"I heard it is sopposed to be Kinda boring at first you'know turning matches into needles and stuff its sopposed to be harder."
Raven stood in the hall way around the transfiguration room wondering if this was the hardest class and if he would be any good at it.
Raven considered Lina and then said "well the professor told us to practice and if I break anything I will probably just blame it on Peves." Professor Flitwick sighed and shook his head slightly "I am sorry but I am rather busy during the weekends planing lessons and doing papers but i will allow you and some of your fellow classmates to use my room and will lend you some books and give you advice or help as you practice."
"You don't even know who they are Nova" said Xanatos "you could easily be a spy like them. For the moment we should exercise caution but all members will be treated equaly until proven" Xanatos said looking at Nova angrily.
"Of course Kai what is it you would like to talk about?" Said the professor. Raven was bored and started walking down the halls trying to levitate anything he saw. Verious objects were floating around the hall ways until he lost eye contact with them and then fell back down.
Xanatos sat in a dark corner of the bar in the inn. He was starting to wonder when they would be on the move staying in one place like this for too long was very dangerous and risky for the townspeople.
Raven smiled then stoped levitating her book and moved on to some one else Professor Flitwick then stood atop of his desk again and said "Good, Good I think nearly all of you have done it now. For an assignment to be due next class read chapter one of The Standard book of spells and practice the levitaion spell some more that is all. You may go now you have a 15 minute break."
Raven was now losing interest in the feather and started making peoples books fly when they weren't looking.
Raven tried again concetraiting on his feather "Wingardium Leviosa" The feather levitated into the air and then with a burst of speed it flew out of a window "opps over did it that time..." Raven said looking amused
"yeah" raven looked down at his feather and said "Wingaaardium Leevioosa" The feather shot a couple inches off the desk and then floped back down. "well it did something now you try."
Professor Flitwick said in a cheery voice "Why don't you work with Lina, Kai." He watched as the other student began using the levitating charms none of the feathers doing anything at all. \
"Ah sure you can be my partner" Said Raven looking down at the feather feeling that he would be very lucky to get it to fly.
occ I guess I will start with Wingardium Leviosa. Professor Flictwick walked into the class room he stood behind a raised desk so he was visible "Welcome to Charms Class it is here that you will be learning basic magic Charms is about enchanting objects to give them special qualities." "We will begin with something easy but very useful the Levitating charm, Wingardium Leviosa. To perform this charm you must say the name of the charm very clearly and use the wand motions swish and flick. Now all of you get into pairs of two and start practicing on feathers."
"First years aren't allowed a broom I will try all the positions but I want to be a chaser." Said Raven "That is if I fly well not sure how I will do." Occ if Shadow of riku doesn't log on soon I will do the class then.
"I will tell you the whole thing Xegram betrayed us and almost got killed by the dark energies inside him and I helped him recover by giving him a piece of my soul. Two others gave there souls also and he suspects that at least one of them is a traitor because he still feels the dark energies." Xanatos said looking bored
occ I wonder If I am sopposed to do it now since Shadow of Riku said I had charms. Raven then doodled a Large G with a snake coiled around it and a raven perched on the top. Raven looked up "Yeah kinda bored I can't wait til flying class though too bad I can't try out for quiditch until next year."
Raven looked around and said "Alright I am not being this early to the next class." He then proded his doodles with his wand trying to give them color.
"We have been having Traitor problems lately... quite a few have infultrated the guardians." Said Xanatos His dark eyes gleaming.
Xanatos walked over to the new Guardian "What questions..."
Raven did not seem to notice he was doodling on a piece of parchment drawing a large snake.