View attachment 49783 He stood there for a moment as some of the mines were still in the giant ice and snow golem. He watched in disbelief as the remaining mines that had not gone off yet were sucked into the snow of the giant ice and snow golem. He then watched as there was a small explosion inside of the giant ice and snow golem and it let out burp of smoke. It was almost like it did not bother the giant ice and snow golem at all. He then watched as the giant ice and snow golem reached down to grab some snow almost like it was going to pelt them with giant snow balls. He knew that if the giant ice and snow golem decided to do so it was going to hurt. Instead of the giant ice and snow golem using the snow to make snowballs to pelt them with the snow was sucked into the giant ice and snow golem. He watched as the newly added snow began to form new parts of his hands and finger that had been cut or blasted off during the fight. The giant ice and snow golem was repairing some of the damage that they had manned to do during the fight. So on top of giant ice and snow golem not taking much damage form there attacks it could now somewhat repair itself. This was not good and he had to do something before it got anymore snow into its body. He quickly threw a fire ball at where the giant ice and snow golem had been gathering snow. The result of the Firaga was that he had manned to cut the giant ice and snow golem off from repairing its self anymore then it did. This of course had another effect and that was that the giant ice and snow golem was not to happy about what he had just did. The giant ice and snow golem took a swing at him. He then made a side step avoiding the direct hit but the result ended up snowing some snow into the air and his way. This of course made it so that he was more covered in snow. His movement was now going to be slowed for the time being. The giant ice and snow golem took another swing at the snow around him but this time it sent him flying a few feet into the air. Thankfully he landed harmlessly in a pile of soft snow. Had there been no snow at all around them he wondered how much more trouble they would be in. If nothing else he was sure that he would be more hurt then he was at the moment. He stood up and cast Aeroga moving some of the snow off of him so that he could move somewhat more. It was time to do something more and he ran into battle once more. There were some clear signs that the giant ice and snow golem was slowing down somewhat which he was thankful for. For now it was time to switch it up a little bit. At he ran toward the giant ice and snow golem it took a another swing and him and he did a slide on the ground and cast Thundaga as he did the slide. Shooting lighting into the giant ice and snow golem arm as he slid. He continued to move to try and get out of the way of the thing. He had to just keep going doing what he could. This was a somewhat more interesting fight then he had first thought. Marshmallow: 598 BP OOC 12/31 Words Written: 606 EXP Gained: 60 EXP Total: 180
View attachment 49782 Ignis had mannged to summon her keyblade right before he used fire and attack the giant ice and snow golem. Ignis then said, 'Well, this is going to be interesting.' Well interesting was one way to put it. At some point in the battle he had somehow he had managed to get separated from Ignis and Faust. He had no clue where Beuce or Olaf hand ended up. Not long after being separated from Ignis he spotted her jumping onto the giant ice and snow golem's back and stabbed her keyblade into it. The golem slammed into the wall hard, causing the ground to shake somewhat. He almost lost his footing at this point as he moved around a bit. At this point he spotted Anna at a safe distance away. He was somewhat happy that he did not have to worry about here for the remaning of the fight. Soon he spotting Ignis get thrown some distance away and out of sight once more. After Ignis's attacks, which were head on he had figured out that the best course of action was to try and keep there distance as much as possible. He spotted lighting going off and hitting the giant ice and snow golem. He had figured out that this lighting must have come from Faust as not long ago he had shown them that he had a keyblade along with magic. From before using fire did not seem to work so the next best thing was to try and separate the ice and snow from the golem. If the giant ice and snow golem did not have any ice and snow then it would be no more. He spotted Ignis once more jumping back into the fray and kicked the golem upside the chin again, trying to get it off balance. Ignis then was gone once again as he watched her get thrown back in the distance. Since he knew that fire had litte not no effect and lighting seemed to be more fitting from what he saw Faust use he figure that using anything but fire would be helpful. Well the next best thing to melting the giant ice and snow golem was to blow it up he was going to do just that. As he took a step forward to attack the thing the giant ice and snow golem turned its attention to him. Well this was not a good thing. The giant ice and snow golem ether had really good hearing or a some what good situational awareness. He was not sure which one it was nor did he care all that much. As soon and he took a step the giant ice and snow golem took a swing at him and he had to roll dodge out of the way to avoid getting hit. He quickly got to his feet as fast a possible to get a hit in. For a golem so large it moved it a somewhat faster speed then he would have first thought. It was time to do some damage, looking around he mad sure no one would get hit by what he was about to do and began changing up his magic. He then used Minega and several mines appeared onto the ground. Then then used a wind spell and trew the mines at the giant ice and snow golem exploding as the hit the thing. He watched as piece of the giant ice and snow golem's hand fell off and land land harmlessly to the ground. The giant ice and snow golem was begingto look a little beat at this point. Marshmallow: 684 BP OOC 11/31 Words Written: 604 EXP Gained: 60 EXP Total: 120
