Hey(: Long time no talk!
We will see your Royal Wedding and raise you a Osama death
Does Justin Bieber get 10 years to hide too?
No one exactly knows what is going to happen next with terrorism, it can sky rocket or stop almost completely, it all depends on how the terrorists react to losing one of the Al Queda leaders. In my opinion, terrorism will most likely sky rocket because Osama is finally dead, if it doesn't, I can honestly say I will be surprised.
Can you post the codes that you tried using? I had trouble with this same topic a while ago
welcome(: i will check them out soon(: oh that sucks!
Its fine(: Thats awesome! They must be really good!(: i wonder why... :3
Yay(; That's good, you must have many friends(: Yes! :3
It's nice to talk to you too(: God bless you too(: Apoligetix is happy to hear Taffy is great :3
I know! It's crazy! I am great!(: How are you? :3
Your silly(:
Oh indeed(:
That's good (beside the tired part(:) I have been great!(:
It's Freakin awesome, zombies everywhere(: Awesomeness(: How have you been?
I am playing red dead redemption, undead nightmare(: You?
Hello. :3
Hello :3
I shat bricks with that last post kneesocks
Alt + s slot 2 Refuse