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  1. Saxima


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Maybe, maybe not. His hand was in her hair, which was making her completely lazy, and she wanted to either curl into him or push him off the bed.

    Freddiiiiie . . . she whined in a sleepy murmur at his reply. Sophie hated vague replies.

    Aaah . . . Tell you what, if you're still curious about it tomorrow, I'll tell you then . . . He seemed to doze off after that.

    She lazily looked at his sleeping face, and decided Freddie was quite cute when he was sleeping. For a little while, she lay in a state between sleep and being awake, playing with his hair instead, and then a little while later, the door opened and Lucas tiptoed into the room.

    Do you want to sleep in here, or your room? he asked her softly, moving her long hair from her face.

    You decide . . . she mumbled in reply, and with ease and gentleness, Lucas scooped her up, and she let go of Freddie's hand reluctantly. He really was a good friend of hers, a rare one she decided not to mess with a long time ago . . . She was sleepy as hell, though.

    The house was quite and all guests had been escorted or carried to rooms. Messes were tidied and cleaned, and everything was set as if no one had thrown a party in the first place, courtesy of the talented Lucas. He carried her throughout the large house without a word, and up to her own room, where he set her down and removed her cardigan at her request.

    Sleep with me, Lucas . . . she sleepily mumbled, and he sighed, but then smiled, and got out of his clothes, then climbed into bed with her. She cuddled into his side, thinking about nothing but sweet scent of his cologne. Freddie had smelled nice, too . . . I love you, Lucas . . . And she fell asleep.

    You will not in the morning, love. he whispered, and wrapped his arm around Sophie, and fell asleep, too.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    2 1 G L A S S E S

    G O O D N I G H T !!
    3 : 2 3 A M

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Saxima


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    To be honest, Lucas hadn't been away that long, but that was long enough for her, especially because of the mood she was in. Because Freddie was with her though, she had been more subdued. His conversation cheered her up enough. She was honestly tempted to bed him, but Lucas probably wouldn't have been pleased with her 'promiscuous' behavior.

    She supposed he was right. Had he not had a small talk with her about it, Sophie was sure she would have tried to have sex with Freddie, Dennis, and Oliver. And if she would have seen Torvald, Quentin, or Pierce, them too. It was a bit annoying being drunk and hypersexual.

    Pierce . . . Sophie sighed loudly. Freddie, walk with me. she commanded, grabbing a new drink Lucas had prepared for her and latching her arm into his, dragging him along as they walked. I need to walk.

    While they walked, they talked about the play and various subjects that linked to one and other in the most obscure of ways, from supernovas to Indian cuisine, volcanos to bacteria and fish, Sophie was just all over the place and threw random foreign words from various languages like Chinese, French and Italian, and she was sure Freddie was understanding her . . . even though he probably wasn't.

    You've got a nice fucking floor, Sophiera.

    The two of them stopped to see a passed out Oliver on the floor. Lucas appeared right next to his unconscious body. Lucas, I want him in my b - But she stopped short at the look he was giving her, even though it was completely, seemingly blank. She huffed. Fine, drag him off to a bedroom.

    With seemingly no trouble at all, Lucas lifted Oliver and spirited him away to a guest room.

    Freddie, I am going to be perfectly honest right now, Sophie started when the two arrived at the pool, I am tempted to drag you off to my room so that we can have sex, but then Lucas would tan both our hides and neither of us would be happy in the morning. I hate being drunk, she said sullenly as she took another gulp of her . . . drink.

    Are you going to stay the night? she asked him as she dragged him away from the poll area and towards the library and one of the back staircases. Don't answer that, of course you are. No, no rejections. I won't have it.

    She walked him to a room where he would be sleeping and laid on his bed lazily, thinking about ridiculous, silly things like real relationships, and love.

    Freddie, do you have anyone you like . . . ?

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    2 1 G L A S S E S
    C U R R E N T T I M E
    3 : 0 1 A M
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Saxima
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C
    MOOD ※ LIVID DAY 22 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 10/13/2013 LOCATION ※ LONDON, ENGLAND


    Under the annoying pressure of whatever was causing the pressure, Hay Sun moved forward, going into attack mode. It should be sort of easy, right? Her control left a little something to be desired, but hey, London was still fucking standing, wasn't it? No one could ask of more from her, since that was the case.

    When more of the zombie freaks appeared, she felt amply annoyed, and waved her hand over her head, drawing out a . . . silver bat from the space above her head. Her weapon was allowed to take whatever form she wanted, right? Clearly, because last time it had been a sword, but today, she just wanted to bash some heads in with a metal bat, just like the good ol' days.

    With Red out of commission, it would probably be a little difficult to take care of them on their own, but with her foul mood and growing anger and irritation towards Paco, it should be no problem. It was plain to see that Paco was psychotic, but that was fine, she guessed, so long as he wasn't useless. One charged her and she swung the bat, connecting it with the freak's neck and hearing a satisfying snap, and then charged through one more.

    Her eye caught one of them latching onto Paco from behind and she began darting in and out of the growing crowd to help him, even if it would have been kind of great to see him get his leg ripped off. What was the deal with that, anyway? She used to not have such a problem with him, but today was different. Maybe it was because she was woken up shittily after feeling like she was asleep for a hella long time. ❝Watch your back, dumbass,❞ she told Paco as she parried around him and tackled the zombie-thing, thrusting a fiery fist into its face and feeling no remorse. Were these possessed humans, or just some sort of satanic creation? Either way, she didn't care much.

    One of them leaped on her from behind and wrapped its arms around her neck, successfully pulling her into a rear-necked-choke hold. She felt the air leave her lungs immediately, but slammed her body backwards because no one has time for that shit.

    Hay Sun looked over at the limp Red, and then pointed at her while fending off a few more, ❝Oy, what the fuck is up with that?❞ she asked with force, ❝What'd you do to her?

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Saxima

    It felt great knowing that Noëlle's mood had done a complete one-eighty from earlier tonight. Bryan had always prided himself on being able to comfort people pretty well, but sometimes, when it came to his sister, she was his toughest crowd. Maybe it was because she didn't talk to him as much as she used to, but that was because she didn't want to burden him? What a load of crap! That was what he was here for . . .