View attachment 49779 He had been walking with the group. The concept about summer was still in his head. He knew that telling Olaf about summer was not a good idea, in fact he did not seem to think there was any point in doing so. Faust was still stuck in the snow because of Ignis and they both soon followed Olaf. Faust and Ignis seemed to be walking together putting him closer to Beuce, Anna, and Olaf. Soon Anna said, 'So did Elsa seem... cold to you? Distant at all?' He could not really say he did not know Anna all that well. It seemed like Anna was talking more about when Olaf was made more then in the past but it was hard to tell. Anna then said, 'I can't believe Else managed to do all this. It's almost as if she's trying to keep people out.' It was that or she was trying to keep herself in but the first option seemed to be more of a thing. Olaf then said, 'If Elsa was trying to keep people out she'd put up signs or booby traps, or giant snow golems to scare people off.' As Olaf said this, a giant ice and snow golem appeared, roaring in front of them. All of this seemed rather convenient. This was going to be interesting to say the least. 'GO AWAY!' the snow golem roared in a deep, booming voice. His hands and body began to grow sharp, jagged ice pieces, as he was not going to let them pass so easily. "We are just here to talk nothing more noting less. We are not here to hurt Elsa." Even if anyone them wanted to hurt Elsa they would find it hard to do so considering what Elsa could do. "All you have to do is let us pass and we will be on our way." As he said this the giant ice and snow golem brought down this spiked hands to attack them. He had been the closest to Anna and so was closest person to do something. He was just able to pull himself and Anna away from the swing. Anna was more safe then he was at that moment as he was able to move her out of the way but he ended up in the snow. It looked like talking there way past this giant ice and snow golem was not a option. He knew that Anna was no fighter so keeping her out of harms way was there goal at the moment. He was unsure if Olaf could help in this battle or not. If nothing else Olaf might be able to detract the giant ice and snow golem. With Anna out if harms way for the moment it was time to take this giant ice and snow golem down. He began to roll away as the giant ice and snow golem went in for another attack on him. The only thing that he could think of to hurt the giant ice and snow golem was to use fire. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Time to get by." As he said this he raised his gloved hand and thought of fire. His hand began to glow red from the heat and he used fire on the giant ice and snow golem. Most of the fire turned to smoke and went harmlessly into the air while the remaining fire land on the giant ice and snow golem doing practically nothing and he wondered how cold it was. Well melting the ice golem did not seem like it was going to be a option. Marshmallow: 1028/1200 BP OOC 10/31 Words Written: 606 EXP Gained: 60 EXP Total: 60
View attachment 49776 Once Olaf said that Elsa built him he was quite impressed. "She is quite impressive if she can make a snowman come to life." Elsa's magic was powerful and if it got in the wrong hands that would be bad. If she was a keyblade user then she would be one of the most powerful magic users out there. He wondered if no heart knew or anyone else that was after them for that manner knew about Elsa. Anna and Olaf had a conversation which ended with Olaf stating he loved the idea of summer. He never liked summer itself despite his birthday being in summer, which from homeworld everyone liked the time of year when they were born. He himself always enjoyed spring more then any other time of year. He let Olaf have his innocence about summer. He did not see a reason to tell Olaf. He then followed after Olaf up the mountain. Ooc: 9/31
View attachment 49777 With Olaf having a nose he figured that it was time to look around so he did. The trees had ice on them. Looking back to the direction they had come from the foot prints were starting to disappear. It was clear that the storm was getting worse and had no sign of letting up. He was not just walking around to just do it or to look around but to keep warm. After all movement would keep him warm. OOC: 8/31
View attachment 49774 He began to shock his head. Looking around not much had happened. Ignis then asked, 'What exactly do we do with this thing, anyways?' He was not sure why they had to do anything. At this point he noticed the headless body of the snowman wandering around. Anna then put the snowman's head back where it belonged. The snowman then said, 'Now I'm perfect!' He felt kind of bad that the snowman did not have a nose. He then said his name was Olaf and Anna seemed to recognize it. Olaf did not have not a nose. He then pulled out a carrot from his bag and put it in Olaf head. "Now you have a nose." Olaf then asked what there names were. "AJ," he said simply. "It is nice to meet you Olaf. How did you end up here Olaf?" There still did not seem to any trace of who had been up this mountain. OOC: 7/31
View attachment 49773 Lingo like to talk that much was certain. At one point he tuned him out just because he talked to much. He wondered if the man ever stopped talking. As he more of less ignored Lingo a women with blond hair had bumped into the man with sliver hair. That was when the man sitting next to him had said, 'Silver, that's my name.' He turned to Silver and said, "Name is Simon." He would have said it was nice to meet him but considering where they were at that was not the best thing to say. He turned his attention back to the fight that was still going which was somewhat impressive. He was not sure how the fight was still going and how the staff had yet to step in yet.
View attachment 49769 He continued to look over the lake. "You don't think that the well of delight is on the island do you?" "No I have been on the island many times in the summer and there is not really anything on there." He reached down and took some snow and playfully threw it at Aldwin. "Hay." "You where the one that wanted to build a snowman." He continued to throw snow at Aldwin running away from him. At some point they had built a snowman. Now this was no normal snowman it was decked out with a scarf, a carrot for a nose and the whole nine yards. He stood there over looking the lake just thinking for some time. It began to get colder. OOV: 6/31
View attachment 49768 As he stood on the edge of the lake a voice spoke out to him. "You do not pan on walking on the lake do You AJ." He turned around to see Aldwin walking towards him. "That would be almost as stupid as what you and your sister tried to do for my 13th birthday." Aldwin let out a smile. "That was only a few months ago and you are still hung up about it?" He continued to look across the frozen lake. "Bob Might do walk across the lake, that said he can't swim to save his life." At this point Aldwin was packing up snow. "What are you doing?" "Oh building a snowman." "I think that you need more then just snow for that or it will be cold and look odd." Aldwin then walked over and put his arm around his shoulder and the ground began to shake. "That seems to be happening more and more." "you know what they say that it has something to do with the well of delight." "What do you say Aldwin?" "I say that in time the answers will come out." He was not sure why Aldwin was being so difficult lately. It had been become more and more apparent as time went on. For the most part he had passed it off as the holiday's coming up. OOC: 5/31
View attachment 49766 As they stood there dealing with the living snowman, Ignis went on about how Faust seemed to somehow managed to irritate her more then anyone else so far. Faust had seemed to have trouble going through the snow and he slightly wondered if the boy ever seen snow in his life. Faust then mad a pun and he kind of wished that the boy did not do so. So far Ignis was not a fan of puns. "What is the weather like were you come from Faust? As for me I have seen all kinds of weather. Sometimes the streets turn into a river. The snow can be fine one day and the next there can be feet of snow." As he thought about the snow he was brought back to a time where it had just snowed.... He stood at the edge of a path and looked out over the frozen lake. This was one of the times where one could walk from the edge of the lake to the island that sat in the middle of the lake. It was not a good idea to walk out on the like when if you could do so. OOC: 4/31
View attachment 49742 He stood there not doing much. Master Midarah then said, 'When things like what happened in Murgate Village come to light, the Magic Council feels absolutely responsible for letting it go unnoticed for so long.' "That did not seem to be the case in Airlenten 13 to 15 years ago," he said offhandedly. Then Master Midarah said, 'Not just your past Gavin, but Thea's. And another in our guild as well. They know most members of the Divine Rose, and know that they have become successful mages despite their circumstances.' So it was not just his past but everyones. "What happened in Airlenten changed me. It made me want to make a difference. What I did to protect Storm made a difference. I used magic to save him. Sure at the time I was only between the age of three and five but..." His voice trailed off. "As for being a successful mage I would not say that about myself. I help those that are in need. To make a difference in the world." He did not think there was anything special about what he did in Murgate Village nor anywhere else. The mayor got away and he was to slow to stop him. He did not know what that was but he would not call it successful. Master Midarah then told them that Izra was coming back with them. Izra was outside when they arrived with heavy shackles on her wrists and ankles. He did not think that was all that necessary. When Thea ran to Izra he could not help but smile. He tuned to Zephyr and said, "It is good to see her happy." He knew that when the news that Izra was coming back with them that it had to be Thea that went to her first. "It is good to see you Izra." He wondered what they did to the young girl.
