Oh you young'uns
Cloud's crossdressing outfit should totally be Lightning's outfit. Legs and all.
My girlfriend was sitting next to me, not interested in the least, half-quizzing me. "I bet he's ****"W "Oh really?" "Watch. Just say his name. He's the **** *****" "Is that who he is?" *TV reveal* "I ****ING KNEW IT! CALLED IT. TOLD YOU IT WAS *****" "Did you tell me? really?"
Called that Supergirl twist episodes ago. Step it up, Berlanti.
I'm just waiting for a Lightning cameo.
It's obviously Xehanort, somehow.
Just read someone use the word "emencely" in my English class's discussion board.
If you zoom in, you can see Ant-Man next to Hawkeye.
How dare you prioritize school over us
Yep! Flash fact (lol): I actually thought they were airing next week and when I came home, saw them on my DVR. Good surprise.
Also, not a superhero but Ming-na Wen is 52. 52. Look at those 52 year old legs.
The ACA, unfortunately, is not an end-all solution to the healthcare problems of the country. It also does not benefit every person, regardless of what we supporters would like to believe. However, there are so many more cases where it's doing good or even saving someone's life than bad cases. Personally, I went from a 300 dollar tax return to a 200 dollar tax return last year as the penalty (rounding). I don't mind paying that. It's also something to note that in many cases like yours, it's the insurance provider raising prices in some areas while reducing some plans' to fit the new standards (giving them the benefit of the doubt) or protesting the new standards, going about it meeting them in a malevolent way that hurts the client knowing that the client will blame the new law, not the provider.[DOUBLEPOST=1449282302][/DOUBLEPOST]Well, I now have an e-guide to Triforce Heroes and I don't have the game. Guess now I have to get it. ...later.
I love that they included that line: "If I wanted it, you'd be dead already!" I don't see how the entire synopsis is spoiled. I'm seeing the same reaction over on CBR. We've known Wonder Woman was in it due to the casting announcement and previous trailer*, we've known about Batman and Superman being against each other before teaming up at the end because of the official synopsis, we've known Lex was going to be an antagonist, Batman being angry because of Man of Steel's destruction, etc. Though it's all been conjecture up to this point, chances always were that Batman and Superman were going to duke it out before teaming up at the end to stop the real threat, most likely Lex. Biggest question was how Lex would have been the aggressor: if he was using a suit, for example, or had someone like Doomsday (the most dominant rumor). I can agree about them showing Doomsday this early, though (I say early, but the film was due this year originally lol). It makes me wonder if they were aware that the secret was pretty much already out and just wanted to confirm it. If that's it, they're kind of spoiling the casual moviegoer to assure the news-following-fan. I don't mind personally, I like to see as much as possible and I have complete confidence that they'll keep some surprises for the film. That said, were those Parademons? Wtf, that could have been left for the film. A lot of people are wondering if that's an actual scene, some kind of dream, or a vision (most likely Wonder Woman's). That would have been a surprise I would've liked to see in film. Same thing for Doomsday, I wouldn't have minded seeing the Zod's body, the Frankenstein scene, and hearing the roar with a confirmation, but actually seeing Doomsday could have waited, I guess. Hopefully, the story about him evolving throughout the film is true and he'll grow some spikes. *I'm torn on how they're releasing info on Wonder Woman. I know some people would have preferred to her to be kept secret in the film, but there's no way the inclusion of Wonder Woman would have been secret considering it's Wonder Woman and her status as a female hero on screen. It's like when Avengers: Age of Ultron had a cameo from Captain Marvel before it being replaced with Scarlet Witch's costume: they revealed that before the movie was out. She did have a badass scene here, too and holy crap, a trinity screengrab. But...we still haven't heard her speak in two (three?) trailers. It feels...weird. On a similar note, I like Affleck's Batman voice more than Bale's, still not what I want out of a Batman voice. Eisenberg's Lex is growing on me. Originally, I thought he could pull off the gravitas Lex has, but with his personal attitude, but this manic, off-kilter, kinda campy/kinda not, mad scientist thing is just off and it works for me.
Full trailer
I am so glad I'm not the only one with this train of thought. Though I don't always follow it.
To go back to that talk about sexuality, I just realized what my avatar is.
You're going to Hell
Is appreciating someone's appealing qualities (physical or otherwise) necessarily an attraction that labels a -sexual identification, though? Personally, I think Justin Hartley is the sexiest man alive. Chris Hemsworth? Incredibly attractive. Have I met guys that I've admired in a way that's more romantic than platonic? Yes. Did I desire any form of romantic or sexual relationship? Not one bit. I'd call myself a hundred percent heterosexual without hesitation. Doesn't mean I can't appreciate the attractive qualities of another male. Did you get the day off for getting EotM? If so, that's an awesome deal.