    "It's sooo cold!" he exclaimed, finishing the setup of their tent. What a fun, fun, fun idea, camping out in the backyard on Christmas Night. And Ms. Chambers . . . No, she couldn't do anything about it, not tonight. It was Christmas, and he and Noëlle had a right to spend time together if they wanted.

    Ahh, the inside of the tent was so warm! Their perfect little hearth in the middle of a beautiful snowy night; it made warmth completely overwhelm Bryan's entire being. Why couldn't it just be like this all of the time?

    "I'm back ~ "

    Much laughter and sweets were shared after that, and they watched a couple of movies, Christmas-themed and non, and then played a loud game of Uno where Bryan was accused of cheating at least three times, but he had let her win two of their four rounds because the look on her face when she was successful was just . . . it made him feel good. Really good.

    Noëlle hummed a little tune while they leafed through more movies to watch and he closed his eyes and leaned back onto his hands, nibbling on a cookie while he listened. He remembered the times when she used to sing for him and would look so bright when he praised her. She always seemed happy when he was with her and they were having a good time . . . He felt the same way, too. Why did they even ever try to lead separate lives? The both of them clearly weren't cut for it. Harley had suggested it, with good intentions, but it just . . . didn't work. Whenever they weren't together, it was bitter and terrible.

    What could they do to make that not happen? Maybe it wasn't them, he thought to himself . . . It's everyone else? It was them who made he and Noëlle feel bad about being close, but what should they care? It wasn't like they were effected! He silently fumed at the thought.

    Without thinking about it, he laid his head on Noëlle's lap and stared up at her, feeling better. "This is nice," he said, "Not having to worry about others . . . It's not like it's their business, y'know?" he mused aloud, "If we want to be close, it's not like that's their problem."

    A small voice in the back of his head began, Let them try to take her away from me. I'd like to see them fucking try. I'll slaughter them all. It was a barely audible voice, but it was strong enough that a flash of rage surged through Bryan and he twitched slightly, and then sighed. He raised his hand and began to poke the bottom of Noëlle's chin thoughtfully. "I like it when you smile," he told her, "What are you thinking about . . . ?"

    It was a moment before she replied, ". . . I'm wondering when you're planning to use your gift ticket." she told him playfully, though maybe not entirely honest, and he blinked, remembering the ticket and thinking about what the gift might be. "I'm happy."

    He smiled, "Yeah, I'm happy, too." He shuffled around and then reached for his green scarf and unwrapped it, pulling out the neatly folded piece of paper. "Okay, okay, I'm ready!" he said, holding it out for her to take, excited at what the gift might be.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Saxima
    A V E R Y B U S Y E V E N I N G

    Most guests do not pay much attention to me, I tend to appear here and there, deliver what is needed, and then disappear just as quickly. In reality, many of them do not pay much attention, or are not quite so observant to see me come and go.

    I am not normally one who appreciates the spotlight, but I find myself, every now and again, at the center of attention. Fortunately, this is not one of those times.

    I have known SOPHIE and the Bennett family for many years, since I was a young boy. I have lived under their roof for just a few less, when my family could no longer properly take care of me. I, who does not like being in anyone's debt, owe them my life, one that could have turned out quite horrifyingly had I not been taken in.

    Enough about me.

    Currently, I have just finished making a drink for SOPHIE, who is fond of me referring to her as 'NICO', for reasons I am unallowed to disclose. I am not her 'butler' or 'servant' as many people tend to think of me as, but I am more her 'friend'. Her closest, in fact, and the only one who knows how she functions to the T.

    She has been acting very odd, tonight and has complained to me at least once about every single one of her guests. QUENTIN, most of all. For some reason, when she becomes agitated, she becomes aroused more easily, and is then generally prone to dragging me into her bed. I have not much to comment on it. She is a very silly girl, and is rather childish.

    Although I do not display it, I feel an interest in each of her guests, some different from others. RICHIE DUVONT, for example, is rather attractive, but his personality does not interest me. TORVALD TANNHAUSER interests me intellectually. DENNIS BAKER's easily nervous tremors are also interesting. Each guest has something for me to be interested in. Some sexual, some not.

    I could list them all, but that seems rather much.

    I will be back.❞ I tell her and FREDDIE, and then leave the kitchen to quickly inspect the house through the path I walk. I reach the third floor and return to the monitor room to check each guest's status.

    Some are already asleep, a few are still awake. NOËLLE CHAMBERS has dismissed herself from the house completely quite a while ago, without her brother. Hmm. Well, that is none of my concern, although I am tempted to retrieve Miss Chambers from the frosty weather.

    I flip on another monitor, which displays the news. There always seems to be a tragedy abound on Christmas evening, even though it is past that already. A car wreck involving a drunken driver and an innocent man. The man's name is familiar to me, and my face creases with a frown. You will find I rarely show facial expressions that are my own in public. A courteous smile here, a hand gesture there.

    His name is JULIUS MENON. A professor at Fortissimo University that many of the party guests are quite fond of. It does not sound good. They have not disclosed whether or not he is still alive. Sophie will not be pleased upon hearing this, but as she is drunk, I decide to not mention it until morning. It seems that there was another person involved, but a name has yet to be disclosed. It dawns on me that it could be FATIME CYGNETTE, as she said she may come tonight, but has yet to show up.

    Another monitor displays a girl curled up in a closet on Floor One, near the billiards room. This will not do, why is she in there? Before confirming the location of the other guests, I leave the room.

    Grabbing clothing from a closet on the second floor, I settle them in a guest room and walk down the stairs, out of sight from the other guests, and then give two knocks on the closet before waiting to open it.

    You will hurt your back if you stay in that position,❞ I tell her, and then pull her up to her feet. ❝Come, a guest room awaits. Sophie will not be pleased if you sleep in here. She prefers to see her friends well treated.❞ Latching her own arm onto mine, I cordially lead her up a back staircase to avoid the eyes of others, and then to the guest room I have prepared for her.

    A change of clothing has been provided, and you are free to take a shower, need be.❞ I smile politely, ❝Good night, Miss Mhenjer. Sleep well.❞ and then close the door after leaving her to be.

