloader do you use? Because i use swap magic 3.8 CODER and it gives me the same problems with ARMAX evo... I just use my loader's RAW code ability.

    No Problem, If you need anymore codes, don't be afraid to ask me, I have TONS of codes in RAW format, and I know how to convert :P
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. lpfighter3
    I am not psxman... but here are the ARMAX codes...except for freeze time.

    Master code

    Have all consumption items materials, key items, and dummies (Final Mix)

    Max HP

    Infinite HP
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. lpfighter3
    I will look into that RIGHT now, i will update this post with the information.

    EDIT: No luck with this =/ sorry.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. lpfighter3
    I havent seen any, but i might test some of the original KH2 codes on Final Mix soon and gummi codes will be on of those things, i just cant right now... i hope they work though >.>

    Right now, i would like to wish EvilMan_89 a happy 18th B-day :P
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. lpfighter3
    You can just call me LP

    No, this doesnt seem to work =/ I loaded the magic slide coder 3.8 and then armax with codes, no luck, the same doing it in reverse order, nothing worked. Just get magic swap coder 3.8 and use RAW codes.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. lpfighter3
    Thankyou psxman. :D that will help me a lot as well.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. lpfighter3
    I believe it is a code like this "press and hold L2+R2 and walk out of area to do ____"

    But I wouldnt know how to make a Joker, or what Joker command to use for that, that is why I am a Tester and not a Coder XD.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. lpfighter3

    Not just yet, I don't think. We gotta keep testing to find that code.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. lpfighter3
    Also when reporting one that doesnt work, give the code. For Example: "00F8"
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. lpfighter3
    You must have entered the Terra code wrong, it works for me ^.^.

    After testing Drive form mods here is the bunch of useless stuff i found...

    A5 Driveing makes drive gauge go to zero
    A6 cant undrive/revert (only when gauge runs out)
    A7 nothing
    A8 nothing
    A9 game freeze
    B0 game freeze
    B1 game freeze
    B2 um, zooms you very far out so you see the whole area...weird
    B3 same as B2
    B4 game freeze
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. lpfighter3
    Ok, thanks for the info on the Cloud problem.

    As for the Mickey code, i dont have one like that, i think Xaldin has the code, PM him and see if he'll give you the code.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. lpfighter3
    I tried the Cloud (Ally) code, something is up with him, he wont move with you, but he will attack enemys... he seems to have no collision with levels and his attacks don't hurt enemys at all... @_@
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. lpfighter3
    0095 - a door of some kind
    0096 - A jar (Agrabah?)
    0097 - Genie lamp
    0098 - Top of a building (agrabah)
    0099 - a pot/jar (agrabah)
    00A2 - A Stingray
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. lpfighter3

    No problem. Most other character codes can be found on page 13. I am testing for more right now. Have fun Playing as DW Roxas :D



    0086 - "Freeze"

    008B - "Freeze"

    008C - "Freeze"
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. lpfighter3
    The The HP/MP never decrease code did not work for me either.
    You have CODER 3.8 so here is the code for DW Roxas in all worlds:

    11CE0B68 00000323

    The problem you have with the item code is odd... I havent tested that one just yet, but i will tomarrow.

    EDIT: I was testing codes and i found Jafar (dummy)

    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. lpfighter3
    You at least have a modded PS2?
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. lpfighter3
    That will work? i thought you needed the CODER to launch the game... or maybe that is only for the slim ps2...Idk...
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. lpfighter3
    Do you have a mod chip in your PS2 or do you use swap magic/magickeys? Because Swap magic and magic keys come with a copy of CODER, which i use for cheats with the game, but if you have a mod chip and your using JUST the Gameshark, i don't see why it wont work =/... also, what version is the Gameshark? version 2 and 3 should work fine, because I have 3 and version 2 codes work fine on my CODER.
    Post by: lpfighter3, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault