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  1. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade and Zepharus continued their battle, till their legs were shaking from exhaustion.
    "Seems this is a draw," Kade smiled.
    "Appears so my lady," Zepharus nodded. Their attention was diverted when they senced someone coming near the castle. They both looked at eacother and teleported next to Salix.
    "Need any help?" Kade asked as she stood behind Salix.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade and Zepharus faced eachother in one of the many training room in the headquarters. Kade summoned her Heartless and Nobody keyblades while Zepharus summoned his dragon whip. Kade used her magic to turn the white room to pitch black, requiring them to relly on their other sences.

    "Let's see how far you've come," Kade smirked as she charged Zepharus.

    "I think you've forgoten that I've lived inside you for almost a year, I can predict your movements," Zepharus said as he dodged the attacks. Kade smiled to hersel, teleported behind Zepharus and hit him with the blunt side of her keyblade. "I see you have a few tricks up your sleeve."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Keyblade_Smokey
    "I love you," kade smiled up at Yeifou before she stood up. "Now it seems like we've gained a few members. I guess we better get the introductions over with." Kade smiled as she teleported downs stairs.

    "My Lady," Zepharus noded, ecknowledging Kade's entry.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade smiled and hugged Yeifou close, "I missed you so much."

    "So anything else interesting happen while we were away?" Zepharus asked curiously.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zepharus sat up, "Yeah you dont look too good. I might be able to heal you a little bit, if you'd like me to."

    "I bet you did," Kade smilled as she kissed him again.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Keyblade_Smokey
    "What? What's going on? You know... the all powerfull Dragon would love to know what's going on here," Zepharus joked.

    Kade smiled. "I've checked up on him.... I would teleport in here late at night and stand by him, rubbing his head. I'd check on you too, I would sit next to you for a while and watch you sleep..."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Keyblade_Smokey
    "She's tired, other then that she's fine. There wasnt much I could do, being a spirit," Zepharus leaned back and laid on the floor. "She used a spell at one of the holliest temples of our order.... a spell to give me a body of my own.... I think it was taking a toll on her; having me in her head all the time."

    "You're the reason I left, I wanted to be alone with you...without Zepharus in my head. I left for us," Kade kissed Yeifou. "For our love."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zepharus smirked, "Then I guess I better make sure he doesnt kill me. Adding the power of the Dragon to his collection wouldnt be a fair exchange."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zepharus smiled, "Yes, we arrived earlier today. Kade and I had some...... Dragon buisness to attend to that required us to leave. So, I've hear Takeshi is finally gone and some other incompitent has show himself." Zeph sat down on the floor, not used to having a physical body.

    "I missed you," Kade smiled at Yeifou, breaking the kiss.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Yes, now that Takeshi is gone and Zepharus has his own body all I have is you," Kade whispered as she kissed Yeifou.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade smiled, "I missed you too. I didnt want to leave but I had to. Zeph has his own body now, he's free to do as he pleases."

    Zepharus drew his Dragon Whip, which looked like his tail as a Dragon." I dont think so. You're not taking Kairi anywhere," Zepharus smiked.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Keyblade_Smokey
    OOC: It's cause I'm back lol jk.

    Kade felt the warmth of someone near her, touching her. She slowly opened her eyes, with her blurry vision she could make out the person infront of her. Kade smiled and put her hand up on Yeifou's cheek. "I missed you."

    "Yes, I think I remember that. Kade and I were here when he was destroyed. But Hideo, I dont know about him. What's he like?" Zepharus asked Kairi.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Keyblade_Smokey
    "My Lady just needs to rest, she went through a great deal to get me this body. She'll be fine in the morning," Zepharus promised as he teleported Kade to her bedroom. "We've been gone a long time. What's been happening?" Zepharus asked Kairi.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade teleported into a large circular room, elaborate paintings covered the walls. "This looks like the right spot," Kade smiled, she placed her hand on the floor and sent her magic through the walls, which began to glow.

    "Lady, are you sure about this? You could loose your life," Zeph pointed out inside Kades head.

    "Yes I know," Kade stated. Kade took out a scroll and beagan to read the ancient language. "There, it's done... ahhhhh!" Kade grabbed at her chest, it felt as if Zepharus was being ripped out of her. Zepharus's ghostly form emerged leaving Kade's back. Black smoke and puprple lightning covered around Kade and Zepharus.

    Zepharus hit the floor with a thud, his legs giving away under him. Slowly he pulled himself up off the stone floor. What used to be old stone was now shinny, black marble. Zepharus looked around for Kade, only to see her lying on the ground. "My Lady!" Zepharus ran to her side and picked her up off the ground, "My Lady," Zepharus shook her lightly. He checked her breathing, it was shallow and slow but he could hear her breathing. "I should get her back," Zepharus stood up with Kade in his arms and in a flash of rainbow light teleported to HQ.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Keyblade_Smokey
    OOC: Ok guys im back for a while. I need to Rp to get my mind off something......

    BIC: Kade floated in the air above Memory Skyscraper, as she sighed she floated down and sat on one of the balcony like structures, and admired the scenary.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade eyed Salix as he went through the portal. 'So, he realizes that he's vulnerable," Kade thought to herself. Zepharus caught on to her thoughts, looked over at her and nodded.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade teleported behind Takeshi and put her keyblade up against his throat, "Surrender now?" Kade asked. she looked at Salix then back at TAkeshi, "I would if I were you, he looks like he's about to kill you."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Who said I wanted to fight?" Kade joked as she drew her own two keyblades. Zepharus summoned his magic around hsi hands.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade and Zepharus teleported behind Takeshi. "Why hello again," Kade smirked her greeting.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Why you," Kade growled as she charged Takeshi and checked him in the stomach. "I thought I told you, you mess with my friends you get me."

    OOC: ok guys will im off for tonight, nighty night, i got work tomorrow lol
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Nov 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home