    I walk down to the loft where BRYAN CHAMBERS and ERIK WINST are, and have been for quite some time. ❝Bryan,❞ I say, and the young man looks up at me, ❝Your sister has left the house.❞ He raises his eyebrows at me, and then looks to ERIK. ❝I suggest you go out and find her before she catches her death.

    A - Ah . . . Yeah. Sorry Erik, gotta go!❞ he tells the other young man, and quickly gets up. I escort him to the door and tell him to be cautious in the weather. I tell him not to walk, and drive fairly slowly, she could not be far. He leaves with a quick 'Thank you' and 'See you'. When I walk back up to the second floor, I motion to another guest room I have prepared and tell Mr. Winst that it is his.

    I return to the monitor room and check the status of NATALIE WILLIAMS at the pool, and SARAH COLEMAN in the living room, along with ALEX RHODES. There had been a bit of an issue with them earlier, but it seems they have cooled down. We can't have furniture being destroyed, now. SOPHIE would not be pleased.

    I once again am in the monitor room. Honestly, I am surprised that all of the guests are not four to eight-years-old. They certainly act like it, and need a babysitter. Of course, that is why I am present tonight. They would have all run amok in this house had and were I not.

    The interesting TORVALD TANNHAUSER has moved away from the pool by this time, and I watch him walk from the library's balcony ( his martini still in hand, of course ), and inside, beginning to scour through books where I can't help but notice are from the section the World's history. Particularly the section of World War II and the Cold War. I allow myself a smirk. He is a most interesting person, indeed.

    Everything seems to be in order, for now. I sigh, feeling a little bit of satisfaction at the organization of everything, and then return to the kitchen where SOPHIE and FREDDIE are still speaking. I decide that I don't need to check on QUENTIN.

    You were gone too long.❞ she tells me, and I smile.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Saxima


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Well, I really am sorry I'm late. Didn't choose to be late though. Traffic was horrible, y'know?
    Sophie glared at him as he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, though she was overreacting. Excuses. she huffed, crossing her arms and turning on her heel to start walking.

    You guys totally fucked, didn't you? Freddie asked, and from the tone of his voice, Sophie could tell he was smiling without having to look at him. Subconsciously, she buttoned up her cardigan.

    Jealous , Freddie? she asked, and then around the corner, Quentin appeared, and she stopped, seeing the look on his face.

    Great, Quentin had heard. He looked at Lucas, then back at her, then back at Lucas. Without another word, he turned around and walked away. Sophie looked up at Lucas, then over her shoulder at Freddie. Well, this was just wonderful. Save the sulking for later, Sophie. she told herself, and then shrugged the hand off her shoulder and continued to walk.

    She cleared her throat. What was it, some kind of traffic jam? Perhaps a car wreck? she asked Freddie. It was mostly a distraction, though she was happy ( she wouldn't tell him that ) he was here, now. He was lucky that he didn't show up before, otherwise it probably would have been him in her bed, instead of Lucas. God, that was such a bad, sloppy move to have let Quentin hear that — especially when she hadn't meant for him to.

    She led the two boys into the kitchen, where she told Lucas to mix her a Long Island, using the strawberry rum instead of the white rum. He complied without consent, and then began on the drink after serving Freddie whatever he wanted.

    It seems there has been a car wreck not too far from here, Nico. Lucas replied after setting down her tall glass. She picked it up and sipped at it, raising an eyebrow, and then looked at Freddie. If there was anyone else in the kitchen, she wasn't quite paying attention to them because her mind was chaos, pathetically drowned in alcohol.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    1 9 G L A S S E S
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Saxima
    MOOD HMM❤!! -94% > ❤!!!! > 6%WEARING


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    Sophie had left Pierce, telling her they would catch up later, telling her to get some rest, or something else.

    She attended to the other guests, looking around to see if there was any destruction of her home, and the only person she was worried about, really, was Torvald. He was a bit extreme and Sophie knew that her parents' home wasn't in his tastes, since he was more about the less fortunate. She had nothing to do with any of this excess spending of money. This was when her fall into a bad mood started.

    When she found that Torvald was inspecting her house ( yes, she did follow him for a bit ), she immediately headed for the wine cellar and grabbed a bottle of sweet, strawberry flavored rum. Strong enough to knock out even someone like Sir Patch. At a very young age, Sophie had found she had an extremely high tolerance for alcohol.[/PARAGRAPH]
    1 1 : 3 8 P M 2 G L A S S E S

    Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, mingling among their own little party. For intel, no one had been having sex yet, which Sophie was a bit thankful for, and then she headed down to the pool. Her mood got worse. Under the influence of just a bit of alcohol ( which had been five glasses of the the rum later ), Sophie found that she hated Richie all of a sudden.

    Sulking in public doesn't suit you, Nico. Lucas had escorted her away from the area just as Quentin was coming out of the pool.

    1 2 : 1 4 A M 5 G L A S S E S

    Seraphina is beginning to annoy me. Sophie huffed childishly, a few more glasses later. She has been flirting with practically every boy, and she has the ridiculous notion that I actually like like her as some sort of friend.

    Lucas chuckled, You are drunk, Nico.

    I am not. she protested, crossing one arm over her chest and then taking another sip of her drink.

    1 2 : 4 9 A M 7 G L A S S E S

    Where in God's name is Freddie? Sophie snapped, two more glasses later, That idiot told me — he said he was going to be here.

    With a slightly smiling Lucas ( he was fairly amused ) at her side, he listened to her rant about how much she hated Freddie for not being here already ( even though he was one of her better friends ), and how much of an incompetent, ridiculous, sorry, amusing, crushing-on-his-guitar, 'idiot ' he was. Lucas knew she was very fond of Freddie, through this rant.

    1 : 2 1 A M 1 0 G L A S S E S

    Lucas, tell Dennis that I think he is attractive. Sophie said some time later, walking down the hall with the vigor of being angry. And if you see Quentin along the way, tell him I hate him and I wish his existence had never walked into my life.

    You will regret that in the morning, Nico. Lucas said gently.

    Fine then. I will just have hate sex with Torvald in the morning to rid myself of that regret. she flared, fingering the black bow of her dress.

