"I could be... I can't really prove I am not... But keep in mind that I am the one who saved you and preformed the magics." Xanatos paused looking around the inn with a rather bored expression on his face. "I would try the other one, Citoriel he seemed to be masking his energies in a strange way."
Raven got his charms book out of his bag and said "Nah I am not like that, I mean I don't feel any different then yesterday. So maybe Its not that important."
Raven sat next to Rikka "Yeah we're still friends why?"
"Thats because I was able to put up a barrior so our souls don't start connecting. My memories are sealed only occasional emotions might slip through it." Said Xanatos walking next to them.
Raven walked up to Rikka "hey whats going on?" he said yawning sleepily "Charms is first lesson wonder what it will be like."
Raven woke up and headed down stairs he felt better now that he had some sleep. He went up stairs into the great hall and looked at his course schedule and sighed the feeling of anxiousness returning.
occ only if you kept it hidden or in the forest or something...
occ well the only problem would be it would get WAY to big and you would probably get expelled so trying to keep it closer to the books i don't think so but shadow of rikus choice laters going to sleep Bic: Raven managed to stumble back into his bed and he fell asleep instantly. His mind dreaming about hogwarts and his future in the wizarding world.
occ no others have cats they are just offline at the moment.
occ yay another Slytherin Raven could not sleep so he went down into the common room and starred at the fire the warmth filling him.
occ I have updated my profile so it now has a pic Raven looked at his bat glave he opened her cage and let her rest in his hand while he stroked it with one finger. The slytherin dormitory was rather cold and the stone walls and statues looked rather frightening in the darkness. He had no friends here maybe things would get even worse.
Raven was laying on his back in his new bed He was bored and shot bright sparks out of the tip of his wand and tried using magic to repair anything he burned. He wondered why he had been put in slytherin and what the next day would be like.
occ so far 2 positive Griffindors 1 Ravenclaw and 1 Sytherin Raven couldn't see where Rikka had gone to he was rather confused but he felt sleepy so he made his way back to the great hall and followed them down to the dungeons and went to a blank stretch of wall. One of the boys said "Serpent tongue" and the wall slid open revealing the common room. He crossed the room and went into the dormitory. He chose a bed and looked around his things were already here along with Glave. Raven got into his bed and sat thinking about hogwarts.
"Nah I am not like that, in fact don't like most of them. The only boy I talked to and liked was Scorpious. Yeah the Sytherins said aweful things about you they called you some name..." Said Raven his bright blue eyes glowing in the moonlight
Raven walked outside on the grounds it was dark now and he wondered if he would get caught one the way back inside the castle. He looked around for Rikka in the dark.
Raven nodded it was kinda hard to tell what she had said since there tables were at opposite ends of the great hall but he was sure that she wanted to meet him. He smiled slightly.
Raven thought to himself "I guess I should just relax it doesn't matter what house I am in all that matters is that I am at hogwarts I can finaly learn magic!" Raven made sure that none of the other Sytherins were watching and then looked back at Rikka's table wishing he was over there instead.
occ Make your own charater and then get sorted into a house would be appreciated if it was Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff since not too many people want to be in those houses.
Occ Yeah this would be really awesome thread if we had more people who really like hp.
occ I guess we have to stop here that way the rest of the people in the rp can get sorted tommarow