A boy had heard the conversation between Raven and the older girl "Bet that girl is a Mud blood isn't she boy?" Raven looked confused "A what?" "Mudblood, they have no wizarding relatives most are scum but a few are alright and they are in Sytherin though We are better than the rest" Raven wondered if what the boy was telling him was true. He looked down the table of Sytherins some seemed alright but others looked mean. Raven was getting worried he heard what Rikka said earlier on the train in his mind:
Raven felt confused He looked over at the Gryffindor table Some of the other students were now looking at him strangely almost with hate what had he done? A older Syltherin student said "What do you keep looking over there for the rest of the houses are for losers Sytherin's are the best house it is we that own this castle" "right " Raven replied not knowing what to say. He looked back and Rikka and wondered if she would still be his friend...
Longbottom then read out "Gaunt Raven". Raven felt sure that he was about to join Rikka the hat then went over his eyes as he put it on and he heard a voice inside his head say "Your a smart one, clever as they come, your brave too, your hardworking, and cunning with a disregard for rules. You could be in any of these houses but your blood is old boy very old and your from His blood line I can tell. You want to prove yourself and become a great wizard. Your best bet is..." the hat then called at for the rest of the hall to hear "Syltherin" Raven felt shocked he looked across the hall to see how she would treat him and then walked over to the Sytherin table feeling nervous.
occ we may have to stop because there is no one else here but the two of us. Raven smiled and claped and watched as Rikka went over to the Gryffendor table. Prof Longbottom called out the names of some other students.
Raven was worried what if he was put in a different house than the rest would they still like him or would they be mean to him. occ when you try on the hat you can either tell your thoughts and why you were put in the house or you can just have the hat call out the house
Prof. Longbottom then called "Rikka your next" Raven smiled and wispered "good luck."
"come on them" Said prof. Longbottom. As they walked they noticed a old tattered looking hat that was heavily patched up. A rip in the brim of the hat opened up that looked like a mouth and it started to sing: "A thousand years or more ago, When I was newly sewn, There lived four wizards of renown, Whose names are still well known: Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor, Fair Ravenclaw, from glen, Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad, Shrewd Slytherin, from fen. They shared a wish, a hope, a dream, They hatched a daring plan To educate young sorcerers Thus Hogwarts School began. Now each of these four founders Formed their own house, for each Did value different virtues In the ones they had to teach. By Gryffindor, the bravest were Prized far beyond the rest; For Ravenclaw, the cleverest Would always be the best; For Hufflepuff, hard workers were Most worthy of admission; And power-hungry Slytherin Loved those of great ambition. While still alive they did divide Their favourites from the throng, Yet how to pick the worthy ones When they were dead and gone? 'Twas Gryffindor who found the way, He whipped me off his head The founders put some brains in me So I could choose instead! Now slip me snug about your ears, I've never yet been wrong, I'll have a look inside your mind And tell where you belong!" Then prof. Longbottom started to read names of students to step forward and be sorted.
"Uh i donno I think he is the herbology teacher" said Raven. A man came into the hall he was tall and had brown hair and a rather round face. He looked a little clumsy and his robes had stains from dirt. "Come around now. Soon you will all be sorted into your separate houses. Either from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin"
"Come on this way!" Fliched yelled trying to be louder than Peves' farting noises. Raven followed them to a large door where Flich said "I will go in and see if there ready you will wait here and professor Longbottom will come out and explain everything."
The ghost soared around the hall yelling "Ickle little bitty firsties what fun Peves then started droping dung bombs in the cordor making a lound farting sound. Raven took his hand from Rikka's and pluged his noise with it "that stinks." Flich then yelled "I will have your 'ead for this Peves if its the Last damn thing i do in this place!" Raven turned to rikka and wispered "yeah he has a bit of a temper I agree."
Raven walked up the stairs into the entrance way and flich was waiting for the first years "All of you come along now your keepin' the rest of the hall waiting, you are." Mrs. Noris the cat followed fliches heels was the students assembled. occ we have to find more people to be in this rp it would make it a lot better.
"Hey some time after we get sorted into houses do you guys want to hang out I guess if not we will see eachother in classes." said raven taking a step forward to the stairs.
The boats docked on a small cave that led up through the castle to the great hall Raven was shaking he was so scared and nervous he could barely move.
The boats started to move and the reflection of hogwarts glittered on the lake "I heard there was a giant squid in here that is just freaky... And mermaids at the bottom This whole place is amazing" occ McGonagall will be head mistress I think
"Well I am extremely nervous but I can't wait its so exicting! Can any one do magic yet I can only do some simple stuff" said Raven
occ yeah I am going to need to decide who is going to be the headmaster of hogwarts, the transfiguration teacher, the potions master and Defense against the dark arts teachers so we may not be able to do classes right away Raven walked toward the large man calling the first years he was massive. He looked around and saw a path leading to the lake lined with small row boats and he got in one.
occ keep in mind that it has been 19 years so there may be change in staff. Raven felt the train come to a halt he walked out of the compartment and heard a voice from the station at hogsmead calling "First years this way. First years over here."
"I want to go in the forest think of what we could find there. I want to explore all of hogwarts. Even the dungeons and towers"
"ghosts! I heard there was were wolves in the forbidon forests and giant spiders" Xanatos shivered. He pulled on his robes and opened the standard book of magic grade one and started reading
"Well I am sure we can all be friends if we are not in the same houses." Xanatos said he looked at the castle amazed "I heard we have to go across the lake on boats."