    Lucas chuckled again and headed for the kitchen to deliver the message. Dennis, I am here on behalf of Sophie to tell you she thinks you are an attractive fellow. Enjoy your evening. He returned to the second floor loft overseeing the pool to see Sophie blushing fiercely.

    I hate Quentin.

    Lucas chuckled.

    1 : 3 7 A M1 4 G L A S S E S

    Sophie and Lucas had run into Erik and Bryan who were on the second floor, after they had escorted Elisa and Richie to rooms and Lucas cleaned the mess Elisa had made. Bryan gave her a strange look when she called for Lucas, but she ignored it and the two set off again, down the hall.

    They walked up the staircase, and turned down another hall. The third floor was the smallest floor, and in the furthest corner of it, in a bit of a hidden room, there were camera monitors ( any house in this neck of the woods would have one ). Each displayed multiple and various places in the house, viewing anyone at any given time.

    Quentin, Lucas. Sophie demanded, setting her glass down, finally, and looking at each screen with a loathing, as if she wanted to destroy them all.

    Lucas clicked around a few times, and then found one with Quentin in a more private area of the second floor, looking around the study he was currently in that was filled with tons of books on assorted subjects from cooking to astrophysics.

    Look at him, abhorrent creature. I wish he would fall off a building. Sophie muttered poutily. Who does he think he is, anyway? Flirting so openly with that . . . drunken, debauched little boy.

    Lucas stood and put an arm around Sophie who unwillingly leaned into him and bit her bottom lip to stop herself from being so emotional. So silly.

    Lucas, I am sexually frustrated. My room. Now. The two disappeared into a room with a black door.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
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    C U R R E N T T I M E
    1 : 4 2 A M

    Discarded clothing lay all over the white-carpeted floor in a dark room, where a king-sized bed lay in the center, against the northern wall of the large room. Two nude figures, one much taller than the other, tangled themselves together on the sheets.

    L - Lucas - . . .

    Sophie would go for as long as it took her to forget how angry and upset she was at and with Quentin. She would not let something silly like emotion rule her mood. That wasn't how Sophie Bennett functioned. She messed with other people's heads — no one messed with hers.

    She quickly became distracted with a trail of kisses that ran down her neck while the slow and thoughtful, back-and-forth back and forth movement continued. If Lucas was good for anything, it was definitely a distraction.

    Damn you f - for being so good with y - your mouth,❞ she muttered against his bare, pale shoulder, and then opened her mouth on it to place a bit of a harsh bite. Just a moment later, she gasped out in pain at the sudden force being exerted on her.

    Do not become too cavalier, Nico, Lucas murmured against her neck.

    Scowling petulantly, Sophie gave a lick to the area where she had drawn a little blood.[/PARAGRAPH]
    2 : 1 9 A M
    Still a little peevish, Sophie curled into Lucas' bare side who cordially adjusted himself to let her be however she pleased. Lucas.

    Yes, Nico?

    I'm completely drunk.

    You are.

    Why did you let me drink so much?

    You would have bit me harder.

    You would have liked that.

    Perhaps, but your mood would have been a lot worse had I not.

    Sophie had no real retort that wasn't driven by her drunken nature. Silence fell. Just a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

    He's found us.❞

    Indeed. What would you like to do?

    Answer the door for me. It's dark, he won't be able to see me inside.

    Very well, if you say so.

    Quickly, before another knock could come, Lucas pulled on his briefs, his slacks, and his dress shirt that was then nimbly tucked into his black slacks and buttoned up, while his tie was slipped around his neck and straightened out. His shoes were slipped on after his socks and it took all of one minute for him to clean himself up.

    He walked to the door and Sophie watched carefully. When he opened it, Quentin ( she knew it ) was standing there, looking a bit confused and trying to see past the taller Lucas and into the dark room. He cleared his throat, Is Sophie around . . . ?

    Lucas didn't move from his spot, but in the dark, Sophie saw his hand move behind his back, speaking in Sign Language that said 'Yes or no? ' In reply, as quietly as she could, she tapped the wall behind her twice, saying for 'No.' It seemed that Quentin didn't hear, luckily.

    Not currently, try the lounge on the first floor, I believe I last saw her there. Lucas replied smoothly, but Quentin didn't look appeased.

    Mmm . . . Well, if you see her, tell here I — . . . I want to talk to her. he claimed with a little more volume, and a part of Sophie knew that Quentin knew she was in the dark room, hiding. He walked away and Lucas closed the door.

    Nico . . . ?

    Don't turn on the light, she quickly said, and a tried-to-be-controlled sniffle followed. Lucas was quiet and decided not to patronize her.

    I will be in the monitor room if you need me. he offered, and then the door closed and Sophie was alone.

    2 : 2 6 A M
    She was definitely drunk, but it didn't really feel like it. She could see just fine, walk just fine, her breath smelled a little worse for the wear — mostly of alcoholic strawberries, but nonetheless.

    Deciding not to put her dress back on, Sophie slipped a tank top, underwear, and a dark teal cardigan that passed her hips and looked a bit over-sized. The doorbell rang downstairs and she walked out of her room, turned down the hallway, went down a staircase, passed Bryan and Erik, turned down two more hallways, went down another staircase, and right before she reached the door, there was Lucas, opening it. She scowled at him and the opened door revealed —

    You're late. Sophie marched right up to Freddie, having to crane her neck a little, and jabbed a finger into his chest. You're lucky I don't hate you, otherwise I would have Lucas throw you into the outside pool and lock you in there. Even though she was perfectly coherent, Freddie could usually tell when she was drunk.

    And boy, was she drunk.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    1 7 G L A S S E S
    C U R R E N T T I M E
    2 : 2 9 A M

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Saxima

    The drive home had been quiet, but it was almost nice as they had drove through the beautiful, White Christmas Candlewood. The two of them had separated to their own rooms and Bryan swiftly removed all of his clothing, safe for his briefs when the heater cranked up. He decided now would be a good time for a bath, so he went to his bathroom and ran hot water. While it was going, he sneaked downstairs, wary of Noëlle because of his appearance, and grabbed a small tray of macaroons and cranberry tea that she must have made. Her tea was always delicious.

