They better make Final Fantasy 13 a great game since they showed that phenomenal trailer at E3 this year, I think their just saying that their not focusing on KH but on FF so they don't piss of the FF fans, but its kind of obvious that he likes KH better then FF because of some of the stuff he said.
The pics in the scans look like a really big rip off from Kingdom Hearts -~- But if they are bringing those kind of graphics to the DS its cool with me
Hi!^_^ Welcome if I haven't said that to you already, If you ever want talk to somebody you can p.m. me
Florida has the original Disney World I think, but California had the first Disney theme park in the world known as Disney Land. I live in USA as well.
You get it when your thunder gets upgraded also when you speak to King Triton in Atlantica when you seal the keyhole. How many Bosses are there?
I have a Sephiroth Boss Battle Guide, I'll post my guides on this site and make a new topic for boss battles and stuff soon but here is the Sephiroth Boss Battle guide: Not all Bosses are like Sephiroth, he is both agile and strong and will easily kill you in a second, so be prepared. You should be at level 87 or above before fighting him, also make sure to have lots of item slots and fill Mega-Elixirs with in all of them. Sephiroth is at the Dark Depths, passed where the 1000 heartless battle was, I’m telling you now to save at the Crystal Fissure because you are going to need it, don’t say I didn’t worn you. Once the battle begins press the triangle reaction command immediately. He hits you with a quick multiple hit attack which you can block with a Reaction here or sit there and get the crap beat of you. He does this many times so always be ready to hit triangle at a moment's notice as well with other reaction commands. As expected, it's devastating and can be outright lethal. The second he is done with this attack, move in and start attacking him and use many combos. Using a ground combo ending with Explosion it's possible to juggle him for a few seconds before he recovers and starts to attack again. He will be teleporting around a lot, within close range of you. Don’t ever stop moving during the battle for anything. Try to keep a lock-on on him at all times. Like I said, he teleports a lot during the battle, so keep an eye on him at all times. He has an extended melee combo that will do extreme damage and without Second Chance and Once More, you will be dead in less than a couple of seconds. He likes to teleport to you while doing this. You can use Guard and Counterguard against his melee attacks but your timing needs to be perfect. If you see the combo coming and feel you can pull it off, then go right ahead and use Guard. There's 2 parts to the combo so you would have to guard twice. This would actually take awhile to get use to and needs a lot of practice to accomplish. Alternatively, just jump out of the way, using Aerial Dodge. If you time it right, you can swoop back in at the right time as he is ending his combo and get in a combo of your own. Another way of avoiding this attack and retaliating is to use High Jump + Aerial Dodge to jump straight up into the air as he is coming in, then use Glide ability without moving so you float in the air. Once he is at the very end of his combo, drop down and unleash an air combo. If you are able to time it right, it works perfectly. He has a ground combo that hits you into the air. If this happens, immediately (and I mean like lightning fast) press square for Retaliating Slash and mash X for a combo. If you're lucky, you can get off a nice string of hits. If at any time you see him rise up and say "Descend, Heartless Angel!" you need to get close to him and up to him as soon as possible and hit he to interrupt (then lay into him with a combo while you can). That attack will drain all of your MP and take you to 1 HP. He can do this at least a couple times during the course of the battle; don’t say I didn’t warn you. But if you’re really stocked up on mega-elixirs then use it right after he casts the spell on you, but you have to be really good with your reflexes to pull it off since he attacks you right after he casts the spell so your timing has to be perfect. Once you've managed to damage him, he will start using some more attacks in addition to his combo attacks, and around this time he is in the state that many like to call “Panic Modeâ€. He has a sort of extreme fire spell, where walls of fire will erupt from he ground. They do a lot of damage and seem to have a gravity effect so they suck you in. Use Glide to try and get away from them and really just run in the opposite direction. He can summon several balls of energy and when they get close start chain casting Reflega. When he rises up and is covered in a purple aura while invincible that means he is in his final stage. He becomes a lot more difficult. He will keep doing the above attacks, just a lot faster. If you see him rise into the air and beyond the platform, take to the air and get as far away as you can. He will be casting meteor shower and it will come in at a descending angle from just beyond him. Being on the other end of the platform and gliding back and forth is a sure fine way to avoid this attack. The best time to attack is while he is executing "Descend, Heartless Angel!" or right after his slashing attack which requires the Reaction command to avoid. Also, if you manage to get Retaliating slash off while he begins his combo which knocks you into the air, you can use that as a great time to damage him. If he uses his ground combo, jumping straight up and floating till it ends and then attacking is also great. It sounds simple but really it's not. The key is to be relentless; you have to take advantage of every single one of his weaknesses at all times. In order to finish him off, you need to deal at least 2 finishing blows in brief succession or he will remain at 1 HP and be extremely aggressive. He seems to have some kind of Second Chance and Once More abilities. Targeting him and using Trinity Limit while he is on his last bar of health (or half bar) will finish the job for you. Like any enemy he has weaknesses, exploit them at all costs. Otherwise, stay on your toes and keep moving. You don't want to get caught standing still. Be prepared at all times because he is a relentless attacker and if you aren't ready to deal with something, he will punish you for it.
