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  1. Catch the Rain



    >: where the hell is my dragon?

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Mar 9, 2008, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Catch the Rain


    Come closer my dearies for I have had a vision, the oracles do tell me you should watch this space,

    I see a story approaching in the future...

    :3 maybe there will be, maybe there wont be, who can tell?

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Mar 6, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Catch the Rain


    "I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone
    All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity
    Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind"

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 27, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Catch the Rain
    Well I think he should have one actually, :3 he's a pretty alright dude and a good staff xD

    Besides, more staffz need these <3

    so this be the fanclub for *Sora* play nice and post dearies

    You know the drill

    No flaming or insulting alright :3


    • Catch the Rain
    • Trigger
    • K a i r i
    • Darkandroid
    • Ghe|tt|o²Xemnas.
    • Sorax
    • Sora 13
    • TheChosenOne
    • Crisp
    • Cocohints
    • Oblivion_riku
    • oX Angel Xo

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 24, 2008, 39 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  5. Catch the Rain


    Well don't you look might prettyful <3

    welcome back on team dearie

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 21, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Catch the Rain
    It would be full of Unicorns and sugar and flowers and killer robots and sharks and rabied squirrels and and and cardcaptors and dinosaurs and cookies and sunshine and rain and snow and pizza and pirates and chocolate and flying horses and Sweeney Todd and dancing and sword fights and magic and big monsters and those sparkly things and also chinese food, but I wont

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 16, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Catch the Rain
    Guys this is from O R A N G E, chicks leaving for good. This is the message she wants you all to have.


    Dear Kh-vids,

    I feel absolutely horrible about doing this. Oh my god, it's so hard. I don't even know what to say or how to begin or what I'm going to do at all with my life. I just-well, I'm being forced to leave you guys and the site forever.
    It all started last night. Rosey was telling me some things and I ended up crying. Well, it turns out I don't have school today, so my mom came up and wanted to look at the list of schools that are off on the computer and she heard me crying. Then, she went to X out the page that said all of the school closings, which would reveal my IM's, and I jumped to the mouse to try and get her not too, which made it even more suspicious. One thing led to another and I ended up revealing to her about KH-vids and why I was crying, which was a big mistake.

    Things are not going well for me. I am now blocked from KH-vids, MSN, and many other websites. My mother doesn't want me involved with anything to do with Kingdom Hearts or any of the people I met on here. She thinks that you guys are, (in her words) "50 year old men sitting around masturbating while they talk to little girls like me". I don't know what to say. She doesn't know you guys like I do. And as funny as that may sound to you, this is serious for me, because honestly, I don't even know what I'm going to do without KH-vids. Plus the fact that my mother doesn't trust me at all anymore. I'm not allowed to leave the house or go anywhere or do anything at all for a very long time. I've lost my entire family's trust. I feel horrible.
    I don't even know how things are going to be for me from now on. Kh-vids has been my home since March of last year. I could never picture going without it, but I guess I'm going to have to. My mom doesn't want me to stay in contact with you guys at all, but I promise, I will find a way. I could never just up and stop talking to you guys. I'm too close with you to do that. She hasn't blocked AIM. So if anyone has AIM and wants to contact me, do it. My sn is edited
    I'm crying as I type this. I can't picture going without KH-vids for more than like, a day. It's so hard to realize that things aren't just going to go back to normal, and I won't be able to just log on here and get away from all of my troubles.

    Oh my god, I can't believe this. Everything is happening too fast for me.

    Rosey- Despite what happened last night, you're still one of my best friends on the site. I have no way of contacting you very much anymore, but god, I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss whipping your emoticon on MSN. I'm going to miss talking to you almost every day. I'm going to miss playing pranks on GX with you. Hell, I don't even know how much life is going to suck for me without talking to all you guys. Rosey, just stay cool, okay? You're an amazing person. And a great staff member. Better than I would have ever been.

    JellyBeing- Oh my god, you might be the hardest one to say goodbye too. I freaking love talking to you, natz. You're so hilarious and random and, uhmagod, RUBAYY. Every time I hear that song I'll think of you. And every time I go to K-mart I'll think of you again. You're just so satisfyingly random. I love talking to you. And I love all the jokes we have. Natz, I'm gonna like, die without talking to you. Just make sure you don't forget about me. The wsfs lives and it always well, so you better keep me in your sig.

