hello im alysun and i only have one friend i see a lot of people online at the same time and i want to get to know you i mean isnt that what this is all about (other than kingdom hearts)
now that sounds like a good idea
got to go dont spank kids make them have atimeout or watch tellitubies or listen to jesse mcartnie
see thats what i was talking about!
OMG he bug me (the only reason i dont like Roxas)
that would work lol
so i guess spanking is a good thing but wat about if their teenagers already?
i would hope not (wasnt a very good idea then)
how about if their bad take away all their toys that would make them upset
I agree most kids are brats but why would u spank them? it seems pretty pointless to me just hit him on the back of the head or put them in a timeout