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  1. Bite the Dust


    After making his choice, the O.L.I. began to speak once again.

    "My excitement at your collective decision to join this world cannot be contained," the Outsider said without changing the tone of his voice. He paused for a moment to chew his apple, now reducing it to half, before continuing. "Before any of you take form, you must first decide the road that your life will take. Like all metaphysical roads of my own creation," the Outsider chuckled, "This path will paint a picture of yourself, perhaps a picture that you knew not exists. Until your new physical body is ready for you, your soul must take a form. Without form, there is no interaction with the world. You must now make a choice, young souls of Etiam: will you wield the sword of the warrior, defend with the shield of the guardian, pray with the staff of the cleric, or see through the eyes of the rogue? No worry, your choice will have no consequence on your eventual physical body. It is introduction to the laws of the land. However, your first form will grant you your first weapon, one that you will never betray you in combat and will always remain ready." The Outsider waved his non-apple holding hand as four symbols appeared between him and the souls, each with a floating weapon. "Now, choose, young souls. At your deepest, in your very core, beyond your heart, what is your true self?"

    With that, four different choices appeared, with four weapons showing up along with them. He overheard some people discussing what this would do for them, though he figured it was for tutorial purposes only. After all, the Outsider did say the choice they made wouldn't have any consequence on their eventual physical form. Still, the issue of which one to choose still remained.


    [ Yes ] [ No ]


    [ Yes] [ No ]


    [ Yes ] [ No ]


    [ Yes ] [ No ]​

    With his choice made, he eagerly awaited the next step of this intro to the game.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 48 - 4/4 | DATE: November 8th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Underground Tunnels ==> Obsidian Palace in Hell

    The little succubus whore seemed to have an issue with how he handled digging into the wall. Though, as she spoke, it was all in one ear and out the other. He just continued to work at breaking through and doing whatever they wanted of him. Sam wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible so that he wouldn't have to look at those demons any more. As he continued to work, Abaddon berated him for choosing to use a sword to break through a wall. When he finished getting in a couple of derisive words, the angel suggested to turn his weapon into a large hammer. It was much more effective in smashing through rocks than the edge of a sword.

    After getting through a good amount of work, as well as making a few more contained explosions, Chicken Wings came back bring him back to the palace. Sam wiped the sweat from his brow before being surrounded by black mist. When the mist lifted, he was back in his room. Tired from the work he did, he collapsed onto his bed. He just lay there, staring up at the ceiling as he thought about what they wanted to accomplish by digging tunnels.

    "Any ideas on that?"

    "No, I don't have any ideas why they'd need to dig tunnels. To be honest, I don't care either. More importantly, it seems I'm going to have to teach you more about the weapon you have in your possession. When I can get time to train you, that will have to be a top priority." The Angel of Destruction started to go on a rant that Sam started to tune in and out of. It was just words that didn't concern him in the slightest. He just kept going and going and going, just like the Energizer bunny. The irritated man liked the days when Abaddon didn't talk to him that much. It was so much more peaceful then. Now it was like he wouldn't ever shut the fuck up. "You weren't even paying attention, were you?"


    "Hopeless." After that brief exchange of words, Sam fell asleep in his oddly cozy bed.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 48 - 3/4 | DATE: November 8th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace ==> Underground Tunnels in Rome, Italy

    Sam was awakened by Chicken Wings, who it seems was standing in his room for quite some time. Lazily, he rose and got out of his bed, standing face to face with the bastard who brought him there. After having been allowed a few minutes to fully wake up, they both disappeared from the room in a black mist and ended up on a hill that was outside of a city. He had been told that he would be taken to a place in Rome to do something that required his expertise. When the mist fully lifted, they were greeted by a pair of demons that had been waiting for them. One of them looked like some kind of half-man, half-bird hybrid, and the other looked like a little red-haired girl. He was told that the girl was a succubus demon, like it actually mattered.

    When all was said and introductions were taken care of, they brought Sam to where he would be working: an underground tunnel. It was there that they told him that he would be helping them dig and bust rocks and what not. Busting rocks, very much like a prisoner. It all seemed like a sick joke to him. Regardless, he was told to start as soon as possible. When everything was fully explained, Danel disappeared and left them to their own devices. Whatever, it didn't seem like he'd be helpful in anyway.

    They made it to the end of the tunnel where other demons seemed to be working diligently. Just looking at them filled him with disgust. The little bastards just made him very angry. Just then, he had an idea.

