"My Last name is Gaunt" Xanatos said "If it is I soppose we should put on our wizards robes..." He looked at his suitcase "What classes are you guys looking forward to? I like transfiguration and Defense against the Dark Arts"
"I want to change I want to become better I was raised by muggles and it is so boring nothing exciting ever happens. I am half blood though some person said my last name is famous..."
Xanatos wandered around the woods he sopposed it was time to go find the others he hated wasting time like this the more they delayed the stronger enemy forces became "They aren't even training" He muttered under his breath.
Ravens face fell slightly "Well I am really not sure I just hope I am not in hufflepuff Maybe I will be in Raven claw!" He then bought a fizzing wizbie from the trolley lady along with a candy wand. "I have never had sweets like these before."
Raven sat down on the seat and looked out the window nervously "Does anyone know what house you will be in?"
Raven walked in the compartment with Isabella and Sam "Sorry every where else is full" He said rather nervously. "I think the train will leave soon any one know how long it will take to get to hogwarts?"
Xanatos' face did not change but a dark look seemed to be eminating from his eyes "what about you Citoriel why would you possibly risk your soul for a complete stranger?" occ sorry will be back in a couple hours Bic: Xanatos then turned around and disapeared into the trees he needed some more time to think this over.
"I regret it. I had not thought of the consequences of the action. Both memories and possibly powers will have been transfered between us and him also deep and powerful conections might be formed which could be used to delve into our minds if he reverts to the other side..." Xanatos said his mind wondering why he had been so foolish the night before could it have been the girl...
Xanatos looked up at Citoriel and the dragon. He managed to get up and the dead grass started to regrow. "Oh, hi... Citoriel right? He then studied the dragon it had been some time since he had seen one.
yeah you can join when enough people are there we should start at kings cross.
Xanatos sat meditating on the outskirts of a village in a small open area. His eyes were closed and an unatural wind was blowing through the area. All plants and insects within a few feet of him were dying from the energies surounding him. Xanatos' mind was whirling with thoughts. "The guardians are weaker in spirit than I thought from the information I have gathered several have already gone on the opposing side. And others are either not trained well enough or they are emotionaly unbalanced there is no way we could possibly win the war..."
Xanatos was lying under a tree his eyes closed but he was awake. He had heard what Kyrie and Xegram had said and he felt disgusted all sympathy from the night before was gone and he was wondering why he even bothered to help the stupid traitor and a wolf. Xanatos hooded himself and silently cast an invisbility spell then he walked away from them.
alright everyone add there wand types
Xanatos looked at Kyrie "yeah... should be fine..." then his eyes unfocused and he fell back into uncousiousness he had used to much of his energy and exhasted himself by giving to much of his own soul. He lay on the ground one hand clutching his staff and his blank face pointed up toward the full moon. occ going to bed its 1 over here will be back tomarrow and I know I spelled it wrong I already went back and fixed it
Xanatos fell on the ground one knee keeping him up he struggled to remain consious but he was very tough. "Good that should help him" He watched as Kyrie and Citoriel repeated the process and he thought "she looks so determined all of this to help out another team member or are her feelings more... and the new man acted selflessly for a stranger" He then thought of something else "What memories would be transfered between Xegram and I... and why did I help him at all whats going on with me?" Xanatos finaly looked up and anwsered CItoriel's question "Next I will bind the souls with him... They are not yet connected but I am still worrying the consquences of such actions..." He then lifted the staff and uttered another string of words. There was no sign that anything had happened this time because the magic was inside of Xegram.
"Depends on if you want to help us revive him by letting me take a peice of your soul and put it in Xegram" He then said to Kyrie "If your sure you want to do this cut across your chest and take a part of your soul out only a little though it should regrow in time." Xanatos produced a large knife and cut across his chest. He then forced his hand into the wound and tore out something that looked a bright silver blue color. His wound healed up a little alowing Xanatos to breath he pressed the soul inside Xegram and them handed the knife to Kyrie.
"There is one thing that I can try but it is dangerous... extremely dark magic..." Xanatos said in a low tone. "It will involve sacrifice... I can do it, with your help it is not fatal If done by more than one person but you most be willing"
Xanatos looked at Kyrie strangely He had never been asked for help and he was not sure he wanted to give it. "I will mend his body but it will not wake him most of the damage was done inside his soul. I cannot mend his soul without killing him" Xanatos Lifted his Staff and chanted softly and tiny blue stars rained down on Xegram healing his wounds.
Alright on your profile make the add wand and blood status along with anything else you can think of. I will teach defense against the dark arts Transfiguration, And Divination
Xanatos looked down at the bloody and mangled body of Xegran "Thats what happens when you mess with dark energies and you use them lightly, not to kill..." He turned to Kyrie "I am Xanatos a guardian." He held up his hand and engraved on it was a large black spikey looking "G"