GRrrr you made me choke on some chewy jum :( and i think i may be able to change that.... would be an uncomftarble shoe though
I think this deserves its own thread :D Or even a group :D EDIT: the hating of miley cyrus
;( i liked the book's as i read thm before she had major notice for them but the movies are kinda crappy
:O i agree with you so much :D Miley cyrus is an absolute **** she cant sing at all and tries to pretend to have 2 lives Even her alter ego sucks. jonas brothers the music sucks but i hate them aswell sucky people make sucky music. final.
Meh my PS3 isnt going anywhere and has PS2 compatability so im happy :D if only the made a console that had compatability with all console's Oo that'd be one messed up controller
and right then a flying tango can comes out of
who no one knew anything about but
Cake But sadly
and his mother who was
Bill From Left 4 Dead appears and join sides with the devil. 'unforutunatly' he team killed the devil
jesus was there too as he turned all the rocks into pie's
(same here :D ) not making any money selling taco's so the Evil argos catalog blew up and was of no use to the devil anymore.
which was silly because he sold them in england.
which were very over priced.
bu using an evil argos catalog
Which explodes every 10 seconds because...
and gave birth to a
I mean Left 4 Dead's Bill of course trust someone too be so stupid as to even try and make that person he cant be nice to anyone. if you have played L4D you should know this while casually murdering zombies in an alley a tank down's me (was on expert) the rest of the team kill the tank before it has the chance to kill me and then comes the highlight of this chapter as bill wanders over to me as a 'supposed' rescue i notice gun shots and bullot holes appearing around me i turn around just in time to see Bill gladly shooting me in the face with a shotgun . I die but thankfully my friend was there to rescue me in a closet later. And plus anyone notice that anyone playing as bill online seems to be really bad? Do you hate Bill and if yes, why?
Bill. L4D Bill.
Thanks mike but Ven's clothes seem a little diffrent dunno if this is my eyes or something happend with the scanner :D