Ah, I see. But he said he tried converting, so maybe it is the Madcatz one =/.
Doesnt gameshark 1 use RAW codes? try that.
Really? Because I use magic keys on my slim ps2, I keep the thing on all night sometimes and I have had no problems.
I found these codes for the original KH2, i did some math and they work for KH2 FM+. What do you mean they'r in the Euro codebase?
I've got new Character code slots ^^ Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form) 11CE0B70 0000???? Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form) 11CE0B71 0000???? Character Slot 7 (Master-Form) 11CE0B72 0000???? Character Slot 8 (Final-Form) 11CE0B73 0000???? Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form) 11CE0B74 0000???? Character Slot 10 (King Mickey) 11CE0B75 0000???? These were easy to figure out ^^
Try this No BGM 202BD264 0000302D 202BD2AC 0000302D
[/completly off topic] Dude, Bizkit047, you live in Bristol? I live in Litchfield (a small town, close to Torrington). Nice to know i am not the only one from CT here ^.^ . [/On topic] I tried a code to have Ally Axel on your team (the digits are 04DC ) But my game freezes up after about 2 seconds of no game play =/
0323 < that is his character code.
sorry about that, here is a working Terra code P39N-7EDZ-FDC2A Z5CD-R7Y5-GU66B I don't have the codes for Xaldin or Larxene, but i do have hooded Roxas boss 002R-XB1Z-02RPA YK3Q-Z1KD-112DG
How come i cannot convert them BACK to RAW? wait... in the other FM+ thread you posted codes, that i cannot convert back, these ones do... I would have to say that you just did that to get some post >.>
First you need an Action Replay max disc, then read the instructions that come with it, then you use what it told you to enter in a new game and new codes. then you activate the codes and launch the game.
Name the exact codes you want and I will be more than happy to find and convert the codes you want. I don't want to waste all of my time making ARMAX codes for all the 19 bosses i know RAW codes for... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some Terra in party (replace donald) D9CG-FR4N-KRXXP Z5CD-R7Y5-GU66B Terra in party (replace goofy) DH81-XH9V-HQEYV YEV9-YQ5X-T9KHZ Sephiroth in Party (replace donald) PQ77-ME75-ARDRA D2E2-MMU3-5CZUK Sephiroth in party (replace goofy) 2E74-U00Q-AJPAM R51K-RP6B-TCMKM Riku (boss) in Party (replace donald) UNHR-DUHE-KHUN6 K46R-PQU5-7WHJ5 Cerberus (Boss!) in party (replace donald) 23DW-1E2M-XWVAB P3TN-Y4ZP-JN4QR Request specific codes and i will try to find them. -------------------------------------------------- Here is a 100% working Infinite Drive code 20157D8C 0C030808 201A1BC0 46000306 200C2020 91CD01B2 200C2024 240100FF 200C2028 A1CD01B1 200C202C 03E00008 200C2030 A1C101B0 I have tested this and it works perfectly, you can even revert ^.^
1C9AF328 90D4E7A1 1C9AF32C 0C585EAB 1C9AF320 B0D4E7A5 1C81EF00 105393A5 That is the one I use for infinite HP, but it also gives you a very long bar of HP, tested on Terra, and it works :P That can be done with anyone, you can even have Sora turn into Roxas XD. All it is is one character mod code a joker and another character mod code, fun nonetheless. MEGAEDIT: Have Mickey in your party anyone? :P Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CE0B6A 00000764 Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CE0B6C 00000764 Have fun :D:D:D
I use SwapMagic 3 plus version CODER 3.8, which supports RAW codes, and the menu systems are pretty basic and easy to use. I have tried loading the cheat device (i tried ARMAX), swapmagic and then the game, i too got nothing. I tried the swapmagic and cheat device then the game and got nothing also, so i have stuck with my CODER, it is the easiest way to go.
...Ok, I am sorry munboy , but your request is impossible, because characters that aren't supposed to be there must replace your party members. So, you could have Seph and Riku, Terra and Riku, or Terra and Seph, but not all 3 at the same time. Unless you want one of them in your "Guest" Slot... @_@ you must be joking, I tested one of the codes on my game, it worked, so I converted it.... all the other codes work, then why not the HP codes??? codebreaker version 9 and up use RAW codes, if what i just read in a topic is true... So It would just be easier to use the CODER since you need to use that anyway.
I believe that this is correct, all i know is that my coder 3.8 uses RAW.
RAW codes might work =/.... what version of codebreaker do you have? Your able to load the game without codebreaker, correct?
With CODER, you wont need the codebreaker :P. I don't know how to use another cheat device with the coder =/ I tried to load ARMAX codes with the coder and i failed :(, it is just eaiser to use coder for the raw formats, if you know how load the game, and just use codebreaker, that would be nice to know, if you can, i can convert some codes for you.
Yeah, But EvilMan won't be back for months :( . I would Take place here, but the Final Mix Thread is where i help the most. I can't really help with normal KH2 because i lost the disc =/
A "Joker" is a code like this "Press and hold X and walk out of area to activate ____" It is basically used to activate a code WHEN you need it.