    "Hey Abaddon, about the explosions caused by my flames."

    "My flames. And what about the explosions?"

    "If I set something decently sized, like say a demon a little shorter than I am, on fire and let it explode, would it cause a larger explosion?"

    "In your current state, yes. The size of the object touched by the Flames of Destruction would influence the power of the explosion. The bigger the object, the larger the explosion. Are you planning on doing something with that info?"

    "Just watch." As one of the lesser demons passed by, Sam called out to him. When he turned around, he took a hold of its head and held it in front of him.

    "Hey, what are you doing?!" Someone called out to him. He didn't even bother to look in the direction the voice came from, Sam just stood there, holding tightly onto the struggling demon's head.

    "Working." As it screamed and writhed to free itself from the Destroyer's grip, he set the bastard on fire. The screaming intensified as it burned, the flames tinting everything around it a bright shade of crimson. Sam pressed the demon up against the wall everyone was digging on, pointlessly trying to get free. As everyone cleared away from the burning demon, Sam let him go, kicking him further into the wall.

    "So that's your plan." To his surprise, the Angel of Destruction began to laugh as he walked away from the demon. "Well, for a moron such as yourself, this is a brilliant plan you've come up with." Sam held out his hand as if he was holding something and then mimed the action of pressing a button, much like a detonator. When his thumb pressed down, the demon in the wall exploded, forcing large chunks of rubble to burst forth from the wall. After the smoke from the explosion cleared and everything settled, a large hole revealed itself and showed that the tunnel now went much further than before.

    "That was good. That was really good. But you've got a lot more work ahead of you."

    "Of course." Casually, he sauntered over to the newly made end of the tunnel and pulled out his sword. "This is just the beginning."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Lu looks thoughtful for a moment before finally nodding her head with a smile. "Yup. That's all. Have a nice night," she tells him before skipping off down the hall to her room. That damned shark-toothed grin of hers really pissed him off. He shut the door behind him as he made his way back to the bed. After plopping back down onto the bed, he looked back up to the ceiling, disinterested in everything once again.

    "You've been wanting something to do and they give it to you, yet you still mope about. I fail to understand human emotion or the logic that comes with it."

    "Fine by me. I just want to get it over with."

    "Miserable cretin." After that, the Angel of Destruction stopped speaking. It was just an eerie silence in his room. No sounds or voices could be heard, not even the hum of electricity. Just dead silence in his room. Before too long, he closed his tired eyes and went to sleep.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Inn in Birdsville, Australia

    After getting to the Inn that Leo managed to book for them, he decided to room with that Adam kid. He hadn't really gotten to speak with him since they were at the restaurant, so he saw it as a good opportunity to catch up. When they were in the room, he noticed that he wasn't in the room. Though since there was a light coming from underneath the door, he figured that he was in there. The trip to the inn from Amelia's was a long one that probably warranted a long awaited trip to the bathroom.

    However, a scream sounded followed by an awkward silence. At the sound of the scream that came from the bathroom, Vincent rushed to find out what had happened. "Hey, I hea- Oh my God! What the hell happened here?!" Though he wasn't inexperienced with cuts and wounds and the like, what he saw there was leagues beyond simple injuries like those.

    Adam was staring at his foot without acknowledging Vincent was even there. Not intentionally meaning to be rude. He looked up with tear filled eyes and spoke, "WHAT THE HELL DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO YOU?!"

    "Oh God, oh God, oh God!" The panicking Italian took a look around the bathroom and took one of the hand towels and tossed it to him. "O-okay! You try to stop the bleeding with this!" He tried to keep calm at all of this. Back at the restaurant he worked at, one of the newbies nearly cut off his own finger. This was similar to that, he just needed to keep calm and find some bandages. "I'll go get bandages from the front desk!"

    Adam held the hand towels to his foot and shakily spoke, "I-I have band-bandages in the front pocket of- of my knapsa- oh my god this hurts."

    "Great!" Frantically, the shaken man looked around for Adam's bag. As soon as he found it, he dug around as quickly as he could to find the bandages. When he got them, he rushed over to the bleeding teenager. "Okay, show me your foot!" Adam let go of his foot and pointed it in Vincent's direction, then nervously grabbed at the removed toe on the ground and lifted it up looking like he was ready to faint at the sight of it.

