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  1. GarrettFinch
    Name: Simon Plover
    Crew Position: first mate
    Age: 26
    Race: Human/alien hybrid
    Birthplace: Eden
    Personality: follows the rules for the most part except when it goes against what he believes in. He tells things how it is, but can be caring at times.
    Bounty: 30,000 u
    Crime: He left his post in the military to save his best friend, when he was ordered to stay where he was. (Desertion) In a way he cased murder of Hundreds of people. The unit Simon was working with took his friend and said was was working of the enemy.

    Hair: golden brown
    Eyes: gold
    Skin Color: tan
    Height: 5'10
    Distinguishing features: his golden eyes

    Weapon Proficiency
    : guns, knives, hand to hand, anything that would be used in the military.
    Special Skills: He is highly trained to disarm threats and knock them out. He is also trained to breach doors so he can unlock doors.
    Spoken Languages: English, Space Swahili, Morse Code, Some alien languages because he is a hybrid.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 25, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. GarrettFinch

    He had spent most of the last hour looking for clues for where the mayor might of went. When he was not checking on Thea and Zephyr he was in his room looking for any clue of where the mayor might be. So far he had been relatively unsuccessful. For the most part all he had found was information they gathered on the mission or they knew before hand. He had not found anything new so far. There was a couple of books on his desk that he had been reading to see if he could find a sort of clue. He walked over to his window and pushed it open. He was not sure what to do about the mayor but he was not about to give up.

    Storm had just stayed where he was. Thea then nodded at him as did Zephyr. Something then came up about the mayor. 'It wasn't at first, but when you find out the mayor is sacrificing kids to a spider demon makes it so.' "Gavin had sent me to see if I could find the mayor. Unfortunately the mayor seemed to have slipped away. Perhaps he went in to a underground tunnel or something. In any case the mayor is more then likely to stay hidden for some time." Then something came up about seeing Midarah. "I can go see if I can get her to come here if you wish." If they wanted to rest more then the best course of action would be to bring Midarah here.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    He had sent Storm to look and follow the mayor but The mayor had seemed to slip away. When they arrived back at the guild hall Midarah was waiting for them. Midarah had said something about receiving news what happened. Midarah wanted a full report on what happened. 'The message from the Magic Council sounded as if the job ended being more challenging than what it led on to be..' "Nothing we could not handle." 'I'll take it from here. Go rest, Gavin.' "The mayor is out there and we need to find him." He then left Midarah heading up to his room. He had checked on Thea and Zephyr every 15 minutes or so but the last time he had been in to see them was 15 minutes ago. He had filled Midarah in on some of what happened in the town but had said that the rest should come when they were all together. He was still was somewhere in the guild castle.

