*wipes up your drool and makes more for you*
would you like more? *balences knife tip on my finger*
yay :glomp: *watches you* you like sushi huh?
haha, okay *makes sushi and puts some on you*
but we could make it real fish *grabs real fish*
gummy fish sweetie
*tackles you and pours gummy bears and fish on you*
haha XD *dodges those and throws snickers pieces at you*
welcome, this outta be fun ;D *catches them in my mouth and throws m&ms at you*
good job! *catches some in mouth and throws gummy worms at you*
hahaha *eats some and throws some chocolate chips at you*
*laughs* silly *dumps lemon drops on you*
haha(: lemon drop(: you?
oh, i dont know
Both are boring? You can put a letter on them? idk how?
okay, if you say so(:
I am sorry DX
fantastic, you?(:
good(: not really, you?(: