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  1. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    "Fine!" He said, biting his tounge. It started bleeding. "Yow!" He looked at the hag, glaring at her. She widened her eyes, the bloodshot pupils staring at him. He stuck his toungue out, but he cried out in pain afterwards. A fuzzy feeling permeated the area of his bellybutton, signifying how far the fur had spread.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    The old woman stared back at her, face a centimeter from the glass. "You'd better tell your friend to stop insulting me, he should." The woman twitched her head, tilting it to the side. "Filthy humans. Well, not for long, anyway." She dashed to another window, muttering incantations.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    "James, please refrain from petting yourself until this is over, okay?" He asked, laughing a bit at the last comment. "I think it was that WEIRDO VOODOO *****!" He yelled angrily, intending for the woman to hear. He toppled over afterwards, blond fur sprouting up along his legs, up to midway up his thigh. Fur???? "James, get that witch! She's at my house!" The fur spread up a little higher at his insult.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian let out a louder growl, suprising himself. He stopped it, picking up the phone clumsily, putting it on speaker. "James!" Demian was happy to hear from someone that wasn't screaming their lungs out. "James! Be careful! Has anything happened to you yet??" He asked, frantically looking for the hag and holding in a loud snarl.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    "Maybe the old hag thought we all knew about it, and let him do it." He said, but as he finished the statement, he moaned and grabbed his face, slipping again. Whiskers wormed their way up through his skin. He thought he saw a shadow in the window. "What was that?"
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian managed to use one of his wickedly curved claws to get the phone off the holster, and miraculously dial a number of one of his friends. He put it on speaker. He heard a voice. "He-Help!" Then, a loud sound, like an elephant. "What's happening to me?" Demian terminated the call. "That....was Jenny?"
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian groaned and held his back, it hurt. His spine thinned, and a line of fur spung up along it. "What's happening to us?" He asked, seeing the phone again. "Oh my god!" He put it in the carridge. "What about the others?" He said, looking around anciously. He fell again, noticing his feet had turned into paws, and he really shouldn't have had them in the shoes.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian groaned as his hands reconfigured into paws, and a tail shot out from his jeans. Two ears rustled through his hair, replacing his. He grew fangs, blood dripping from his mouth. His eyes turned yellow. He got up, holding his head in his paws, a splitting headache from it all invading his head. "Is it over?" He asked aloud.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  10. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian recoiled from the touch at first, she didn't realize her claws were in his skin. But it served as a distraction from the pain. "Ung...urg....augh..." Demian was in great pain. His hair began to turn a sandy brown, and his hands made crunching sounds as they began to morph into deadly paws. Black claws shot out from his fingernails, pooling blood on the floor.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  12. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian wasn't doing as well as Kyrine, however. He tried to get up, leaning against a wall. "Augh...." Was this....voodoo? What had she gotten of them? He remembered when he had sneezed. Crap. Another wave of pain struck him, toppling him to the ground at Kyrine's feet.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  14. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    ((However partial you want it. *is confused at your confusion* I don't have many rules. You can have her turn back, wether it just be ears, or ears and paws, or whatever. I'm leinient. like jello.)
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal


    Demian frowned. "W-Wait!" He ran after them, taking out his knives. He ran forwards, cutting out a zombie's stomach. It fell forwards, then he plunged the knife in it's back with a fluid movement. It fell to the ground, dead. He flipped the knives in his hands, shoving them backwards into a zombie's head.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    ((It was just going to be partial, but okay. XD))

    Demian gasped with suprise. He grabbed the phone, punching in James's number. He held it to his ear when a pain struck him. He dropped the phone, and he fell next to it. It was still ringing. "Gah!" He wondered if Kyrine still had her human emotions.
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    ((Edible ducks. Ligers are pushing it a bit, but 'cause your my friend, fine.))

    Demian didn't notice the fur, either. He helped her to her feet. She was still hunched over. " do I do?" He wondered, putting his head under hers. He tried prying her hands off her stomach, and saw the soft fur on them. "Ah!" He said, stumbling back a little. "What's that?"
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  19. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  20. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Demian ran to her, panciking. "What's happening?" He asked, concenred for her. He looked at her stomach, seeing nothing wrong with it. "What happened?" He asked, looking in her eyes. He impulsively wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

    ((I changed his animal to lion, kay? And the loss-traction is the result of the pads now. ))
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home