    A phoenix sat in the med bay on a perch in the corner looking down at Thea and Zephyr. Gavin had took him to keep a eye one the two sense he could not be there all the time. Speaking of Gavin he was starting to get worried as he had not been back in 15 minutes or so now. In a low voice the bird said, "Well It is good to see you two are awake." He did not like taking to others but he did so when he thought it was right and he needed to. That said he did not mind to much.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    Elsa soon left the room and he thought about following her. She soon came back and the Coronation began. He had taken a seat to watch what was happening. The one thing he pick out was that there seemed to be something bothering Elsa and he wondered what it was about. He wondered why that were hear as there was no trouble yet but he was sure that was going to change sooner or later.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    He just stood there griping he weapon tighter and tighter. 'I have no idea what you're talking about anyways. We are currently on his trail, but there's much to be done here. Such as making sure the rituals do not continue.' Of course the person had no clue what he said. Just pretend that it never happened. That was just how things worked with the Council. He wished that they could somehow take Izra with them maybe they could. Now would be a good time for Thea to wake up he thought. "What if we take Izra with us and she becomes apart of our guild?" Saying this he knew that he really did not have a say in who joined and who didn't but It did not hurt to offer Izra a place to call home. That said he knew the council was not about to listen to him. 'Your work here is done,' Lahar said as he looked to the boys. 'Though... do be more careful with her in the future,' he said, pointing to the unconscious Thea. "What do you mean more careful? She was the reason that thing is dead." He said this pointing to Xilyn's fresh corpse. He looked to Zephyr who looked like he was about to pass out. "When she wakes we tell her everything." He leaned over a scoped up Thea in his arms, considering Zephyr did not look like he was in any shape to carry Thea. He let a spark of wind heal Thea. Some of the damage of fight was now gone. He then turned to Zephyr and said, "ready to go?" He just had to hope that Zephyr could make it back because he was not sure how he was going to get Thea and Zephyr back.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    Zephyr had said he was fine and to worry about Thea. 'The mayor escaped. We captured most of his guards though and we're infiltrating the village as we speak for his followers.' This was getting out of hand. 'She didn't do anything wrong! She working against the mayor-!' 'Your point? How can I take your word? You don't work with any legal guilds and could have been in on this plot yourself.' "Izra was helping us." 'We will take care of her from here out while this investigation is underway,' Lahar said. He did not believe anything he said. Going off there track record they were not going to do a thing. 'We never received any message about this place from an Izra... But we did receive one this morning from a Kyo... He did mention you, and the girl as well. Also someone named Jack... But there has been a serious crime here, and all involved must be arrested and interrogated without question.' Why was he not surprised? "So you are going to do something about the mayor? Just like you did something at the school in Airlenten? Where three to five children attacked another child almost killing the boy just becuase they knew the boy had magic. Because there was a fear of magic and it needed to be stopped. Where someone ordered the boy that was attacked not to use magic to defend himself. Which would have been useful. All of this was shortly after this boy had saved a Phoenix by using magic. Sure some of the children had got some paper cuts by the magic, which he used to protect the bird, but none of that would have happened if council showed up earlier. The council seemed to say something about a storm keeping them away. (which there was but it was a sad excuse) The boy could have died. Then there there was more that happened after..." His voice trailing off. (this was 13 to 15 years ago.) When he a said all of this he could tell by the shock of all of this that Lahar and those that were with him. The shock of how he could possibly know what happened in Airlenten. He did not care what the council said he was going after the mayor. "There is nothing stopping the mayor from going to a different town and setting up shop there and do the same thing all over again. The mayor has to be stopped and found now." He did not like what was happening.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    He continued to cut spider after spider with his weapon. He knew that sooner or later he would be overwhelmed. He had manged to blind Xilyn just at the right moment as Xilyn was preparing for the counterattack. Soon Xilyn's chest was cut right into her heart. She gasped as she realized she had been fatally hit and stared into the abyss with her mouth agape. He knew that they had won and just at that moment they had won. The spiders were gone which he was thankful for as he was not sure how much longer he would be able to hold them off. There was shouting in the distance, and the sound of foliage being hacked away along with heavy footsteps. The webs were lit on fire by torches, clearing the way. Rune Knights with the Magic Council insignia on their uniforms emerged, pointing their spears at the group as they surrounded them. A young man in uniform with the Magic Council insignia on his chest stepped out from the group of Rune Knights. 'I'm Lahar, head of the IV Custody Enforcement Unit of the Magic Council. Identify yourselves.' Why was the magic council here? "Gavin Fenix from Divine Rose." Was the weapons that necessary? 'I didn't expect to see her here... how interesting. You're coming with me,' he said to Maliel. 'Take the girl out of the water... If she's not hot to the touch, put a blanket on her.' He walked over to Thea who was cooler to the touch now. Maliel wanted to see her sister. Lahar saw that there was a girl around Thea's age who didn't look well in some sort of air bubble and then glanced to the others. 'Drop the shield.' He slowly walked over to Selena. If the council waited the wind shield would just fade on its own. Unfortunately the council did not seem to be in a waiting mood. The shield was already fading. He slowly reached his hand inside the shield and took a hold of Selena he took a deep breath and the wind that was around Selena dispelled shooting wind into the air as it went. He then carried her over to Maliel and handed her over. He then looked over to Lahar and said, "What is the magic council doing here?" When he was younger he had seen the council before but had never met them personally. People had always said his magic was dangerous. That was in a town that did not like magic and at a time when magic was less accepted. He then looked to Zephyr. "Are you alright? I think we now need to track down the mayor." He stood by looking at the council. Something was wrong the council just did not show up for nothing. He then made his way back to Thea and stood by her.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    He watched as Thea flmes turned from blue to gold. When Xilyn had come up onto her. Part of him thought that he could have some how prevented this. There seemed to be a protective invisible shield around Xilyn. Zephyr soon went on the attack when he seemed to have a golden glow. Two of his party members where in trouble. Thea was now knocked up and he felt bad. He had to do something. He then watched as Maliel had dragged Thea to a pool of water. Thea and Maliel were relatively safe for the time being. Then there was Selena who could not be harmed because of the shield that was until the shield faded which would be some time. He thought about getting her as his own magic would not have much of a effect on him but Zephy needed some help. "Enough of this." He was getting angry. He knew what he had to do and launched a wind spell at Xilyn's face to try and blind her. If Xilyn could not see then she would be easier to fight. He held his weapon tightly ready for more of the battle to come. Most of the spiders seemed to be gone now which was good. He took a step forword and one bit him he quickly knocked it off then there were more coming out of nowhere. Then he began to fight them cutting them as they came.