You were? Too bad, I was probably sleeping. >_>
Hey you, why don't you ever come on MSN? I haven't seen you in a good while. D:
Everybody can do something better than someone else. I can do something better than a girl, and she can do something better than me, too. There's no race, there's just the human, so, no one is superior.
Being in Europe from 2:00 PM to 6/7:00 PM sucks.
Now that makes me think, how'll you have your husband if you'll remain single forever? No boyfriend, no husband.
OUTRAGE! They're really mean people! D:
bcos i just wait here waitin 4 my moment.
Hm, weird, I posted the link of the rep list. Well, you just have to go in Search Members > Advanced Search > Options and choose Reputation and In Descendent Order
Meh, school sucks. >_> Just 2 other weeks for me.
Lol, 'k love. So, long time no see, how are you?
Hi Love. Hmm...that sounds strange.
That game's one of the coolest
Goditela finché puoi. Ahem, for those who said "wat?" in their own way, it just means "ENJOY. IT.". Y'know, there's this thing called "Google translator", it's useful, use it before doing stupid and pointless things.
I feel loved. :D
Nothing new. You?
Hehe, yeah. Looks like you like running, don't you? :3 But how is a distance runner funner, if you can't run with him/her? >.>
No, no, it's awesome! Thank you.
Oh, I just discovered that in other places "free runners" aren't what I think they are. I don't know exactly where you live, but I didn't mean...