    When his bath was over, some half-hour later, he was in his room, sitting at his desk and checking over the play results, criticisms, and acclaims it had received on its musical score. While there was a lot he should have been focusing on, he found himself completely distracted by pictures he had pinned to a cork bulletin board that hung above his desk. Over the years, they had taken a lot of pictures; lots of summers at camp, growing up around music, and going to a private academy . . .

    That was all stuff he had gone through with his sister, them basically holding hands every step of the way. He worried that, somehow, it had crippled her mental growth and sense of self and independence, but a part of him couldn't find the point of caring. Had it been too much? Maybe she knew what was up, and blamed him for it; he guessed he did, too.

    Bryan wondered if she hated him for coming to get her tonight, but what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't just . . . leave her alone, even if that was what she wanted — You're a liar, Bryan Chambers. You told her you'd always give her what she wanted. This was hard. If she wanted to be left alone, he should give her that, right? What was so hard about that, he wondered? Even if Harley was right about him having made her dependent on him, what did that mean for himself? Bryan wasn't very sure what kind of future he could see without Noëlle at his side, constantly, just like she had always been back then.

    This current, distant relationship was supposed to be a heavy dose of reality for the both of them. Remaining siblings was fine, he was fine with that, but this co-dependency relationship wasn't fine. Deep breaths, Bryan. It's not okay. You have to believe that. Otherwise he'd probably never move past it.

    There was a knock at the door.

    Bryan nearly fell out of his chair from being so deep in thought and suddenly yanked away. Calming himself, he walked to the door with a frown, and then opened it. Pajama'd Noëlle stood before him, he smiled brightly . . . albeit a little awkwardly, and didn't immediately greet her. Just as he was about to, she started talking.

    "Bryan - . . . Well," She paused and he shuffled awkwardly until she continued, "I hope you're not mad about earlier . . . I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I was thinking, since we skipped out on the party early, maybe we could . . . Bake some Christmas cookies together before the night is done?"

    He couldn't help but crack a more genuine, and even slightly sympathetic smile . . . Baking cookies? His green eyes lit up at the thought; dang, how long had it been since he baked cookies? He couldn't even remember . . . For a few long moments, he stood, thoughtfully remembering all the times he had baked cookies, and then the times he had with Noëlle.

    "That sounds great." he finally replied, "And . . . Don't worry about that other stuff. It's okay, really." he promised, and then grabbed a white t-shirt from his chair and closed his door after him, grabbing his sister's hand and practically dragging her down the stairs while thinking of what kind of cookies they were going to make. When they reached the kitchen, he slipped on his shirt ( the female audience shared a collective disappointed sigh ) and took a look around. "Already ready to go," he laughed, looking at all the cooking utensils and festive decorations.

    He felt like a lot of the awkward atmosphere had been absorbed into their baking as they started cracking eggs and whisking dough and generally making a mess of the kitchen. When he flicked flour into her face, she practically dumped it back on him tenfold. They took turns beating the life out of the dough with wooden spoons and creating almost frankenstein-like cookies that they then dubbed GANSATAN COOQUIIS ( along with some of the other, normal variety ).

    "Man, it's been a while . . ." Bryan mused aloud as he cut open a bag of chocolate chips and doused some dough in brown sugar and cinnamon. "I miss this." he admitted, not facing Noëlle. He reached into the cabinet and brought out a few tea bags so that more cranberry tea could be made, and set the kettle while they began to roll out the cookie dough and use silly cookie cutters for it. Maybe it's not as bad as we're making it out to be." he continued, not realizing that it was said out loud.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Saxima
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C
    MOOD ※ LIVID DAY 22 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 10/13/2013 LOCATION ※ LONDON, ENGLAND


    The commotion outside had Hay Sun waking up in a shitty mood, not that it was much of an improvement from the last million years, where, literally, her mood had been almost constantly shitty.

    . . . And then Cass came in screaming bloody murder and threatening she and Blanc to get the fuck up or she would kick their asses. If she had the patience, Hay Sun would have laughed because it usually didn't work that others were threatening her, it was the other way around. She rolled out of bed, violently stomping her feet onto the floor and strutting up to Cassandra with flashing blue eyes. Recently, she had been hating everyone.

    What is it ?❞ she growled, grabbing the blonde girl's collar and raising her off the ground with ease ❝I wouldn't threaten me unless you want the threat to be turned on you, very much a reality.❞ She narrowed her eyes, ready to kick ass, but then felt something was off. Very off. She let go of Cassandra, not bothering to help her up and rushed to the door, looking through the peek hole to see . . .

    What the fuck. she thought to herself, squinting slightly to get a better look.

    It looked like Red and Paco were . . . being attacked? by these two teenage chicks. One of them was clutching onto something — a bent bat, maybe? No. What the fuck, was that a leg ? She looked over her shoulder at Cassandra, ❝What the hell is going on out there?❞ she asked, but barely waited for an answer before tossing clothes and shoes on.

    Although she didn't care much, it was probably a bad idea to rush out there half-cocked, but with all the shit that had been going down lately, and all this ridiculous training and tapping-into-powers that had been . . . happening?, Hay Sun wasn't down for this fucking nonsense. The last thing anyone should have wanted to do was try her patience ( or whatever little she had left could be called ).

    OY !❞ she bellowed in the direction of the four people. Why the hell did Paco have Red in a death grip? Was this some sort of double-cross ? She knew he was a pretty fucking shady guy, but she had started warming up to him because they were a lot alike, and Uriel and Abbadon had a bit of a past together. Come to think of it, Xathanael had shared a little of that past, hadn't she? Ahh, who gave a shit.Put her down, Paco!❞ she warned, and the attention of the two chicks turned on her. What the fuck. Zombie much? she began to take long, impatient, angry strides towards the adversary.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Saxima
    DAY 22
    Sunday, October 13th, 2013
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    THE city is blanketed in light, and even if he looked hard, it was impossible to tell it was nighttime. Then again, that would be if he was in the main district. He was currently in an abandoned warehouse near the edge of the city, waiting for someone; more like waiting to be double-crossed, and then waiting to destroy.

