Well really this is spam anyways so this should be moved to the spam section. I was going to p.m. a mod but no one is on right now that can move it -~-
That’s a good question O_o XD lol jk Well why don't you try a cookie, or chicken . . . . . don't you know it’s the miracle food
KH:CoMre is not completely voiced anyways, but they are most likely to get English voice overs for it to.
YAY! Its Holloween! Everyone get out your punkins and sludge hammers were gonna have a great time!
Yah, Kairi just is a princess. But for how she got there . . . . . there are lots of ways people say she got there. One is that Ansem or Xanahort took Kairi to Destiny Islands. Another is that she some how got there when Destiny Island had meteor shower; *SPOILER* do you remember in KH2 ending how Sora and Riku got back to Destiny Island by a meteor shower, and if you haven't figured it out yet, Sora and Riku were basically meteors right there *END SPOILER* So Kairi could have been transported in a meteor shower by the Door to Light or something else.
Favorite Worlds --------------------------------------- Dive to the Heart (That place is just amazing; I wish that it had more to it, I feel that the last KH is going to end there.) Destiny Islands (I wish there was more to it but hopefully you will be able to play in it more in another KH) Traverse Town (Again great world but wish that there was more to it like a zero district or something) Hollow Bastion (Everything looked different and original, when you went into different rooms you really could sense and tell the rot and decay that was in the walls and the structure of it just falling apart) End of the World (This also had original and different rooms, it kind of gave the feeling that you got when going into Dive to the Heart) Good Worlds ---------------------------------------- Wonderland (It was okay just really short and not important) Deep Jungle (One of the best world in KH but it’s just really boring at some parts where you have do redo stuff because you didn't get it right the first time) Agrabah (Not that much depth in Agrabah) Atlantica (Great world but it was the only world where the controls changed and it made it harder then it should have been) Halloween Town (Great design but it’s to dark at some places to see it and there are some times where you don't know where to go) Neverland (It wasn't really Neverland; it was just Captain Hook's ship and the clock tower) Hundred Acre Wood (Its just side quests, there wasn't really a point to go in a do it) Worst Worlds ---------------------------------------- Olympus Coliseum (It wasn't really a world in KH; it was just go there and get rid of heartless in the arena) Monstro (Everything looked the same and it lacked originality)
I like Kairi the best, don't know why but it is.
It was a great game! It was probably the only game that caught my attention when I saw someone playing at an electronic or game store; I liked the look of it and decided to buy it. I loved the characters and the diversity between them as well as their relationships made it even better. It completely stands out above the crowd as the best game that has come out in a long time.
Welcome to KHV! . . . . . Oh! And by the way, don't try to leave or the KH-Vids curse will bring you back, even if it has to drag you by the hair and your screaming for dear god to help . . . . so in other words! We now own your soul and you can never leave
Hiya! Welcome to KH-Vids! We know own your soul and you can never leave
I'm up to like episode 2004 :D It took awhile and I hope they translate the episodes faster and get it out quick.
I love pokemon :D well I don't love it but its pretty good, I prefer there games over the Anime but I do like Pokemon Chronicles and I can't wait till they release the episode of Ash's Charizard facing off against Gary's Blastoids.
It came out in 2004 and the movie came out a year or so after that to. It’s a great Anime that is very complex and has a riveting story that anyone would enjoy. It is if not the best Anime that has come out so far, I definitely recommend watching it, and you can find the episodes on Youtube.
I voted for Roxas, there are lots of reasons why but I'm just to lazy to type them
Apparently he didn't, and no one yet has said where he is, so I was just answering the question.
I like Ultima Weapon th best, tits the most powerful keyblade in the game and it suits me
The guy in the hood in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix was Xemnas, you get to fight him as a secret/optional boss in Hollow Bastion and to be more specific you fight him in the room where you fought Maleficent.
KH: They probably had the most boss battles in a row more then any other game. KH2: I kinda hoped that they would top their record and put even more in for the last battles.
He will probably look like how he was in Advent Children, in KH2 he looked like Cloud in Advent Children so they will probably keep it the same in KH3.
I think her name was Raine or whatever but here is a pic of the two.