    GX- Well I lied, you're about as hard to say goodbye to as Natz. GX, I'm so sorry that this happened right after I told you I'd be your Valentine. If it helps, I still will. You can put me in your sig saying we're married if you want. GX, I never really had anything against you, I just liked to tease you. You're actually a pretty sweet guy. Had I been allowed on KH-vids longer, we might have developed a relationship. God, doesn't it sound weird for me to say that? Well it's true. God. I love talking to you, as weird as that sounds. Your 8 second rap shall stay on my iPod. Everytime I hear the word ghetto I think of you. God, this just sucks. Keep your head on your shoulders and don't do anything stupid.

    TcO- Lol, tco, you're amazing. Such a repwhore. But still a nice person. Talking to you on MSN was fun. I hope you eventually get staff. I don't know if you will. But I hope you do. You want it so much. I think you deserve it. I don't know what the staff thinks. But I think you would be a good staff member. Lol, keep on sending those threads. I'll miss you.

    CtR- Oh my god. This is so hard. CtR, I remember when you were just a little person, before you were even premium, when you had less than 100 rep. Look at you know. You've grown so much. You're one of the best staff members this site has ever seen. Even though you're older than me, I'm still proud of you. Talking to you was so much fun. Just try to stay not tired. And warm. God, I love you CtR. And no, not in a lesbian way or anything. In a sisterly way. Like how I love Natz and Rosey. I think some day you'll be admin. I don't know. I just think you will. You're so down to earth and encouraging to me when I'm down. Stay that way. *hugs*

    Kitty- Well Kitty, I can't say I talked to you TOO often, but I did talk to you enough to miss you. You have a very unique sense of humor, and hell, you're an amazing writer of comical stories that are parodies of Zelda. Every time I see any kind of Zelda game I'll think of you. (God, I'm going to be thinking of KH-vids everywhere I look.)

    Sora 13- Okay, I believe that you're not emo. I know that you're not emo. It was just fun to make fun of you. Lol those voice chats we used to have. And the emotes you've been sending me recently having to do with the song lyrics I had. Yes, well, because of that, everytime I hear that song I now think of you. You're uberly cool. Just stop overreacting about things people sometime might blame you about. I'll miss you.

    Kingdom Glory- Well, I don't know if you're going to see this ever, Ian, but I will miss you too. As messed up and freakish as you are, and as much as you make people angry, I'll still miss you . You've made me angry before, but I'll still miss you. You were one of the first people I ever talked to. I'll never forget you.

    Sorax- THORAX! You were the first person ever to message me on MSN. God, if I'm ever in like, some class about bugs or something, and somebody says thorax, I swear I'll just start cracking up thinking of you. You're amazing. Lol, remember the drawing you made of me? I'm seriously going to miss you so much. Oh my god, this is so hard to do. Stay cool.

    Muffin- Lolllll. I only talked to you a bit, and, uh, you left KHV, but I still am giving you a shoutout. You encouraged me when I was feeling very bad. I wish I could have gotten to know you more. Just stay gold, okay? *corny*

    Spitfire- xDDDD. You come up with the best jokes. Well, uh, ask natz about the outcome of my plan. I don't feel like repeating it. Someday we'll make jokes to GX again, I swear. You're funny. PS- I didn't add you to that convo.

    Foxxie- UHMAGOD FOXXIE. You're amazing. YES I AM A GIRL! Sorry I never got around to giving you that Xiggy drawing. I'm going to miss talking to you. I used to look up to you so much back in my noob days. Lolll. I'm sure you'll write more hilarious stories. Everytime I hear anything to do with Organization XIII Imma think of you. Foxxiefoxxiefoxxxxie.

    Everyone else- If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. And if you'd like to email me, you can reach me at edited . I'm going to be heavily monitered on the computer now, though, so don't expect me to reply all that fast. If I feel like I want to add someone to the shoutouts in the next few days, I'll find a way to get it to somebody. You guys have all been amazing to me. Kh-vids is an amazing place. I love it here. I can't believe I'm going to have to get off permanently now. You guys have all made it an amazing place. I'll miss you all. OH my god, this really sucks. I'm crying. Pretty hard.


    O R A N G E.