    Making deals was always troublesome because there was no way he could trust anyone he worked with; they were all dirt, all looking out for themselves. He wasn't one to put himself above that, since he was watching his own hide as well. Still, no matter what, he was confident in his ability to always have the upper-hand.

    He didn't have to wait much longer for his accomplice to rear their face.

    Raziel? came the female's questioning, cautious, yet sultry voice. Ahh, he didn't like this woman. As an avid visitor of the red-light district, he knew most of their faces and voices. I'm here, Raziel.

    He stepped out from the corner of a niche he had been concealing himself in. Mae Lin, he greeted quietly, You have it?

    She looked bright when seeing him and he internally sighed, not feeling like going through this routine tonight. It always seemed to be the same with her kind; they got touchy-feely with him and wanted to jump his dick all the time. He didn't get what it was, but he didn't go along with it anymore like he used to, mostly because it would pretty much end up in him having a gun held to his head. Come on Mae Lin, I don't have all night.

    The young woman pouted, Raziel, you're too mean. she said, pulling out a small folded paper from her cleavage. Clearly, it was the perfect storage place. I don't get what's with the name 'Raziel', either. Won't you tell me . . . ? She batted her fake eyelashes at him.

    You know that I won't answer your questions. he responded curtly, and then handed her an envelope, This should cover it. Tell Won Ri not to bother me anymore, otherwise I'm going to kill him.

    She waved her hand at him and laughed. So scary, Razzy!

    His eyebrow twitched, and his face showed clear irritation at the nickname. Most people thought that 'Raziel' was simply a code name, a street name, and everyone in the underground had one, but Leo used it because it was his real name, though no one would make that connection or even believe him if he mentioned anything. Then again, not that he would in the first place. It wasn't his natural nature to reveal secrets about himself or anyone else.

    I'm going now, Mae Lin. Leo said to her, his hands in his pockets, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back, pouting.

    Won't you stay? she asked, using a sensual tone, and he sighed again. He was too tired for this tonight.

    Good night, Mae Lin. he said before dissolving.

    Soon, he was back in his own room, stripping off his jacket and tossing it haphazardly on the chair. He was tired. Today had been busy, and that small meeting with Mae Lin had been the final thing to mark off his twenty-four-item checklist; still, that was mostly shorter than all of his other daily lists. Surviving in this city took a lot of work, negotiation, and blood. There was a lot of running, too.

    After stripping off his clothes, he flopped onto his bed in his darkly-colored briefs, breathing deep breaths of calmness and using the energy around him to rejuvenate his tired body. His phone rang and he didn't bother looking at it, waiting until speaker came on and the caller would leave a voicemail.

    Jun Tae? the voice started, and he opened his bright blue eyes in surprise. . . . It's me. Pick up the phone, please? He was too stunned to move, so the voice sighed and continued, I thought I would put off telling you, since you hardly call anymore, but Hay Sun has been gone for a long time. She left without saying goodbye, and then called me a few days later from the US. I have no idea what's been going on, but the last she told me was that she was in London, and . . . I can't leave the shop because it's been very busy, lately. I'm worried about her, Jun Tae. Could you track her down?

    The phone beeped and Leo didn't move to grab it. Hay Sun was missing? Or had she run away. Knowing her, it was probably the latter. The United States, and then London? What could she possibly be doing?

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Saxima
    ISTP, I'm Riku. Cool.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Saxima


    Sophie's party hadn't really been for Bryan, but he came mostly for Noëlle's sake, even if she had disappeared ten minutes after they arrived. He thought she might have wanted space to be with other people, and this was a good place for that, but then he couldn't find her anywhere. He was tempted to ask Lucas for help in searching, since he seemed to know where everyone was at all times.

    . . . And then Lucas popped up ( from out of nowhere, he might add ) and told him that Noëlle left Sophie's house and was on foot, Bryan had no objections to quickly leaving Erik's side ( it was really wonderful talking to him, Bryan admitted ) and leaving the house in search of her, without saying goodbye to his host. Noëlle always came first, in these kinds of situations.

    He'd been advised to drive slow, which was a good idea, so he went at about 25mph, looking on the side of the road with his headlights on, searching for any signs of his sister. God, why did she leave without telling him? He was a bit agitated at that, but she did seem troubled, and . . . Had there really been no one for her at the party? She could have told him, they would have gone home together . . .

    Bryan guessed that they weren't back at that stage yet.

    It felt like forever until he had found her, that he began to lose hope that he would find her at all, which worried him because of this bad weather. He quietly cursed himself for not paying more attention — then again, he didn't even know what he was doing anymore when it came to Noëlle. What did he want from her? She was lonely, she told him, but they needed their space because their previous relationship hadn't been . . . healthy?

    He shook his head. "Maybe if we weren't brother and sister, spending all of that time together wouldn't be so bad." It wasn't really so bad to begin with, but Ms. Chambers . . . made him feel bad about it, and so did their aunts and uncles and other family as they got older . . . He gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, his face heating in frustration.

    Off to the side, a small figure with a lit cigarette drew his eye, and he pulled the car to a stop. A few seconds later, he rolled down the window, and frowned, "Noëlle?" he asked, leaning forward to get a better look. Her smoking habit . . . Ugh. Still, for now, it was better not to berate her about it, "It's cold as heck out here, you shouldn't have gone off alone . . . I'm sorry for — . . ." For what? Well, for everything . . . "Sorry." he then mumbled, and opened the door, motioning for her to get in.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Saxima


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    With everyone situated in her house, Sophie disappeared into the foyer of her home with Lucas, to who she was talking about the others with. All clothing but her dress had been removed and she was barefooted, crossing her legs on the black leather couch that sat against a parchment-textured wall.

    Most everyone will be staying here tonight, though I doubt any of them will be making it to rooms.

    Will you be keeping a companion?

    Sophie looked at Lucas with a sly smile. Always knowing, he seemed to be. Perhaps not tonight. Pierce has a drinking problem, I think, so that would make most situations with her regrettable ( for her ), and Quentin doesn't seem eager to speak with me. I could always seduce one of the others, but they're of not interest to me if they're not Oliver or you.

