Welcome to KHV! Make sure to read the rules and all that jazz, make sure to have fun. Hope to see you around sometime!
Accents are awesome I love the English accent, it's so adorable. And mixed with Kelly's natural adorableness it's even more awesome. I also like the Australian accent - I mean, who doesn't?
Doesn't seem that you noticed, Jayn. I dropped out yesterday because I wouldn't be able to do it in time :x
I don't know you, but, welcome back to KHV! Hope you rekindle some friendships and make some new ones c:
No monthly fees? I should try it! EDIT: I tried it. Graphics suck. AI sucks. They don't even fight back in the "Fully PvP" game.
Welcome to KHV! The Kingdom Hearts forum where KH is rarely the subject.
I enjoy me katanas. KH530, I'm jealous, mine aren't as invisible as yours. >:C
I apologize, Jayn, I won't be able to bring in my lines by Monday... Family drama, all that jazz.
'Dat Avatar. 'ELLO POPPIT Blarghalbrarlhbralrhablrar
Another of mine is I love to deceit people, I love it, yet I hate it. And genuine fighting; I've never actually gotten in a literal fight - But I love the thrill.
If I have to mention: Male.
Same as P. Rebecca Black's "My Moment" isn't all that bad... And my on-going interest in Yugioh cards... Not much of a guilty pleasure, but I oddly really like this song here: [video=youtube;7NJqUN9TClM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NJqUN9TClM[/video]
Enjoyance+ 50% Great job, Saxxy! I love it, totally worth the wait~ I can't wait to see further developments, I'm glad the story didn't get abandoned <3 EDIT: First
Only thirteen eh? You're quite mature for your age from what I've seen. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing in your case. I'm still younger...
Youngest first? And how old are you my good sir and/or madam... Do me bro. I want awesome double katanas. Kthx
Cool story bro. I usually get this kind of thing from eBay, so I may take a gander sometime. Thanks, Misty!
Major want. Evil Fruit? Hell'z yeah
Yeah, actually. I was checking it out, I don't seem to understand the rules 100% though...
My mind made it funny.
Seems legit. *Notices you have 1,000 posts* Happy Premium c: