Xanatos felt the signal of energies stronger now. Xanatos could get a lock on him this time. He felt it from across town and he traveled not in a hurry but causaly wandering the streets until he came to an alley. occ Xantos has the abilities to sense the life force of being both dead and alive he only needs to be within a few miles to sense them.
Xanatos looked up at the sky where light was begining rise. His invisibility spell only worked at night. He darted from roof to roof at very fast speeds while thinking " Whoever that guy was that followed us is not dead. I can sense his energy but it is so weak that it would be impossible to get a lock on it... I guess I will have to wait for the time being and when he is on the move I will be the one tracking him. " Xanatos then landed on the ground and cast another illusion this time he appeared to be a merchant.
Alright I am serious this time the rp will die unles i have any one who will post on the thread. Quite a few of the older members have complained on why I have not restarted the thread and the anwser is I have tried but unles you guys post I can't really do anything.
Xainkar walked out of the hallway and began desending the stairs "He walked into a training room wondering if all of his members had deserted him by now."
Raven found her outside and sat down on the bench next to her. "Hey how are you feeling?"
occ kinda getting out of hand keep in mind that Gryfindors are not monsters like the Syltherins the worst they would do is probably not talk to you or make fun of you. Raven looked over at the Gryfindor table as Rikka ran out of the room all of the Slytherins burst out into laughed some of them knocking over goblets one of them shouted "look a the mud blood run Shes probably going back to live with the muggles" Ravens face fell slightly. He finished his food and walked across the hall without any one looking at him. He exited and went to look for Rikka.
Over at the Slytherin table Raven was laughing at a joke one of the others had told and seemed to be enjoying himself.
Raven looked back as she caught up to him "your right that wasn't hard at all."
Raven smiled back and gave her a thumbs up and then at the end of class he walked toward the castle.
Raven had completed broom training by now and he gazed longingly at the quiditch pitch.
Xanatos was atop the inn watching silently and invisible as the others had fought. He then left them as he glided down off the street. He waved his staff to try and conceal the fight and stop noises of the duel from traveling less then a couple feet and began running in the opposite direction towards the man that had handed Vecked a suit case. He was at a restraunt and being very impatiant to the to the cooks obviously he had wanted to leave quickly. Xanatos approached him he had several guards but they did not really matter. He muttered a word and all of the guards eyes unfocused and then refocused with a confused looks on there faces from having there memories wiped. He walked right up to the man without detection and withdrew a needle from his coak. Xanatos pushed the needle into the back of the mans neck waited 5 seconds and pulled the needle back out and Xanatos healed over the tiny wound then retreated into the shadows. The venoms in his needle would have the man dead before Xanatos could walk back to the hotel.
occ going to bed be back later today
occ Nulix admit you can't get to us in the hotel and try again when we are in the open "Night losers" Xantos said and walked into his room. Xanatos locked his door and sat down on the bed and set up spells so that if anyone entered the room or touched the window he would waken and crossed his legs and fell into a meditative trance like sleep that would restore his energy faster.
"We had to leave a lot of members behind at the last town I wonder If they will be captured... They could be tortured and give information on us..." occ refering to all the members not at the hotel.
Xanatos walked inside the door smirking. When he was inside he took away the illusion and he regained his own appearance.
Xanatos gave the cat a quick kick and said "Bad kitty come inside now or I will feed you to ammy"
Xanatos muttered a spell that made the group almost unoticable and they blended into the crowd instantly making some one who tried to follow them confused "Are you sure you want to put them in danger?" He asked coldy.
Xanatos sighed and stopped flying now they were getting so close to the city. He transformed his staff into a walking stick and continued. "Do you know of any where to stay that is safe?" He wispered to the others
occ I just got that game yesterday YAY its awesome lol I will call you ammy when you are posing as a dog Xanatos looked disgusted at the illusion that no masked his real appearance. "Damn I can't wait until we are in alone I hate looking like a peasent"
"also we may be being pursued I saw a bird-like creature on the way here but I could not tell if it was following us or not." Xanatos said "also hide your more powerful or uncommon weapons they will be sure to draw attention." Xanatos waved his staff and his outline blurred for a second and then he had the clothes and appearance of a young smith apprentice.