I haven't found the file for armored Xion yet. However, even if I did/do, the model files for the playable characters seem to be zipped up in a special .z format, which I am not sure how to decompress or compress.
R2 folder is for Dual Wielding Roxas. Not sure about the shadow file.
Perhaps because Axel uses 2 weapons, and Roxas only uses one?
I corrected myself, you're correct. As for the files you found, I haven't looked yet.
Edit: you're correct. =P It controls the model, weapons and animations. I changed the files of: NDS_UNPACK\data\ba\ch\ma with the files in NDS_UNPACK\data\ba\ch\so, and now Marluxia has a keyblade, with Sora's moveset...
I unpacked the .NDS file using DSLazy, then I go to the folder: NDS_UNPACK\data\Ms Once there, I made a backup of 00.p. I am currently replacing 00.p with other files to figure out what all of the files are. I am also documenting my findings as I go:
Yeah, this is fun. =P Hint: Spoiler Enemy hacking
Maybe you're right, we'll see though. =P The files for the load screen text is located at: NDS_UNPACK\data\UI\load\str I would imagine the game would still try to load the files, thus causing the ROM to crash.
Most of the files in that folder are enemy files, which I am documenting. However, not sure what that particular file is. I am going to say that it is perhaps part of the files for the Spoiler Xion Boss.
This topic is in the wrong part of the forums. Anyway, If this is meant to be Xemnas, perhaps it was replaced by the dragon battle instead. This is the firest time I've seen or heard of this, so I am not sure.
Using a program named DSLazy.
So, I found out how to decompress and recompress the .NDS file here's something I found: Sadly, there is only english text for the load screens, that and a few other languages. I looked elsewhere and only JP files are there. I know someone found this before, but still. =P
Question, How could I open the image? I'd like to do some digging in the files, but have no clue how to open the image. With DSLazy or something?
Everyone is entitled to their own feelings. Perhaps she is just a good sport and takes a "punishment" when it is handed to her. Personally, I would most likely never talk to her father. But to be angry at her is, to put it mildly; ******ed. I've had similar situations, where my GF's parents tried to keep me and her apart. But if you can get so upset at the situation that you can be angry at her, you have to ask yourself if it is true love. I've been with my girl for almost two years, and I could never stay mad at her for long, perhaps a few minutes.
I tried doing that (putting the character mod code and the wep/move code together), it just freezes the game on my R4i.
I second this question.
Xemnas with Axel's Chakrams 9204C1E4 00000002 2204CA8F 0000000D D0000000 00000000 9204C1E4 00000080 2204CA8F 00000000 D0000000 00000000 1207E676 00007861 120B232A 00007861 120B239F 00007861 120B2386 00007861 Usable in story mode.
Already got a code for it, it is included in the all weapons code above.
Yeah, I tried those codes (from the OP), and they hardly gave me ALL items. >_> Ok, they are codebreaker... any chance for AR versions?
Anyone have a code for 99 of this item? I hear it can be used to play as a legit Dual-wielding Roxas in mission mode.