    "Oh man!" He could feel the vomit rising up in his throat as Adam held his severed toe. The flustered Italian man guided his hand to hold the toe in place. "Just hold it there, okay!?" He unraveled the bandaging without a moments hesitation and immediately began to wrap the dismembered digit. His hands were shaking the entire time.

    Adam stared at Vincent as he did this and quickly let out, "Is this going to help it? I don't know what to do about this. My bloody toe is cut off man!"

    As he quickly continued to thoroughly cover the severed toe, he answered the skeptical teen without even looking at him. "Well this should at least help! We need to get you someone who is good at stitching up wounds!" With the toe and a good portion of his foot thoroughly wrapped in bandaging, he sat down on the floor, exhausted from the stress of the moment. "Oh man..." Vincent held the toe and tried to adjust it to make sure it was aligned properly for the time being.

    Adam looked at Vincent and felt something numb in his toe, the pain slowly disappearing. He shifted his weight a little forward, "Are you doing something?"

    "Doing something?" A confused look came onto his face. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just holding your toe."

    Adam looked down at his toe and then back at Vincent, "I know that but... this is strange..."

    "What is?"

    "It feels... numb. Like, it's not in pain but it's like.. a healing numb."

    "A healing numb? I don't quite follow."

    "You know when you put something like neosporin on a cut, and it numbs up before it heals? It feels like that... except, it shouldn't feel like it is healing... should it?"

    "I don't even..." After several minutes of holding the toe in place, he let go, completely flabbergasted by the words coming out of Adam's mouth.

    Adam rolled his eyes, "Do you not know what healing is like or something? Have you ever cut yours- AH WHAT THE FUCK!" Adam cut off what he was saying when he noticed his toe that was cut off moved. He stared at it in horror as he moved it again to confirm it and he let out a scream.

    As he noticed the movement from the bandaged toe, Vincent jumped back, visibly surprised by the sight of movement. "Wha-what the hell!?"

    Adam stared at it for a long moment as he forced himself to calm down, "W-what did you do?"

    "I-I don't know... I wasn't even trying to do anythi- Just... What the hell?" Adam stared for a little bit longer before he quickly went for the bandages and started to unwrap it. When he finished unwrapping it, they were surprised to see that the toe was no longer severed. In fact, it seemed like it was never cut off in the first place. He was drawing blanks as he continued to stare at the healed up toe in awe.

    Adam stared at the toe with no words being able to be produced. Finally something seemed to click as he turned to Vincent, "Is this your angel's work?" At his suggestion, the Italian thought back to when he was sick. It only took him a little more than a day to completely get over a sickness that was still afflicting Leo. With this new bit of information presented to him, he came to the conclusion that he must have a Healing ability. That was a great discovery. He needed to consider how to apply and use this newly found power.

    After that entire debacle, and finally washing up all of the blood from the bathroom and their hands, Vincent got ready to go to sleep. As he sat in bed, he kept looking at his own two hands, now armed with the knowledge he can heal others through touch. Now that meant he would be able to easily mend people's injuries and help them continue to fight on. Though, he figured it would be best if he didn't physically get involved in fights. Even though he himself had an Advanced Healing Factor, he wasn't sure to what extent it went to, and he was far from willing to find out. With these thoughts whizzing about his head, he fell asleep.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Inn in Birdsville, Australia

    There seemed to be a commotion in one of the rooms, though Joslyn didn't go out of the room to find out what was going on. She stayed in the room, holding on to the cracked compass.

    "Things have been getting tough."

    "I know." The ghostly teen spoke half-heartedly.

    "Honey, I know that losing Xath has been hard on you, but you need to be strong. Not just for you or me, but for hers as well."

    "I... I know..." Her voice started to break as tears flowed from her eyes.

    "Please, don't cry anymore." The girl finally calmed down and started to wipe away to sorrow laden tears from her face. "C'mon, it's getting late now. You should go to sleep."

    "Okay." Her eyes puffy and swollen, the girl slowly fell asleep.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    The bitch smirked. "I have a job for you. Tomorrow you go to Rome. There is a project we're working on that could use your unique expertise. Danel will take you in the morning to the excavation site where you'll meet the people you're working with. They'll explain everything to you then." Her head lulled to the side and she tapped her finger to her temple. "Better now? You get to go break a bunch of stuff to your heart's content." Was that supposed to be a joke? As if he'd feel better about being stuck in Hell because of wanton destruction. It'd make him feel better if he got to see Hana, though they probably wouldn't allow for that. He started to think about if she was worrying where he disappeared to or if she was saddened by his sudden disappearance.

