Thanks! Whew! :P Anyway, alright! I'll put it next to your world next to your username on the front page!
It's been taken, sorry. If you want o know who has what, look on the front page of this thread.
No. Cloud will convert them for you. :P Okay, I'll put it by your username on the front page.
Yes, pick one and tell me what it is! SPAM! XD Cloud, do YOU have it? O-O
Test the codes above this post in YOUR world! The thing from the Final Battle! It works. I didn't mean YOU, silly! I meant Sasuke240! XD
Cloudstrife252 same for the colour mod: EBXE-T9D3-G5TA8 HBZF-A31Y-W6402 MAYN-C50D-JX6YM NVNC-Z3DA-WMHDA MA04-YMD8-E6FZW WVFM-PKDY-PKJWZ ZY8Q-HKHD-QJ5Y9 RRN0-82NC-QTQYG A0PG-BRGQ-TNREB Y7WD-5W57-2RNT5 AUJU-JX0X-R48QX ZE45-8XNE-GNQFM Hmmm, I'm sorry. LOL XD Anyway, test these in your world.
Some updates...Nothing big yet. We have a way to play as Riku on the glider-thingy code. :P
Sure! Test Cloud's game! :P LOL
I'll try it right now! Just tell me how to get past the part with the guy on the laptop! :P
Eh...I guess. :sleepy: LOL JUST KIDDING! XD You have Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix? o_O
That's amazing! XD
I guess we don't need them tested then. Post the digits you haven't tested so we can get some more progress in here. It's actually kind of good.
EVERYBODY'S EASY! :yelling: *Sigh*
Hmmm, which world do you have? You can test the same ones as theicksta123, just make sure you test them in YOUR world, okay? YOU BETTER! LOL Just kidding!
Alright! Hopefully one of those will be the right Command Menu mod. :P We can do it! We just need to take baby steps! XD Why would you need to play on a computer? o_O Nobody here does that. Anyway, just let your little bros have a little fun! XD
No prob! But until that time comes, test these! Command Menu Mod TV4E-5EWP-H8V61 DYVK-NWVV-747XZ 17KW-J7AF-W8XGA 7X2A-98JH-V7NUY AHGA-1YX1-T7BRQ 076K-WHEY-XTBW8 Z48J-FQXB-2TNZQ XX6P-F3JQ-U0ND0 YHM3-62P7-EZTFJ WMXQ-R3HR-NFWHE ^^Describe each result once you get one!
Alright! I'll get back to work then! LOL Cloud will give you some codes to test!
Good luck! By the way, are the codes you gave me MY set, or are we ALL working on them? :stupid:
If the other codes make the Command Menu transparent, do you still want me to test them?
Oh. So I don't need to test them? NICE FIND!