"Human form they don't know about most of our powers they don't want people to know that we are guardians." Xanatos replied "Tonight I will see if I can enchant invisiblity pendants for everyone"
"I am not on the list but every one before me seems to be. normally sitings of wanted people don't travel that fast so they have to be searching for us every where. If we are found the bounty hunters and Knights will be on are ***es next" Said Xanatos looking annoyed.
Xanatos apeared out of nowhere as he lifted his invisiblity spell He was flying low beside them to keep up with the traveling pace. "I have news from a tavern I found to the east. They have marked Xegram and Kyrie as well as a few of the older members of the guardians as criminals. Also goblins and other creatures have been spotted all over the place there have been no offical attacks but there are several disapeances. We have to act with much more care in the future and start using assumed identies and traveling in smaller groups."
Xanatos was worried what he had heard was not good news and the others needed to be warned before they got insight of the town. He stuffed several scrolls of information he had stolen into his bag and then flew off at a faster pace looking for the others.
Xanatos landed in a town that was slightly off course of his orignal destination He desguised himself then walked into a local tavern to see if he could find rumors and news.
Raven kicked off from the ground the broom was slightly unbalanced and his broom moved slightly to the left but he touched back on the ground easily. occ I am sorry If i keep calling my charater the wrong name it is a result of doing to many rps at once.
Xanatos gathered his belongings in a black bag on his shoulders and then he raised his hood and started flying his feet raised inches off the ground "I know the area I would like to scout out the town first and make sure there is no one there waiting for us" "I will meet up with you guys on the way there" He then flew forward away from the rest of the group
Raven mounted the broom his leg twitching from excitement. "I can't wait to fly" he thought.
Xanatos looked almost sarrowful for a second then returned to his normal state and said "People die in wars its that simple and if your not ready to accept that fact then your enemies will use it against you." Xanatos then thought and said "We should move out of the town fast it is not safe here anymore."
Xanatos stoped chanting and the rain stoped and the clouds disapeared "Damn I need to work on making that power faster I didn't even have enough time to do anything" thought Xanatos jumping off the building and landing smoothly on the ground.
Raven put his hand out and yelled up the broom hesitated for a couple seconds then flew into his hand. "this is easy its all about confidence."
Xanatos was watching the fight ontop of a nearby building looking down at the fighting. The wind blew strongly and his hair whirled around him. Xanatos had his staff by his side and was concentrating and muttering incantasions under his breath. Clouds started to gather overhead and it started to rain.
Raven inspected a battered and worn looking broom at his feet. He was starting to feel nervous again.
Raven was excited "I have never flow before this will be awesome!" he said walking outside hoping he wouldn't crash the broom.
occ he didn't have it on the chart but I am sopposed to be teaching it sometime I think flying class was next.
Raven managed to make his match silver and pointy but he was amused when he found out he could still light the match. Eventually He had a complete needle and he went back to doodling on parchment while sucking on the end of a sugar-quill. occ thats probably enough what class is next?
Xanatos decided that they were not in danger for the moment and started looking through the pages of his big black book looking for new spells. occ every one just stoped posting weird
"Its alright I almost got lost on the way here this place is massive." Said Raven looking around He then continued reading the Standard book of spells. occ from now on if you miss a class we will just assume you went to it unles you come in during the middle of one then your late. Will that work Shadow of Riku?
occ Shadow of Riku teaches transfig classes he is online but doesn't seem to be actively doing anything Raven took his seat in the classroom.
Xanatos watched Citoriel ready to try and blow his head off the first dangerous move he made. But his face was non expressant and he still had his look of boredom He just sat at the bar siping on a bottle.