Yah, none of the KH final mixes are out in the USA right now so we just have to wait and see.
You get it from Leon in the Secret Waterway in Traverse Town. Whats the weapon Sora is forst to have when Riku takes the Keyblade at Hollow Bastion?
Hi! Welcome to KH-Hacks! Have fun and never leave . . . . .its not like you can anyways because the KH-Vids curse will bring you back . . . it always brings you back Have a good time!
Hiya!^_^ Welcome to KH-Vids ^_^ We now own your soul and you can never leave
Violetta and its a weapon of Donald's. Same as my last question what items did you have to collect to build the raft in Destiny Islands?
Roxas: 600 (regular Jafar) 730 (Genie Jafar) 2000 (AntiSora) 80 (Prelim before rescue) 800 (Prelim after rescue) 500 (Herc. Before rescue) 1000 (Herc. After rescue) 1000 (Hades Cup) +_______________________ 6710 (all exp. Combined) Roxas is Hot: Hollow Bastion ------------------------------------------------------- What items did you have to collect to build the raft in Destiny Islands?
I think you meant When Sora became a Heartless, his Nobody was created. That Nobody decided to name himself Roxas. That is the 'other side of the heart' Vexen was speaking about. But that is not what he meant anyways, He meant Roxas when Vexen said "other side of your heart", and what Vexen meant by "your other side remembers" is that when Sora's memories where being taken away from him in KH:CoM they where going to Roxas so he remembered Sora's memories, that’s why they needed Roxas in KH2 so they could give Sora his memories back. Roxas didn't choose to be called Roxas, his name was given to him by Xemnas.
I’ve seen a picture where they combined the Turks and Organization 13, it had the Organization members looking like the Turks XD I guess they kind of look the same but I think both groups are different in ways.
Probably Vincent or Cecil, but I hope that they don't do that with Hades again because then it would seem repetitive . . . . .
If their last names were reaveled then Tetsuya would have a reason for it, it would probably be part of the story of KH3, so possibly if Tetsuya did say that he was going to reveal Sora's last name then there would be backup for the theroy that Sora's dad is in KH3, but for now he has not revealed that so the theroy is completely opened ended and stupid. So guessing there last names would have no backup as well right now so this is just going to be wilding guessing and it has no real point. But if I had to I would say Sora's last name would probably mean something elemental in KH3, Since Sora means Sky in japanese.
If Namine joined the orginanization then her name would be the same. The organization members were recruited by Xemnas, or he found his old partners that where with him and Ansem, when they confused and lost, he gave them a name that was jumbled up letters of their old name and he put a x in it to make them feel unique and hole, with that they felt like they had a purpose with Xemnas and followed him and became a member of the organization. Namine already has her name so unless the organization was picky with members names they wouldn't change her name.
They probably will use him for the remakes that are coming out in a while, but if Sora is in KH3 they will not use his voice anymore, it will be to deep by then, and I know they don't want to use him anymore but they have to right now for the remakes . . . . . you should expect a different voice actor for Sora if he is in KH3.
Sora's mode was way easier then Riku's, you actually have control over your deck and stratagy was put in it because of it, but with Riku you couldn't control your deck and what cards where in it so all you could do was swing at Riku and hope for the best . . . . . .
Yaysh! Coolsh! Thanksh for the new information . . . well some new sense we already guessed that stuff about KH:CoMre and its just comfirming it even more, I really hope that they do bring KH2:FM+ to the USA with KH:CoMre this time around unlike KH:FM.