    PS- I don't really mean to copy Rosey or anything, but I'd like it if a mod could maybe change me back to my noob name, OMGitssRIKU! . I know what Rosey meant- it would feel like I've gone full circle. Well almost. I never got mod. But still.

    I'm going to miss you. But I promise that someday, when my restrictions are lifted, when I'm less protected, I will come back. Just stay on here, all of you. I promise you I'll return. I may even be able to come on occasionally when I go to friends houses, as soon as I'm allowed to go to them by my mother.

    I miss you guys.

    I love you guys.

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 11, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Catch the Rain


    meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow



    Continue with your business

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 10, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Catch the Rain


    Foxxie dearest I less than 3 you

    <3 your stories are beautiful, and I love my story you gave me at Christmas, you are also a good friend and I think you should be told it more often >:


    meow meow meow

    basically dearie, you're awesome, deal with it

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 10, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Catch the Rain
    Do you remember when you used to be Anniexo's pet heartless?


    Be my pet <3

    You are already my pickle xD

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Feb 6, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Catch the Rain


    So Rosey left me and I had to be single owner, it's not easy looking after so many adoptees alone ;_;

    Well tonight, my Squishy, my Cookie and my Cinnyboo they...they...;_; they resigned


    My family have gone

    except for Snoofy and Snookums

    but Snoofy has vanished, which means all I have now is Snookums, who hates me


    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 30, 2008, 56 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Catch the Rain
    Please will one of you make me a snowman or something and take a photo of it for me?


    We hardly get snow here >.> which sucks D:

    Someone make me something please

    *puppy eyes*

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 30, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Catch the Rain I don't really know what else to say, thought and comments? I will merge the 2 threads at some points, but for now I will keep them seperate. Personally I think if this is serious, this is the biggest mistake that Scientology could have made.
    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 29, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: Current Events
  14. Catch the Rain
    Semester starts on Monday and this is my last week of freedom from Uni work for a while, what should I do with the time I have left?

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 29, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Catch the Rain

    and I have come to realise a lot xD *everyone gasps that CtR can think*

    So I shall share my thoughts with you ^_^ I am nice like that *shot*

    Life is short, so make sure that you make it count, because one day you will wake up and find that it is slipping away. Life is for living so go do it.

    Face your fears, don't let them hold you back, so close your eyes and jump, let go and never be too scared to fight the things that scare you the most.

    If you are in the wrong, appologise, it doesn't cost much to say sorry, but sadly some people have forgotten that.

    No-one can tell you what to do or how to think. Your mind is your own, your thoughts are your own. If you want to be your own person you need to follow the thoughts that you believe in.

    Life is NOT all rainbows and butterflies, there will be bad days, but they just make the good days even better =)

    Never be ashamed to cry, it takes more courage to cry than it does to be fake and hide.

    Don't be scared to fall in love, and if you have it, don't be afraid to hold it close. If you lose it, it's gone.

    Don't hold onto the past, let it shape you sure, but don't let it dictate you.

    However you live, and whatever you do, make sure that you do it for you. Live your life and know that it is yours.

    This has been a confusing ramble brought to you by CtR


    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 24, 2008, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Catch the Rain


    Now I KNOW I am easily amused

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 23, 2008, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Catch the Rain

    I am so easily amused xDDDDD

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 23, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Catch the Rain

    Jordier0xs0x deserve a real thread hunni <3

    Thank you for all you do, even when it doesn't go right you always try and that is something that I wish other people would learn. Never lose your smile and never lose your confidence.

    Jordie you are my little buddy and I less than 3 you :glomp:

    Silly goose stop feeling bad when things don't work, and remember that not everything is your fault >:

    Now go eat a cookie xD

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 23, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Catch the Rain
    I will be more lenient in this section as it is more related to reactions to news, however that does not mean that you will be able to use it to whore posts.

    Threads that are older than 10 days will be locked as they aren't really current past that.

    As all sections, flaming will NOT be tolerated, for sure you can express yourself, but do not get pissed if someone doesn't agree.
    I will add to this later, so be sure to keep checking back.
    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 20, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events
  20. Catch the Rain


    Well you make that many bloody threads for everyone else, you might as well get your own


    Hey there

    Thread by: Catch the Rain, Jan 18, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone