gaaaaaaah thats annoying and stupid!
got my part in :D
luna: haha, very yummy xD demon: schools are always messing up schedules *blah*
haaaai haha luna i love your avy
haha yeah xD yaaay for bergners!! luuuuuuuucky
oh - nevermind then.... xD I <3 new things I just got a new coat :D and a new dress :D and new boots :lolface: and new dress shoes :) haha xD
thats really good =3
awwwwww but you know what that could mean - A NEW COMPUTER :D
yaay ^^
haha nope - you just need to be a smart shopper
it really doesn't cost thaaaaaat much - I got my copy for $50, just took persveriance and saving up and working hard and not buying anything else
the only way to learn how to use it is to use it ^^ it was tottaly trial by error the way I learned - and I had bought sony vegas before my trial was even up xD
you wrote it perfectly - danke schon
i just want out if it's muted and someone tries to 'unmute it'
thats what I'm doing, because I don't think I'll finish the AMV
or just take it from an amv you're already working on
30-40 secs
ummm quite a lot of people if you want to be able to get a job in the gov't or politics or something of that sort you should have your slate clean yeah - but the songs that are being muted are being muted because the artist or recording company have asked so, so lets respect their wishes
cell block tango KILLED me! I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO THAT!!!! *dies* actually I will as soon as I get amv block.... oh and I finshed my MEP part - but I just need to render and process it << >> << I'm not spoce to be on the computer, so I'm sneaking on, on my laptop, so I can't do that till tom.
haha, yes I am very lucky xD