    A hurried set of footsteps interrupted the two, and Sophie looked up to seen an anxious looking Pierce.

    S - Sorry, Lucas, b - but I really need to steal S - Sophie.

    She wondered what the hurry was and Lucas gave her one of his knowing smiles that passed onto her face. Before she could bid him goodbye, Pierce was dragging her away, with no grip on her arm. What could be the hurry? She wondered if Pierce had decided to try and seduce Sophie instead of the other way around, how silly. When they came into one of the bathrooms and the door was locked behind her, her suspicions were amped, but she didn't say anything.

    I have been waiting to talk to you all day!

    A laugh escaped Sophie's glossed lips, Yes, I humbly accept your marriage proposal. she joked, What is it?

    She listened to what Pierce had to say about . . . Oliver. Her smile had dissipated when hearing everything. Well, this was . . . unexpected. And a little not-pleasing. Carefully, she thought of what to say. There were a few roads she could take; one, talk Pierceout of this 'silly' notion of Oliver liking her, two, mock her for the notion even passing through her mind, three, encourage it and wait for a peak, then destroy it, four, get closer to Oliver.

    When Pierce looked at her with the vivid chocolate eyes, Sophie smirked.

    Hmm. You two have been spending quite a bit of time together, she said, feigning thoughtfulness, But I would be careful. Don't jump into anything yet. It's a long shot that he likes you because you're Pierce. Be honest, you two barely know a thing about each other — if he did like you, what was he basing that off of? It seems rather sudden to me, this 'date'.

    Sophie ran a thumb down Pierce's cheek and smiled, then leaned back against the bathroom door. I would wait. It would be practically silly of you to let yourself be swept off your feet, only to be tossed away later. Though that was a real warning, not that Sophie didn't practice something like herself on others.

    The wondrous, innocent, and hopeful look on Pierce's face only made the situation that much more fun to handle. You're so cute. she said, leaning in to kiss the girl on the cheek, We'll wait and see what happens. she then murmured into the other's ear, and opened the bathroom door. Come, back downstairs we go.

    Sophie grabbed Pierce's hand and they headed back to the kitchen where Sophie greeted the others, and said thank you to Tucker for the cake. Oliver and Pierce . . . It would definitely be better to wait it out, at least for a little while.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Saxima


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    When the play was successfully finished, the entirety of the cast and crew took the stage and everyone took a bow. After a few curtain calls, the group decided, hell, it was Christmas, why not have the party tonight and we can make it a sleepover! Sophie hoped Lucas was prepared for all these kids.

    After the auditorium was cleared out, everyone packed up their respective things and followed Sophie in her car to her house, which wasn't a great distance from Fortissimo, but not a walk through the park, either. Her house was rather secluded and neighbors were a bit distant to come across.

    After parking her car in its respective place, Lucas appeared next to her in all of his prim, proper, and butler-y goodness and began directing traffic for the others, while telling her to go in and quickly inspect everything before her guest entered. She smiled with satisfaction at the results of his hard work and made a mental note to reward him with something later.

    Soon, all of the cast and crew ( and maybe then some ) were led through the foyer and into the spacious and open living room. Despite the outward appearance of it, Sophie's home was an odd mixture of modern and classic aspects, due to the designing of her uncle and mother. Pierce's mom wasn't the only one with . . . strange tastes.

    Congratulations on a successful play, everyone. Sophie began, To celebrate, food, drinks, and other things for your pleasure have been prepared by myself and my friend Lucas, she motioned to the dark haired young man who quietly stood in the corner and waved when he was called upon. There's a pool out back, if any of you care to swim, and there is also alcohol, but mind your manners and be responsible, especially you underage folk.

    She looked around and calculated who would be drunk soon enough and which ones were underage. Most of them were, but Sophie had drank a time or two, or three in her life, so she didn't mind it.

    To abstain from regretful mistakes, everyone is allowed to stay the night, and anyone who has drank more than their share is definitely not driving home. Alright, go scatter to your heart's content. Food's in the kitchen, et cetera. Oh — in the restrooms upstairs you'll find a few boxes of condoms ( again, courtesy of Lucas ). If you intend to do anything, don't stain my house with your messes and keep it out of the public eye.

    Bottom line, just don't destroy my house.

    With that, she motioned everyone to go be fly and fancy free while she dragged Lucas off to the side and began talking about the plans for the rest of the night with him.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Saxima


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Christmas morning had been relatively uneventful, Sophie imagined, compared to her classmates, but that was fine with her. A small part fretted that Lucas might have decided to spend it with his sister, Fatime, but he had explained that he had already gifted his sister, and that they didn't spend much time together in any case.

    Selfish as it was, Sophie secretly didn't want to spend Christmas alone, if only for the reason that it would have been annoying and pitiful. Her parents . . . Hah. They hadn't spent a Christmas together since Sophie turned ten. Still, they had adorned their only daughter with extravagant gifts that she ended up either returning, or giving to someone else who might enjoy it more. It was a terrible thing to see such expensive items go to waste.

    Don't laugh at me. Sophie said with a pointed look on her face, It's not my fault that the cello is almost as big as I am. She narrowed her pale eyes; Lucas always did this whenever she asked him to carry her cello, and always vowed, every time, that she would never ask him again, only to have trouble again, and then rinse and repeat. Several times she had threatened to impale him with her bow, but he laughed that off, too. Annoying man.

    Meanwhile, the auditorium was packed — she wasn't even sure if that was the right word for it; perhaps she should say more overflowing. She honestly didn't expect such a turn out, since Fortissimo was an extremely selective and exclusive academy.

    Earlier that morning, she had called Pierce and wished her a Merry Christmas, and told her that she had gotten a gift. Hopefully, she would be able to give it before the night was over. Subconsciously, Sophie wondered if the gift would be liked, but pushed that away with a bit of an ego, thinking How could she not like it? Terrible mindset to have with Christmas presents.

    After much hustle and bustle behind stage, Sophie set herself up in the principal chair in the cello section of the orchestra, where she and Bryan quickly made last-notes about the score. She only hoped that he wouldn't mess it up; her eyes flashed darkly at the thought.

    Julius had begun to talk, and in the current darkness, Sophie removed her tedious shoes.

    I'll have your head if you mess up, Bryan Chambers. she muttered in French.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Saxima
    If you guys could all oblige me by downloading this font, that would be lovely.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Saxima

    Message From: Noëlle
    It's not like I 'don't tell you' because I don't want to. Maybe I will someday, when I'm on my deathbed ... But yeah, I get it. Privacy.

    Oh ... I don't know how I feel about that. I thought you were totally gay. Lol. It would have explained some things. I never really see you with anyone! I know it's none of my business, but I'm concerned. I want to be an aunt someday, you know!

    Haha. Nope. No any of that. :). Before you get any funny ideas, too, there is a guy I like, and have liked for a long time. Just haven't gotten anywhere with it. That's why I don't date much myself.

    Message To: Noëlle
    Well, if you really want to be an aunt that badly, maybe I'll start a harem, haha! Or just adopt tons of kids, and call it a day. You know if you want it, I'm willing to give it ten fold. I just hope that means you'll make me an uncle, too!

    Oh, thank goodness. I thought I might have to shoot some people... Or at least interrogate them, a lot. I know I've probably never said it, but now's as good a time as any, but I can't really see you with anyone! Mostly because I don't think there's any guys — or girls — who are good enough for you. Can't have people trying to steal my beautiful little sister all the time, haha.

    O: I wonder who the lucky guy could be! How long of a time are we talking? ...Do I know him??


    Bryan had come back home on Christmas Even because Ms. Chambers wouldn't have it any other way, and he wouldn't either. Even if things had been a little . . . awkward, the morning had been just like the ones he remembered from back when things were better. He felt nostalgic whenever he had woken up early and then practically hopped down the steps to take in the fresh morning of Christmas. It might have been his favorite holiday, if only for the memories, back when he and Noëlle were inseparable.

    It also made him feel a bit sad inside because those days were gone.

    It wasn't anything extravagant like it used to be, but sharing presents with his sister and mom was really great and he couldn't stop himself from wearing a silly bright smile. For Ms. Chambers, Bryan had given her a gift card to a spa, where he had purchased the best spa day package that he could think of, and then for Noëlle . . . She had been a little bit more difficult, but after a long time of searching, he had found a silver necklace that she hopefully loved ( a part of him hoped she would cherish it forever ), and then gave her a kind of silly Christmas card, with — bonus! — money inside!

    In return, Noëlle's gift had Bryan laughing and blushing mostly because she made it herself; a green scarf that he was able to make a turban out of ( so mature, Bryan! ) and then a slip of paper that read 'GIFT TICKET!'. He was confused about it at first, and then she told him that whenever he was ready for his present, he could exchange the ticket. He was excited and curious to know what the gift was, but decided to wait until a later time to exchange it.

    With bright eyes, Bryan stood backstage glancing out into the full audience. Who knew that there was gonna be such a turn out for the opening night!

    Along with himself were the other buzzing cast and crew, some nervous, some happy. He really hoped that this was a hit, because it seemed like people were expecting a lot of them — especially since this was a performing school . . . kind of. His green eyes scanned the immediately crowd to meet with a pair of blue ones from his sister, and with a bright smile, Bryan waved like an idiot, too excited to care. His hand played with the tassels of the green scarf as the time to start drew closer.

    He disappeared behind the curtain, moving to one of the tables and looking around for the score. His eyes widened when he couldn't find it, and then he began to frantically move around the crowds of actors and dancers, looking for it on every available surface. Ahh, this was bad! If he couldn't find it, then . . . Well, it wasn't like he didn't memorize it back and forth, but all of his notes for crescendos, fermatas, and codas, he might forget them if he thought about it too much!

    "You know, for the conductor, you are a very scatterbrained boy." Bryan's head twisted and turned to see who was talking to him, and then glanced down to see the much shorter Sophie holding . . . The score!

    With a huge breath of relief, Bryan took it from her and quickly thumbed through it, "You're a lifesaver, Soph! Ugh, I don't even want to think what might've happened if I didn't have it."

    She waved her hand and began walking off, and he smiled, quickly heading down to the pit to prep the orchestra, just before Julius walked out onto the stage to give the night's introduction.
    Post by: Saxima, Aug 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Saxima
    E X I T , S T A G E L E F T

    After a long ordeal in the hellish tunnels of Bentley, the group of thirteen found themselves on the streets once more. Lucas couldn't say that he had never been more glad in his life to see the light of . . . night, was it? He couldn't tell very well, buthe didn't care much. They quickly made their escape to the yacht where DAKOTA had been discovered. Had they waited for them? How nice.

    BRYAN was completely distraught, and had to be incapacitated, and was quickly tied away. Lucas almost felt for him, really, but . . . Lucas was simply glad that now he had SOPHIE him once more, and that she was sleeping in his lap. He looked over to see QUENTIN dozed off. Apparently the maid was with them now.

    Eventually, they were all aboard, and it was time to leave the hell that was Bentley. Thank god the day was over.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Saxima
    U N C O V E R I N G E M E R A L D


    They returned to the door of ROOM SEVEN, and then both popped the candy in their mouths, and Lucas chewed his thoroughly. After feeling satisfied that they were going to be alright with the yellow mist, they slid the key into the access panel, and just in time, too, when stomping started.

    Lucas slipped in, FREDDIE hopefully behind him.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Saxima
    U N C O V E R I N G E M E R A L D


    With room six out of the way, they passed the door to room seven because of the yellow mist and moved on to room eight, with the puppies and candy being fed; their plan was to take the candy and eat it, hopefully giving them the desired result: immunity to the yellow mist. The young woman in the previous room had been eating it, so it was hopeful that they were right.

    CANE went into the room, using the access key, and they hoped that she would provide a decent distraction for them. They crouched into the room and made their way over to the puppies where the candy had been haphazardly tossed to them. They grabbed a handful of it and then Lucas checked on Cane's status with the scientists. When she tossed the access key to the ground, Lucas reached for it and pocketed it.

    Feeling successful, he and FREDDIE ducked out of the room once more, and then began their journey to, finally, DOOR SEVEN.

    Post by: Saxima, Aug 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home