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    Izra was healed rather quick thanks to him and vial that Zephyr had. Soon Izra rushed off to help. He was quite thankful that she had another flute with her. Xilyn easily getting past them and over to where Selena was. They had to do something about that. Thankfully Thea was using Flames to combat her. He watched as Zephyr take a single step and before the combination of webs of venom caused to him detour his course. The hail of assault didn't stop there and Zephyr had formed a shield to defend himself. He quickly ducked behind him to avoid the venom. Soon Zephyr was trapped. As he was standing right there he cut him free with his weapon. As Xilyn was distracted he starting spinning his weapon again using to channel his magic to cut Maliel free. "Get out of there." Hopefully Izra would be able to help get them out maybe. He held his weapon looking for any more incoming spiders.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    He continued to walk around the room. He had finished his plate at this point and he wiped his hands on a napkin and toss the plate away. The room that they were in seemed to be rather big. He was trying to keep a eye on Beuce, Ignis and the two girls at the same time. Beuce was sitting and he would take a seat before the celebration took place. he was trying to watch to see if anyone would make any moves towards the princesses. No one seemed to go for them yet. Ignis seemed to be on the edge of the room for the most part. He knew that being this spread out, that if anything happened one of them would be able to do something. There seemed to be wine at every table. He himself had never had any and being out of it did not seem like the best idea considering what the cost was. He had never got the appeal of wine and alcohol in general. A servant seemed to walk up to Ignis and was more then likely taking to her about something. Maybe he was offering to go get something. His eyes drifted back to the two princesses. He knew that if Beuce or Ignis got in trouble he would know. there would be a scream or something. There was also the fact that the two could take care of them self.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    He walked in with Ignis and Beuce. Ignis said something about drawing straws. He shrugged. "We should just wing it. Things seem to work out for the most part when we do. I also do not particularly care where I end up." Beuce soon left to get chocolate. He thought now would be a good time to part way with Ignis. While Beuce was over by the chocolate he made his way over to the sandwiches taking a plate and one sandwich. He filled his plate with different foods. He tried to stay clear of Beuce so it was not clear that they knew each other. He walked around the room with plate in hand and noticed there seemed to be two women in the center of the room. One with solid snow white hair, and the other sported sandy brown hair with a single streak of white. This was no doubt who they were looking for. He had finished some of his food now and hunger was not eating at him some much. He knew sooner or later things would start. By the looks of things it was going to start rather soon.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    As he watched Thea walk slowly towards the mayor he knew that there was something wrong. Something just did not feel right. The air felt stale and he was sure that the mayor had some sort of plan. He then watched as Izra placed her flute down, kicking it to the nearest guard who picked it up right away. He was not sure what she was doing any advantage they needed and giving up a weapon did not seem like the best idea. The mayor did say that he wantted Izra too. So soon Izra made her way slowly over towords the mayor. He watched as Izra got stabbed in the side. Welp this was not going well. He could feel anger fill him but he need to stay strong and think or people could die. A woman with a creepy cowl over her head and blood red eyes was standing casually behind the group. She was eyeing a knife in her hand with blood on it and traced her fingers along the top of it. 'Spiked with my own poison... I wonder how long it will take for her to actually die since I did not hit vital organs...' Xilyn he thought. Muriel was now standing by them so she need protection. How he wished there was more then three of them at this moment. Even if he could get a message to Midarah by the time she got to where they were it would be to late. Soon the mayor was gone with his guards so following them was not a option at the moment as the path was cut off. It was then he gave a nod to Zephyr with a unspoken plan. This was not good. He started spinning his weapon like a helicopter blade as wind began to flow through the area. Any spiders that were unfortunate to cross his path were soon thrown several feet away. As he spinned his weapon he then pointed it towards Selena as wind rushed towards her cutting her free. Then as Selena dropped to the ground he cast a wind shield around her. He made his way over to Izra who did not make it that far from the group. He did not like this. He sat her up slightly and put his hand on her side blood going on the ground, but he did not care. He watched as the cut began to close. He keep a eye out for any threats that might come his way.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    The castle was relative close now. Ignis said, 'Well, let's just keep an eye out for anything weird, how's that? Knowing out luck, something is going to happen, whether it be good or bad.' He had said the same thing like minutes ago. Well something was bound to happen at some point. That was how thing worked for the most part. One minute it would fine then the next things would be going crazy. He then looked at the court yard. Then Beuce said something about spending money. "Well things have to look somewhat nice for people to show up." He was not sure what else to say. Soon they would be inside and get to see what was there.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    As they walked towards the castle Ignis went on about her personal experience that she had gone to parties with royalty. There was something about a big chair somewhere in the room and the princess and/or queen is going to be sitting in that chair. Or at the very least, near it. He was not sure if Ignis was joking or not. The only thing that he been remotely close to going to was a mayor thing but he did not end up going. At still was not sure if Ignis was joking or not after all of that. As the walk continued Beuce gave a refresher on wheat they were going to do. 'One of us gets friendly with Anna, One with Elsa, and one of us keeps an eye on the Duke. AJ seems to think he's up to no good, so it can't hurt to be prepared in case of something. We shouldn't be too close together, but we should stay close enough we can keep in contact if something changes.' "Well I do not think that we need to follow the Duke around like a lost puppy, that said flat out ignoring the man does not seem like a good idea. It does not hurt to keep a eye on him if we so happen to see him." Generally when you ignored something or someone that was when something happened. They seemed to be getting quite close to the castle not and it seem as not as many people were around anymore.