    "Is that all you have to say?" His voiced quivered with rage. The infuriated man stood at the door staring at the bandaged dark angel in front of him. That smug look on her face pissed him off to no end. How he wished he could add on to the bandages already there so that he wouldn't have to see her face again. Now that, that was something that would make him feel better.

    "Stay your hand, fool." Unconsciously, Sam had started to reach out to grab her face. He clenched his nearly outstretched hand and forced it back down to his side. His teeth gritted as he struggled. "You are far too emotional, something I'm going to have to fix as well."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Sam lay on his bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. He had no desire to do anything now that he knew the lay out of the palace. None whatsoever. His desire to move was utterly gone and it seemed like he just waited for something to happen.

    "This depressed attitude of yours is beginning to piss me off."

    "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do?"

    "Tomorrow, we'll begin your training. You obviously desire something to do, and yet you lack the initiative to start it. If that's the case, I'll simply give you something to do so that you'll cease this infernal moping."

    "Whatever." At this point, Sam stopped caring about anything at all. Being stuck in Hell was starting to negatively affect him. There wasn't much for him to do until they called him. As he moped about, he heard a knocking at his door.

    "Oh Samuel," the voice behind the door called cheerfully, "come out and play." Sluggishly, he lifted himself off of the bed and made his way to the door. Upon seeing who was behind it, his face contorted into one of complete anger.

    "What the hell do you want, bitch?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Bite the Dust

    DAY: 3 - 1/5 MOOD: Strangely hungry LOCATION: Dining Table

    It was bizarre to be standing in a place which was supposedly a dream world. Everything seemed real enough, though the so-called Miracle Drug might be to blame for that. That was one thing that pissed him off. He was told that he wouldn't dream, yet here he was, stuck in a damn dream house. To add on to the shit pile disguised as a cake, the others that had taken the drug were there too. If this was his own dream, none of them would've been there. In fact, no one else would've been anywhere near the place if he had anything to say about it. At the very least, the mansion was nice enough, and there was a butler, which wasn't too bad. Perhaps a saving grace of this "dream" was that there was a library with a whole slew of books. He figured that, he'd seen almost nobody else read, the library could be his little sanctuary from all of the other assholes in the house.

    He had spent the previous day cooped up in there. Reading page after page of whatever books they had to offer. The well-read sadist had gone through the Complete Collection of Sherlock Holmes that day along with a few other books hardly worth mentioning. It was seriously refreshing to have all of that time to read. Though, by the time he had finished up with his reading, it was already time to go to sleep. That was a bummer, too, since he hadn't had anything to eat at all. Though it seemed strange that he felt the need to eat in a dream, and it was even stranger still that he felt tired. No matter, he had fallen asleep regardless of the oddity of the situation.

    This morning, he had awoken with relative ease. Though, he still found annoyance in the fact that he was forced to share a room with the other guys. The anti-social teenager made his way out of there as soon as he could and made his way to the dining area. Breakfast should be being served soon and he wanted to make up for not even getting so much as a bite the other day. Even a bite of dust would've been better than nothing. Still, he took solace in the fact that he was able to read, which was more than enough to make up for that.

    By the time he had gotten to the eating area, three of the annoyances were there, as well as this so called 'Dream Maker'. He was skeptical upon entering this place, but at least she had a pretty face. Almost too good to be real, though it did add to the possibility that she was a dream maker. Not that he cared too much about it, though. The skeptical young man took a seat away from the others as he waited for food to be served. He impatiently tapped his foot as he sat across and away from the rest of the group.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    With no indication of what time of day it was, it seemed like the day was passing so slowly. He had spent that time moping on and off. During the time he wasn't laying about in his room doing nothing, he had walked around the palace and familiarized himself with the layout. On his first few walks, he had looked at the doors along the hallway and read the names on each one. One that stuck out to him was the one towards by the stairway to the Main Floor. Azazel. He was sure he had heard that name before. Sure enough, after a condescending rant from the residing angel, he found out that Azazel was the white haired girl that Chicken Wings told him to kidnap. Boy, how that failed.

    On another one of his walks through the palace, he found Lucifer's room, which was hidden beyond the Weapons and Training rooms. He didn't actually go in, but he figured that the big man's room must be bigger than everyone else's. After he read the name on the door, he went on his merry way checking out where to go around the palace. Much to his surprise, there was an actual kitchen on the Main Floor.

