The only thing I'm not sure of is if he's actually dead or still alive. There are some things in the link below that say RIP and the last text message implies he did it, but it's not totally clear. If he did, it doesn't really say how he did it, but I just hope it wasn't painful. (Note: Obviously, I'm not condoning suicide, so please do not take that the wrong way. I'm just saying that no death, regardless of cause, should be painful.) My condolences go out to his family either way, and to him if he's still alive. Nobody should have to battle depression. Source: Bizzarepedia Published: August 25, 2015
View attachment 42871
I realize there's already a thread regarding the remake in Square Enix, but this is more general. What are some things you've yet to accomplish in the game? Personally, I still haven't beaten Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon on my first and main file. I've tried a few times, but obviously I'm doing something wrong. Basic Stats Advanced Stats Equipment Enemy Skills Character Level HP MP Limit Level Strength Dexterity Vitality Magic Spirit Luck Cloud 81 7,829 999 4 97 58 86 160 125 28 Yuffie 80 7,939 851 4 74 70 78 136 89 30 Cid 81 7,987 999 4 78 58 86 140 99 27 Character Attack Attack % Defense Defense % Magic Attack Magic Defense Magic Defense % Cloud 197 110 151 64 160 125 60 Yuffie 170 112 138 25 136 89 0 Cid 175 103 148 19 140 99 0 Materia in green has been mastered, with the exception of Enemy Skill, which can't be mastered. Character Weapon Armor Accessory Materia Cloud Ultima Weapon Mystile Safety Bit Restore + All, Poison, Earth, HP Plus, Enemy Skill, Deathblow, Mime, W-Summon, Bahamut, Neo Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO, Alexander, Phoenix Yuffie Conformer Minerva Band Ribbon Restore, Time, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Slash All, W-Item, Enemy Skill, Mega All, HP Plus, Revive + Final Attack, Ramuh, Kjata Cid Venus Gospel Escort Guard Fire Ring Odin, Restore, Barrier + All, Enemy Skill, Sense, HP Plus, Counter Attack, W-Magic, Double Cut, Comet, Leviathan, Hades, Knights of the Round Character Enemy Skills Learned Cloud Frog Song, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer, White Wind, Big Guard, Angel Whisper, Dragon Force, Death Force, Laser, Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Beta, Aqualung, Magic Breath, Goblin Punch, L5 Death, Roulette, Shadow Flare, Pandora's Box Yuffie Frog Song, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer, White Wind, Big Guard, Angel Whisper, Dragon Force, Death Force, Flamethrower, Laser, Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Beta, Aqualung, Trine, Magic Breath, ????, Goblin Punch, Chocobuckle, L5 Death, Death Sentence, Roulette, Pandora's Box Cid Frog Song, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer, White Wind, Big Guard, Angel Whisper, Dragon Force, Death Force, Laser, Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Beta, Aqualung, Magic Breath, Goblin Punch, L5 Death, Roulette, Pandora's Box
It has come to my attention that @Nights☆ lost a very good female friend of his. That's all I know, though. If he wishes to provide more details, he may. I thought we could all give him our condolences and post a beautiful photo of something to help him feel better. My condolences to you, Nights. I know you'll pull through, though, because you have the heart of a...
I've become really addicted to this:
Okay, so I haven't played through the story as much as I have with Dragon Quest VII: Journey of the Cursed King and I certainly haven't played through the story to death as I have with Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, but I've played through it a few times (I'm currently doing a second walkthrough) and I still don't fully understand Final Fantasy VII's story. Can someone break it down to me? How is Sephiroth controlling Cloud? Why did Sephiroth kill Aerith? (Those are just a couple of questions, but I would appreciate a breakdown of the whole story.)
