Well they look similar either way so it could have just been that they gave Squal longer hair. His a pic of Laguna: Edit: This is for people that don't know what Laguna looks like:
I like the music in KH, KH:FM, KH:CoM, and KH2, I have all of the music on a mp3 :D
I liked Beast the best as a alternative party member because he was the most powerful.
They were more useful in KH2 because you actually depended on them in some points for like combos or limits.
I don't know what the point of the x is, maybe its just put in there so the nobodys are similar in a way.
They haven't shown us their parents yet, they probably won't sense they want it to be kept the game on Kid characters or Final Fantasy and Disney charcters.
Either the battle against Xemnas or the better gumi system.
I like' these :D : 1. Phatom 2. White Mushroom 3. Shadow 4. Wyvern 5. Trickmaster
I didn't notice it . . . . I'm probably going to go back and see.
Sorry I don't know who Laguna is so I can't tell you if he is or not . . . . .
It looked like they merged Cloud and Vincet together in KH1, they probably will show him in KH3 :D
I like Sora the best out of the three, Its probably because he just got more screen time then the others
I didn't really look in the cave, it was to dark I couldn't see XD But it was probably like in KH2 how it shows pictures in Namie's room in Twilight Town.
I voted for KH2, I thought KH1 was harder but I liked the worlds and characters in th 2nd one^_^.
Axel only looks like Reno because Tetsuya wanted to see what would happen if he put a character that looked like another character in his game, there is nothing special about it.
Hiya!^_^ Welcome to Kingdom Hearts Vids, We now own your soul so now you can never leave
I watched them all, there funny but I wish he'd make more-_-
XD I can't wait till LoZ:TP comes out XD I already preordered it^_^ I like all the zelda games.
I made these awhile back and I plan on making more^_^ First Vid I made Is near the top of the Kingdom Hearts Vids on Youtube^_^: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_IVymFdtTk Second Vid I made and Is really good and Is about Kairi^_^: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-_sKYrx9sk
The first one was boring, The Second one was funny XD