Xanatos sat in a graveyard outside of a cript meditating. He opened his eyes laughing. "Finally Kyrie is dead I foresaw it in my Meditation..." He then spoke into a orb enabling him to contact Odette "I wish to destroy the village now the right moment has come shall I raise the warriors?"
Name: Lok Gender:Male Appearance:Is tall and wears a red bandanna over extremely messy brown hair. His right ear is peirced with a golden hoop and his arms and chest are heavily tatooed. He wears baggy patched pants and a beat up jacket. Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi Weapon: 2 long pistols and throwing knives Special ablilties: Expert shot, Devil fruit gives the ability to create explosions or blow up parts of there body with no harm done to them. Position: Marksman Background: Once wanted to be a soldier but quickly realized he didn't have the dicipline. He deserted from the military and took to being a hired gun until one day he aquired a strange fruit from a old shop after eating it he realized he could blow things up including himself. Reasons for Joining the Crew: He wants to fight with and against the best and get filthy rich.
I would be smart and live with the japanese Naurto because his diologue doesn't suck. Death wise I think the pokemon would be worse just having to here the stupid "gota chatch'em all!" thing 800 times and I would give up the will to live.
Xanatos had determined where the guardians were staying he would attempt to dispose of them soon. Nothing stood in the way of his masters will .... Holt saw the wolf grab onto his arm "Persistant aren't you." He pushed her back and sighed.
Holt heard the wolf howl and looked through the ice walls to see it collapsed. He collasped the barrior and he started to clean the wolfs wounds. ....... Xanatos was sure that the guardians were here it would only be a matter of time until they revealed themselves after that.
Raven was filled with guilt he had no idea what had happened when he had attacked that girl. He was just feeling so bad the magic lept out of him. He sighed putting his head down on the desk.
"But you called it a name earlier... Kyrie ... Who are you any way..." Said Holt curiously.
He looked at Nova "You alright?" He looked at the entraped wolf. It looked like no other he had seen. Its fur was white and there was red markings on it. He looked at all of the cuts and scratches he had obtainted from the fight with the wolf. "I am holt, a hunter from the far north tell me about this wolf it is very special."
Holt knocked the wolf away with the flat of his sword and made a circle of ice around it. He exended it making the ice walls rise so she could not jump out.
Holt summoned his power and placed a hand on the wolf atempting to freeze it solid.
Holt was forced to release the wolf as it flailed around. He backed up a couple paces to regain his footing and held his knife at the ready to defend.
Occ she is rabid she will attack anyone including you Holt quickly turned over as the wolf tackled him. He had pinned it to the ground as fast as she had pounced and quickly pulled a knife and held it to the wolves throat but did not attack he raised his head to Nova "Is beasty with you wing boy?"
"Right but seeing as you have no offical Authority I think I will deny your request and keep moving on unles of course you would like to challege me in which case I would tell you I have better things to do than waste my time fighting a stupid thug who has wandered into a forest and thinks he can tell others what to do." Holt then heard a wolf aproach and he instintivly drew an arrow from his quiver although he had could tell that there was something incredibly different about this wolf than the others so he did not fire.
occ alright my new charater Holt walked through the gambling town looking at all of the large hotels and passed through into a forest. He felt a strange presence suddenly a kind of twinge on his palm. He looked down at the "G" symbol that had apeared a few weeks ago. He somehow knew that all of his questions would be anwsered soon. He then heard the far off sound of a waterfall and frantic voices carrying on the wind. He sent off on foot at a fast but silent run.
My second charater... Name: Holt Gender:Male Age:27 Race: Human Power: Ice Weapon: Carries a long bow, long knives, and a small axe. Apearance: Is medium height and has long messy dark hair, blue eyes and a small pointed beard. He wears leather armor and furs from different animals he has killed. Background Story: He was a skilled hunter from the North but monsters destroyed his town, He tracked down the beasts and killed them. He has traveled the land, clensing forests of dangerous beasts and protecting towns. Personality: He can sometimes be grim and serious but mostly he is hardworking and cheerful.
occ can I make another charater star? or do you want me to be full time evil
occ for those who needed a recap I went evil and under orders from the dark lord destroyed the capitol killing thousands that lived there
occ going to bed I think Xanatos looked at her strangely his eyes seemed to go back to normal for a second and deep down he hated the true anwser "I was afraid of my destiny...I have nothing to live for." He turned away she couldn't understand the only one with any knowlege about Xanatos past was Xegrem sense he had given him the memories "ask your beloved Xegrem he knows... enjoy what time you have left with him guardian soon he too will become like me... He walks toward the path of the dark lord." he then mouthed the last two words "protect him" Xanatos left disapearing in a black haze.
Xanatos saw the bullets and did nothing they stopped as they came near him. The bullets stopped in mid air the metal became deformed and morphied into a large ball which was sent flying back at Geryl
Xanatos smiled as he saw the wolf form of Kyrie aproach he knew he was not strong enough yet to battle her head on, but he could defintely have some fun by toying with her mind. "Hello Kyrie you seem to be a bit behind the times. So ironic that when we first met, I was the one who saved your loved one and wanted nothing more then to help fight evil. But now things have changed and the power of the black king echo's through my being. So now you have to ask yourself what would happened if I destroyed the piece of my soul living inside of Xegrams body? It would destroy him and leave him lifeless..."