    AJ: 18
    Beuce: 17
    Ignis: 18
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    He stood there when Ignis said, 'Well, obviously we're not going to take the princesses anywhere. Sheesh, you guys take things so seriously.' He could not believe the conversation was going this way. He did not feel like that there need to be a answer to his question. Then Ignis asked, 'should we try to do it all at once, or each separate and try to get to know them? I don't know about you, but three people all of a sudden out of nowhere would be a little overwhelming.' "Well the castle is big so they could be anywhere. There is also the fact that we do not know what they look like so they could be anyone." 'You do know there are other ways of making use of people outside of trying to marry them, right?' Well no kidding sherlock he thought. He took a deep breath and did not know what to say. Then Beuce said, 'Yeah. There are also two princesses. That means one of us should be with each of the princesses separately, and another should be there for backup in case something goes wrong. It's a little hard to say who should be with which princess since we know nothing about their personalities. So, we'll decide on that once we get there.' "Maybe we should just wing it. Things seem to work out for the most part when we do so. I am also sure that we will know who the princesses are when we get there. Once we know more we just go with whatever happens."

    AJ: 17
    Beuce: 16
    Ignis: 17
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    When Ignis let go he was not expecting it and he was surprised. Well that was one way to end a dance. It was nice of her to even dance with him in the first place that said he did not like it. He walked out of the shop after Beuce had tried to pay. They soon walked to a secluded area. 'We have the clothes to blend in, but aside from finding...whoever it is we need, what are we going to do? It's not like we can just run off with someone important.' "Why would we do that? They are far safer somewhere, were more people can see them. I know that if someone wanted to take them away or do something the best thing to do would be to do it when no one was around or looking." That was when Beuce said, 'We're not here to take them away, but more to make sure no one else does. Obviously we can't just whisk them away against their will. We just need to be close enough to keep an eye on them. Elsa and Anna were both names on the lists of princesses of heart. We need to protect them at all costs.' "Well the Duke did not seem to know anything about them that said he is after something. So if we keep him away somehow then he can not do anything." 'Honestly it might not be a bad idea to just get friendly with them. That way we can be close without drawing too much attention to ourselves. I think our best bet to get close to them would be at the dance.' "Well we do have to find a way off of here and a boat is the best thing to use, that said they are not just going to give a boat away." 'It's a coronation, right? So one of the two of them is becoming Queen.That hairdresser thought I was here to marry one of the princesses. If both of them were apparently an option, that means there isn't a king right now to take up their attention.' "Wait you do not think that is the Dukes plans to marry one of them? He is old as dirt by the looks of things, so it seems odd to me." So we should act like we are interested in the princesses?, he thought. He was not to found of the concept that said Beuce and him would probably have a better chance talking to the princesses if that was what they were after. Beuce had made this whole plan seem like it was a walk in the park but he knew better. He had been around long enough to know that things were not that easy in fact if he was a betting man he would bet something would go wrong.

