This hostile attitude for no reason tho. lmao
When will people start listening to Miyazaki already?
Can't stop, won't stop (might stop)
sell your soul to the yuri godmother
Look ma, I'm on the frontpage!
But it was. You clearly meant for us to think of Ghostbusters and since you don't have anything to show for it then it's a Ghostbusters reference.
Instead of going "No, I like it the way it is and you should shut the **** up" like other people in the thread are, I actually tried going along with him and having some fun. Okay look, I wasn't even going to make a postive post in this thread and this is part of the reason why. Because I knew you guys were going to act this way and make a big fuss over my post. And all I've been recieving from you is "oh Chris, don't be mean to the newbie". And honestly, like real talk, I feel kinda insulted that you guys assume that's something I'd do, because "gay girls". And like, yeah, while I happen to be into that I'm not so shallow that I'd make fun of someone just like that. And yeah, I just feel you guys need to be a little more sensitive about that.
U wot m8? You need to absolutely check your priviledge, if you think that's what I'm doing. I hope that your underwear tugs uncomfortably on your balls while you're at school/work tomorrow, punk.
You're right! We can fix this together xD
It's not that bad, go the castle place and beat that one guy to get his amazing Northern Realms leader card. Then go get the horn card, then you're pretty much set to beat anyone. The inkeeps are really easy, just exploit the terrible AI. Gwent is basically the best part of the game, **** finding Ciri.
If someone has switched your toilet paper with sand paper, don't use it to wipe your ass.
As a straight male, I will say that sex is definitely the defining selling point on a relationship with me. I could easily live together with a woman who I didn't have sex with, but that would not be a relationship in my mind, just two friends living together. Not all straight men are going to be on the same page as me, but most probably are going to agree that without sex it's just a friendship. Your best bet is probably finding another asexual. And they're not that rare nowadays, so you'll be fine.
Is it a lamp?
Clutching is so easy and satisfying though, you'll get used to it. The rest are arguable at best.
What if you're deaf? That's the real reason they do colour coded subtitles, to help out deaf people.
Probably. If he was braking on all the wheels he could stop like that. Crazy ruskies though.
A couple of weeks ago I worked a 21 and a half hour shift on a hanging scaffold.
Are you going to tell your parents where you got the money?