    After a couple more restless walks, he had, for the most part, familiarized himself with the layout of the palace. He knew where the important things were now, like the throne room and the conference room. Although, he had stumbled upon one room that made absolutely no sense to him. All that was in the room was mirrors. Nothing but mirrors all along the walls. It was so strange. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what the mirrors did. He tapped at them and looked at all of them, but nothing happened for him. Not that he particularly cared about it or anything.

    One of the rooms he found on one of his walks was a Classroom. That was one room he just didn't like at all. He was never one to excel at school or anything school related, so having something like this here just seemed off putting. A quick glance was all he took in there. He didn't even remember what the hell was in the classroom, though it was probably for the best that he forgot about it. No need to lose his head over something that didn't concern him.

    At the end of the day he just lay in bed, completely bored and with nothing to do now that he had been familiarized with the layout of the palace. Nothing much left for him to do. He just lay on the bed in his room, his head hanging off of the edge. Nothing left to do but wait for something to happen.


    __// Rooms Unlocked
    __// Araquiel's Room
    __// Azazel's Room
    __// Lucifer's Room
    __// Hall of Mirrors
    __// Classroom
    __// Middle Floor Completed
    __// All Rooms Discovered​

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 46 - 3/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    After sulking in his room for a good amount of time, Sam finally stood up. "So what do I do now?"

    "Are you so helpless you need to ask me what you should do? You're more pathetic than I thought." Sam clenched his fist as he spoke. "Fine, if you need direction, why not explore this palace? I believe it'd be a good idea to get acquainted with your new home." Though he despised the sound of Hell being his new home, it was something he could do. Reluctantly, he pulled the door open and stepped out into the hallway. According to the nutty doctor's map, the hallway on his right had stairs that lead down to the basement. With a heavy step, he headed over there and down the stairs into the level below.

    The moment he got into the basement, he was confronted by the sight of several demons trapped in cells. A few of them were empty, but for the most part, they contained monstrous creatures you would expect to find in Hell. A dungeon if he had ever seen one. He knew that he was told not to go into the dungeon, but fuck what that chicken winged bastard had to say. As he walked through the rows of cells, something he was quite familiar with, he noticed that there were doors at the end. Since he was exploring, he figured he'd open one of them.

    The first door he opened, which was on his left hand side, held what looked to be a bedroom. At least, he thought it was a bedroom. There was a shape of a bed in there, though it was covered in copious amounts of blood. In fact, the whole room had more than its fair share of blood splattered across the walls, floor, and ceiling. A rancid scent permeated the air, which most likely came from the scraps of flesh and bone strewn about. It was clear that this room belonged to some kind of torturer or other monstrous being.



    "Though I have little to no memories of this place, I do remember Beelzebub. A torturous, basically mindless creature who revels in tormenting others. As brainless as he is, though, he is not something to be trifled with. In your current state, you wouldn't be able to stand a sliver of a chance. We can fix that, in time, but for now I suggest you avoid him." He made a mental note of this bit of information. Though there was a door in the room, there was no way he wanted to wade through all of the gore within to get to it. The door couldn't be shut quick enough before he moved on to the next room.

    Standing in front of the other door, he could hear the sounds of screams coming from within. It seemed like someone was busy getting tortured inside. Cautiously, he opened the door slightly to let him see what was going on. There, he saw a massive figure laboriously hitting another creature. That must've been the source of the screaming. With his limited vision, he could see some other torture devices within. He could only count two or three more contraptions, though he was sure there were more of them there. It was clear that it was a torture room for the prisoners in the dungeon. Unfazed by the sight of something being beaten to death, Sam closed the door and made his way back to the upper level. He had enough of watching someone getting tortured for one day.


    __// Rooms Unlocked
    __// Beelzebub's Room
    __// Torture Chamber
    __// Basement Floor Completed.​

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 46 - 3/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Amelia's House in Yanakie, Australia

    When Vincent woke up, he immediately noticed that he was feeling even better than normal. There was no tension in his shoulders at all, he felt incredibly limber. It was astounding, you couldn't even tell that he had been sick the day before. As he stood around in the guest room of the kind lady's house, he heard a commotion coming from outside. People starting to come into the house, a large group of people judging from the multitude of footsteps.

