;Beforeminton; Princess. .ssecnirP Not anymore ::L: CH'YEAH 8D Yaaaay! It's nearly christmas eve where you are too, just a few...
Same. Excited about Christmas 8D
;Eightminton; Turkey. .yekruT YAY 8D *puts it on* Yayyyyeeeeyyy C: Ohmygod, it's 15 minutes until Christmas Eve here :/gasp:
This. Completely.
;Fourminton; Vegetable. .elbategeV *Rips sock* NOOOOO *Mourns* :/gasp: Mhmm :3 We should attempt to reach 1000 :lolface:
...Eating chinese food. I dunno why xD
I lol'd Gonna see how this plays out... if it even does, that is.
...Why do I have to comment on your album? o_o
;Maxminton; Strawberries. .seirrebwartS You did D: *Runs away again* Sureeee xD Good. It should be that way C: Visitor Message...
This. It was just to point out that he did say that, maybe as a little joke to himself.
Do something more productive than sitting on a childrens forum and waiting for someone to entertain you when you can more than likely do it yourself.
...Well this was interesting. *Walks away with all the food... somehow*
Wish they showed the shorts over here. I loved those so much .__.;;
;Rawrminton; Dough. .hguoD NOOO D: *Prods with stick* ... That made no sense >; My dad: yush. Mom: anot so much xD
;Boominton; Baguette. .etteugaB *moves furthur into bush* :/D=: Indeedeo D: Stupid parents :c
;Alrightminton; Superspecialawesome. .emosewalaicepsrepuS *Hides behind a bush and guards self with a twig C:<*...
;Badminton; Supercalafragilisticexpialidocious. .uoicodilaipxecitsiligarfalacrepuS *Keeps running >8D* cx...
;Chirp; Normal. .lamroN >.< *Pokes sholder and runs away* <: YyyyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAAAAyyyyyyyyyy :D What have you asked for? c:
;Squeaky; Large. .egraL OWW D: c: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY 8D I can't wait :3
...Wow. Just wow. Just imagine if you were in their shoes - there was a war or something going on in their home land, poverty is at its highest where they are and they just need an escape. What would you do, attempt to stick it out and watch as your life crumbles around you or attempt to find a way out? There's nothing wrong with being patriotic - everyone else does it, so why is it so wrong of them? Maybe you should rethink some of your points, some of them were incredibly rude and stereotypical, especially since the surnames "Ramirez" or "Sanchez" more than likely belong to illegal immigrants.