I asked about six years ago on YT, but obviously never got an answer. Came across this again while going through my favorites:
I don't know if it was ever officially declared, but we're in a state of emergency! There are video and photos in there. However, that's just the latest. Several others have already been evacuated. It's so bad that firefighters from Australia and New Zealand are being mobilized to assist. Edit: It should be noted that, on the bright side, our county's still holding strong with regard to not having a fourth summer in a row with a major wildfire. Thanks to wind today, we're clear, but we've been dealing with smoke in our valley, and we don't even have any fires in the vicinity.
Happy birthday, @Scarred Nobody!
Notice how it butts right up against the edge of the background: View attachment 42847
Wait, never mind. They're not important. Edit: However, @Karuta is! Happy belated birthday (August 14)! I'm sorry, buddy!
My mom, aunt, and I went to the Moses Lake water park and spent a couple hours there. Stopped at a restaurant to get something to eat. Got on I-90 to go home. Some miles after we got on, right before the Vantage grade, traffic was completely stopped. It was so bad that many got out and walked around and many, including us, shut off their vehicles. The first time we stopped, we stayed that way for about 15-30 minutes. Then we would move about a 100 feet and stay there another 15-30 minutes. There was a wreck involving six vehicles (from what we counted once we finally got up there) due to a severe dust storm, which my mom was getting alerts on her cell about. Someone or some people were pretty badly hurt as an ambulance came and rushed back on I-90 Eastbound, which was also closed in that area. Why? I don't know, as there wasn't a wreck on that side. It didn't help that, alongside the dust storm, there were winds and gusts up to 45 MPH and we were right next to an area where a wildfire burned last month (which closed the freeway for a few hours) and ash was also getting blown around. At times, we couldn't even see the vehicles in front of us, though we were still stopped at that time. Finally, after about two and a half hours, we started moving and kept moving and got past the wreck. There were still some areas where dust built up since vehicles weren't traveling over it due to the wreck, but once we got past that and started going uphill right before going downhill again toward the bridge, we were able to get back to normal and go 70 MPH. We got back in the evening. Edit: The build-up of dust on the road is actually what caused the wreck, so it already built up beforehand. Here's an article with a traffic camera photo showing how bad it was where we were: There was also a 30-car pileup near Ritzville due to a dust storm, from what my mom told me earlier this morning. Anyway, that's why I wasn't on part of yesterday morning, all afternoon, and part of yesterday evening. I wasn't on all night because I got caught up with other things and I was tired, so I popped on briefly today around 12:40 AM after not being on since 7:51 PM yesterday and then went to bed. I think that was partly because of the chlorine in the water, though. In other news, there are so many wildfires in our state--luckily, none in our county yet, so we're still holding strong on not having a fourth summer in a row with a major wildfire--I'm surprised a state of emergency hasn't been declared. Chelan County, a drive of about two hours from here, is completely surrounded. In addition, 9,000 people are without power due to 30 power poles being burned, and they're not going to be able to get power back up within 24 hours. Although thanks to the winds, the smoke's cleared up in our valley. It's clear skies, except for some clouds. Sadly, I haven't seen the entire original series, but I have seen episodes here and there. Looks promising.
When @Mikuru Asahina fixed his gender, it updated everywhere, except for under the Information tab, and I just noticed mine's stuck on female there as well because I was recently Karen Erra, so I suspect it's some caching issue of the sorts. See his screenshot here: @Misty, @libregkd, could this be related to the custom gender field?
I'm not sure if this is a one-time thing, so I'm reporting it just in case. When you make a post via quick reply, your activity updates. However, this didn't seem to be the case with @Cat~ earlier: View attachment 42815
Happy birthday, @Roxas24Sora!
As title. View attachment 42811 All dat space.
I just noticed I forgot to update the Last Updated for my Activity Log project in my signature from 7/26/2015 to 8/2/2015 on Sunday.
When you hover over the sub-forums popup menu, for the split second before the popup menu actually opens, the text is hard to see. This is an issue on both styles. View attachment 42802 View attachment 42803
@CaptainMIG, @The Fuk? Happy birthday!