    The moment he opened his door, he was surprised to see that the others from their group were in the living room. It was such a huge relief to see most of them standing in the house, still alive and well. It did his heart good, not to mention it saved them the trouble of having to go look for them. Well, most of them anyways, but that's beside the point. When he saw the girl with the ghostly complexion, he was absolutely ecstatic. That meant that they had access to the compass now. Not to mention that there was a pretty face with them now, and not just two guys together, alone with no way of figuring out exactly how to find the others. Though, considering the other guy was Leo, that may be a bit of a stretch.

    "Oh, hey guys! It's great to see you!" He said as he approached the group. Immediately, he stood in front of Joslyn and gave her a hug. "It's good to know you're alive and well."

    "A-a-aa-a-aa-aaa-aaah, y-yeah! B-b-bu-bu-but, c-cou-could you m-ma-maybe l-let g-g-g-g-go of m-me-me?" It was clear that the teenager was very shaken by physical contact.

    "Oh, sorry." The friendly Italian quickly released her from his embrace.

    She cleared her throat before speaking again. "Th-tha-thank you." Her pale face was flushed a vibrant red. "A-anyways... I-I can't s-say where S-Sal is, w-w-we haven't f-f-found him." Well that explained one thing. "A-as for Hana and S-Sam... Well..." She seemed to fidget around as she spoke. "S-Sam just d-disappeared all of a s-sudden, and..." At this point, she started to tear up. "H-Hana was k... ki..." The girl wiped her eyes with her sleeve before continuing. "Hana was k-kidnapped..."

    Vincent plopped down onto a nearby seat, blown away by what he just heard.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 46 - 3/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Well, it seems the nutjob was good for something other than a punching bag. Below them were the dungeons, above them the throne room and the way outside, and on the floor they were on were the bedrooms. As he looked at the map he had drawn, he noted that he didn't look at a lot of the rooms. In fact, only seven of the rooms on his little map were actually marked. That was rather disappointing. He was slowly rethinking his opinion on him as he held the mostly unmarked piece of paper. Dissatisfied, he tossed the map back at Alistair. At the very least he knew where the Weapon's Room and the Training Room were. He had a feeling that he'd be going between these rooms a lot. Although, he did feel like actually exploring a little, seeing how there were quite a few rooms that he hadn't checked. There might be a room he could find that may be even more interesting than the Training and Weapon Rooms.

    "Well, thanks for the informative chat." He turned his back on the doctor and went off to look in his room. With nothing else he'd want to actually do at the moment, he quickly went into his room and slammed the door shut. The ill-tempered male looked around, taking note of how things seemed to be tailored to his likes.

    "Well obviously. These rooms are enchanted," the Angel of Destruction told him in a condescending manner.

    "Oh, so you feel like talking now?"

    "Shut it, filth monger. You're standing in my room. You should be thankful."

    "And why should I be thankful that I'm standing in Hell?"

    "It's your fault for falling in love with Xathanael." Despite the fact that he was berating Sam, his tone was calm and deadpan. "If you had been able to suppress your emotions and refrain from interacting with her, you wouldn't be in this mess now, would you?" The aggravated individual stood in front of the door as he listened to Abaddon's continued rantings. "But no, you had to give in to your carnal desires and lay with that woman. Granted, I did say I would allow you to pursue that relationship. Perhaps that was a mistake. In any case, you were the one that ultimately allowed yourself to be persuaded by little ol' Danny boy."

    "So what would you have me do?"

    "Just keep your mouth shut, you feeble husk. Do as they instruct. There is nothing else I can do."

    "You're not gonna punish me?"

    "I considered it, but I ultimately decided that, all things considered, being in Hell is more beneficial for myself than being in Midworld. Here in Hell, we can destroy as we please, and there is a bountiful supply of demons to kill. And since we are freely able to access these things, I feel that training you to use my powers would be most effective here."

    "So you're gonna work me to the bone. Figures."

    "That is for my benefit as well. Building you up as a powerful vessel will allow me to further bond myself to you, which in turn allows me to feel more satisfaction as you fight and kill." Defeated, Samuel slumped down against the door, slowly sliding down until he was sitting on the floor. He buried his face in his hands as anger coursed through his entire being.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 46 - 2/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    "So what brings you to the depths of hell, Samuel?" The moment that question left his mouth, the scowl on Sam's face grew even more intense. He didn't really feel like talking about that or anything related to the matter at all. It hasn't even been a full day yet, not that he'd ever say anything about it.

