Oh, ok I'll feel sorry for Vexen when Sephy gets back older.
I'm not voting, both are dangerous.
I think there too young for that, do they remember when they were older
I think I've said this before, but Trinity Limit owns.
As the others said the SMT series is great. I really liked Yakuza too.
That's what the first thing does, before it turns into Dark Thorn.
They don't have the same ablities, I think Dark Thorn can turn invisible.
I'm not on a computer.
I don't like Kingdom Hearts
Xion belongs with Riku, considering that she's a clone of Sora, and if Sora is Riku's best friend, Xion should get along with her, and become her boyfriend.
Well i'm not caught up with 358/2 Days, and now I know that Xion is a girl. YAY
Never heard of it, I'm bout' to Wikipedia it.
I'll take the Pikachu one, since there's no Luxray
you spelled JOHN MADDEN wrong If you want to do a game against me my PSN name is marquel97
The oppposite here.
AUTOBOTS, ROLL OUT!! So random lol
She really puts up a fight for a *****.
I've just started to notice that!
. . . So true, I used to though.
OOC: I got writers block.