    AJ: 16
    Beuce: 15
    Ignis: 16
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    When Beuce said, 'Your lady awaits,' he was not sure what to say. Ignis was not really his. She was her own. Then Ignis took his hand and began leading him in a dance. He miss stepped a few times but was always steeping were he would not step on Ignis' feet. He would have to keep on trying. He messed up a few times but just kept on stepping in a spot were Ignis' feet would not be. He was about to give up when something came to him about this dancing thing and that was it reminded him of something. Once he had this idea in his head he moved with a grace that he did not have before. Dance had a flow to it just like something else. That was when Ignis said, ''There's definitely something we should do while here, but what exactly is it? I mean, going to the coronation is all well and good, but we should probably do something else too.' He would have shrugged but that did not seem like the best idea to do considering what he was doing at the moment. He had to choice his words carefully. "Well once we get to the Coronation we should try and read the room. You know keep a eye on people and things going on. I am sure it is a big deal to some." At his point just looked at Ignis and wounded how she thought his was fun. This dancing was like fighting in a way. They both had movement. Maybe that was why he was able to pick it up. He did not know. He was trying not to think about it to much. "You know that if the others ever find out about any of this they will not let us live it down." He did not think that the others would find out but you never know. It was at this point that someone had said, 'I must've gotten something wrong. It looks to me like you already have a place you belong. You've got friends like them to keep you goin'.' He smiled at the woman would had no clue what she was taking about. From what he could tell the group was just a teen group of misfits. Sure the others may think that they were family with each other but he was not sure if he belong in that family. The group probably knew each other for about a year now if he had to guess. He had just shown up one day and the first person who talked to him other then Hikaru was Kaida. They had know each other for so long. He was just there and did not want to do anything because of that. He then continued to dance. He knew the dance had to come to a end at some point. He knew in the movies how it ended but he was not about to do that. It felt wrong in a way. "Whatever the case may be at the coronation we should keep a eye and stay close if possible to the 'hearts' of those there." It felt odd talking in code but what could he do about it. As the dance came to close to the end he was not sure how to end said dace.

    AJ: 15
    Beuce: 13
    Ignis: 15
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    He stood there watching Beuce and Ignis dance for some time. He kept watching there feet and was watching closely. That was when Beuce said, 'Well AJ, this might be a good opportunity to learn something. You won't have to dance at the coronation, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to keep up appearances.' "I have been watching closely to try and get the general idea." He kept on watching the two dance. Then Ignis said, 'Well, if you really don't want to dance, you could always try to be one of those people that goes to the party and after thinking he's hidden away try to sneak out and look around the castle.' "That has never been a issue before. I have always gone unnoticed before. I am not sure why that would change now. As for explaining to the guards I do not think that will be much of a issue." He continued to watch the two dance when he thought he might have the general idea of the dancing thing. There was that and he was feeling more comfortable about the whole thing. "If you say dancing would be helpful then who am I to argue?" He was not happy about it but, Ignis looked like she was having fun, so how bad could it be? That said dancing was not the easiest thing in the world. There was two things he could not do or simply never tried and that was singing and dancing. He held out his gloved hand for someone to take to dance with.

    AJ: 14
    Beuce: 12
    Ignis: 14
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    The hairdresser finished with his hair and he stood up. "Thank you miss." He then turned to Ignis when she said, 'Well, I wouldn't say I've been to a lot of parties, but the ones I was, let's say "coerced", into going to, I stayed to the side, and trust me, you stay out long enough, people tend to notice.' "I alway thought my mom would teach me how to dance or at least a pretty girl that I knew well enough", he said with a shrug. "It just always seemed like no one cared enough to teach me." He was not sure what else to say so he just stood there watching Beuce and Ignis.

    AJ: 13
    Beuce: 11
    Ignis: 13
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    The first thing Ignis said when she walked in was, 'You do realize a lot of parties have dancing right? It may not be fun, but take my word for it, if we don't want to stick out, it's best we learn how to blend into this party.' "I would not know. I never been to many parties other then for my birthday. To be honest I would rather avoid it if it was possible." He then explained the cut he wanted for his hair and the hairdresser began cutting his hair.

    AJ: 12
    Beuce: 11
    Ignis: 12
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena