Is anyone at the NY orchestra right now? It's so cool!
Welp, time to take my boyfriend on a hint trip.
Would anyone like to guess what the new world will be? Even though I would love for it to be Wreck It Ralph, I think it's gonna be Frozen.
Welcome to the site!
I can't wait to see her. ^_^
I hope he pops up for the NY portion of the tour. ^.^ It'd be really cool to see him in person.
I wonder if they'll show this trailer again when the tour reaches NY. I'm going to the June 23'rd one. Should I wait till then or should I see the trailer now? x.x these are the decisions that haunt me.
I'm on board for this upcoming round. This is stuff is fun. ;D
Those all look amazing! I don't remember the other company that's making figurines as well, but they really need to take a page out of bandai's book on how the characters should look. I'm sure they did their best making them, but some of them really were creepy looking. >.>
So the Wanted special aired today, not sure if anyone else here saw it, but if you haven't please do. Like now. XD It was amazing. I saw a couple of spoilers on YT though I didn't think it was real Spoiler like Lar's death I was not expecting that. Although the thing that got me the most was The Trial when Spoiler Zircon brought up the theory/argument that Rose shattering Pink Diamond didn't add up, and I agree. Given Rose was against using The Breaking Point, I never thought she used it against PD and it was established her sword couldn't shatter gems let alone a Diamond, so when the Zircon brought up the theory that only someone close to her could've done it, like another Diamond, I was left speechless. x.x I never considered it but now I have my own somewhat of a theory as to who could've done it. ;D
His face actually looks nice. :o
Oooh. Would it be considered spoilers listening to the CD before seeing the concert? XD
That one song you're embarrassed to admit you like? What did you want to grow up to be when you were a little kid? Do you like to dance?
That's pretty neat. And it's not as expensive as I thought it would be. I'm still wondering though if they'll do the same thing and release an album based on the US tour. Or probably not since I would imagine it's the same songs, maybe switched around a little.
Ah, within the next three years. I was about to say. 2020 is a cool year numerically, but to wait all that time is just overkill.
They just look like HQ miniature posters to me... I want some. >.>