View attachment 49741 For some reason a headless snowman still taking was one of the oddest things he seen so far. That said the snowman that was still talking without a body was not the strangest thing he seen so far. Meanwhile Faust seemed to be trying to be friends with the snowman. He stood there and looked up to the mountain. It was hard to tell who had been up here and how many had been up this way. As he looked towards the path in front of them there was no foot prints so the snow fall had covered the foot prints of whoever had come come here. This made it so there was no way to tell who had been up here. Having a headless snowman continue to talk to them was creepy and hopefully Beuce would put the head back or something. OOC: 3/31
View attachment 49739 He walked outside with the others and looked up to the mountain. He figured it was time to go. As they reached higher up it began to get noticeable colder. He reached into his bag and pulled out a coat that he already had and put it on. He looked down at the town and noticed how high up they were now. 'Arendelle. It's completely frozen..But it will be fine. Elsa will thaw it.' It did not seem that bad yet but if things went on he was sure that it would get worse. They came across a small patch of trees that had survived the ice storm. Their limp branches were crystallized and presented a very lovely scene. 'I never knew winter could be so beautiful,' "It can be sometimes." A goofy, jovial voice said in the distance something. Who else was up here he wondered. He continued walking until they came across a walking talking snowman, smiling happily as he talked. Anna gasped and stepped back as she found the snowman. Screaming, she kicked off the snowman's head right into Beuce's hands. "A snowman." He was not surprised anymore of the odd things that showed up out of nowhere. He wondered who built a snowman all the way up here. OOC: 2/31
View attachment 49729 When the old man had said, 'What happened in that village had been unfortunate. However, you are still seeing the events with ignorance.' He thought that it had been rather clear. Sure there were unknowns, but why worry about that now? What was important now was that everyone was safe and that included Izra. Then Master Midarah seemed to want Izra with them as well. 'Master Midarah, this isn't just some child who's been cursed or has more magic to deal with than normal-!' His eyes light up for a moment. Did they know, well more specifically did this old man know about his past? They were then shortly escorted out of the courtroom by one of the employees. 'I told you not to speak up, but it was necessary, Are you all holding up alright?' "Not speaking up in the past has showed me that it does not work out that well. I have a feeling they might know of my past," he said this with a worried tone. That was when Thea asked, 'They are going to let Izra go right?' "I do not know but she will be fine she is a fighter after all." He looked at Master Midarah, "it seems like the Magic Council are hiding something." That said they always seemed that way. With that said and done there was nothing to do but wait.
View attachment 49728 Beuce had said, 'Not much. The blizzard was too dense to get far.' He had not expected much of an answer anyways. He looked up at the mountain and could tell that the blizzard just got more serious. "I guess we will find out when we get there," he said offhandedly. Anna had said to take what they needed in the trading post but he did not think that it would be all that necessary. He guessed that it was time to go up the mountain. He started walking up the mountain with the others. Ooc: 1/30
View attachment 49726 Master Midarah had said not to speak unless spoken to but he did not think that it would be that simple. They are soon lead down the marble hallways to a Court Room of sorts. They arrived were they should be. A older man stood there saying 'Today's topic is Divine Rose's involvement with the Murgate Village.' Master Midarah then explained what had happened at the village. 'But what would have you done if the Magic Council ignored your cries the first few times you sent for help?' This was not the first time something like this happened. The old man then said something about them getting a fair trial but he did not think that was going to happen. The Council then talked about a guild called Hydra's Claw. Thea then explained that Izra had saved them. While this was true. He could not rule out the possibility that this could be an act to gain there trust but it seems like a lot of trouble to do so. He could tell that Thea was getting a bit upset. He wanted to tell her it would be alright but he could not without the council thinking he was up to something. "I said back at the village that Izra should come to Divine Rose." The council did not seem to pay attention back then so he did not think now would be any different. "Without Izra's help some of us may very well not be here today." He said continuing off what Zephyr had said.
Oh wow I was not expecting to be here.
View attachment 49717 The ride to Era was more or less uneventful. Midarah had said something about resting that said he did not really feel like he needed it. He was never really able to fall asleep on something that was moving so he just relaxed a bit. A hour latter they arrived. They pulled up to the place and were escorted by something. 'Be on your best behavior while you're here. Anything we say can tip the scale to whether or not we free your new friends...' "That has never stopped the Council before. I will do my best unless something happens." They did what they wanted and it really did not matter what they did. That was when Thea Said that the Council liked her. He did not think the council liked anything. It was more like they put up with what they could and hid the rest.
View attachment 49582 While he waited for Faust to answer Anna said something about going to get warmer clothes. Anna might be royal authority but she had no clue what they had been though which might be for the best. He followed Anna into the Wandering Oaks Trading Post and Sauna. He quickly changed clothes getting back into what he normally had on. Now he was ready for anything. He walked out and joined the others that no doubt had followed them into the Wandering Oaks Trading Post and Sauna.
Oh my gosh I remember seeing you work on this on Skype it turned out really good.