    "That's none of your business," he said curtly. "Whatever, that doesn't matter. Tell me, what's something interesting to do around here." If he didn't have to look around the place himself, why should he? The screwball right in front of him could give just tell him. Or at least he should be able to. If he can't give him a straight answer, he might as well take a look around. But not before a swift punch to the face.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 46 - 1/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Norman Island, Australia

    As Joslyn cried out on the deck, Adam came up to her and gently grabbed her shoulder. Ordinarily, Azazel would've reacted defensively towards this, but for some reason, she didn't. "Calm down sweetheart. We will get her back. Do not worry." This seemed a little too good to be true. Though, the next part confirmed what was going on.

    He handed her some tissues before speaking. "I am kindly asking you not to rage Azazel. I do not doubt the girl's strengths but we all will do better alive and still on a boat. Channel it for later." She realized that Semyaza was the one in control at that moment. This was the reason why the angel within her didn't negatively react to Adam. She grabbed the tissues and started to dry her tears as she continued to sob silently.

    "I'm sorry, honey, but I need to talk with her."

    "Huh?" No sooner did she react than the angel did her business. The sobbing had stopped entirely as she wiped away all of the tears. She stood up, grabbing Adam's wrist.

    "Adam, I need to talk to you privately for a minute." The angel, through Joslyn, pulled him into the cabin and slammed the door shut. "Alright..." As soon as she was certain no one would bother them, she started to speak again. "Semyaza... I need to know. Tell me honestly," she said as she pulled the compass from its hiding place in her bra. "Did Adam do this?"

    "Wha-what are you doing?"

    "Getting the truth." Adam, under Semyaza's control, aggressively grabbed his own pinkie finger before answering.

    "He did."

    "What? He- He did it?" She had tried to have a positive opinion on him, though with this, that had stopped completely.

    "I see," she looked away from him. "Did anyone put him up to this?"

    He chuckled before he spoke. "Technically, himself. He could easily have not done it at this point. He almost forgot too."

    "But did someone ask him?" The angel looked right into his eyes, knowing that Adam wasn't the one in control.

    "Harbonah, Lu, Danel... pretty much who you would expect. Technically, Danel was telling him what he should do."

    "I see. Did he give him anything else? Like, something to break this with?" She held the cracked compass up. "Anything at all?"

    "Oh, oooh, you are gonna hate him for this one." He motioned for her to follow and opened up his bag, "He got this little one yesterday. He hates them too, but he still asked for it." He pulled out the obsidian dagger.

    "Doesn't he know how dangerous those things are? Ugh, christ." She took a hold of the dagger, admiring it's dark elegance. "I think I should hold on to this, is that okay with you?"

    "No it is not okay with me." He held his hand out, "I have the boy informed of the punishments for disobeying me. I will keep hold of the knife, and I will not let him use it."

    The angel glared at the one standing in front of her for a few moments before relenting. "Oh, alright. You know I can't be mad at you, Semy." She wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him. "He's a different matter, but you're not him. Just make sure he doesn't use that knife, okay? This is for you, as an act of promising." The angel pressed her lips against his for a few moments before backing off and sitting down again.

    "W-w-wh-wha-wh-wha-wha-what was that?!"

    "A little token of my gratitude, and a way to seal a promise."

    "B-bu-bu-bu-but I... I... I've never kissed a guy before!"

    "Oohhhh... Sorry it had to be with him then... That's my fault."

    "I told you I would not, he should not have a reason to anymore." He joined her in sitting down.

    After a little bit of silence between the angels sitting next to each other, Semyaza broke the silence. "Well, I will let him go... see how this goes now. Take care."

    "You too, bye~" The angel slowly gave up control as Joslyn took over.

    She started to breathe heavily as she backed away from Adam. "Th-tha-th-tha-tha-tha-that d-di-di-di-didn't happen... g-g-g-go-got it?"

    When Adam was unpossessed, he wasn't looking at her, he refused to face her and let out shakily, "F-fine." Then he started shaking.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 46 - 1/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hallway in the Obsidian Palace in Hell

    As the mist lifted from around them, he found himself in a strange room. It was, actually, surprisingly nice. He was expecting some tattered, musty room falling apart at the seams. But what he saw was a thousand times better than that. The room was larger than his old cell, and a lot more comfortable, he found. In the corner, there looked to be a mini-fridge. He really hoped that there was gonna be some booze in there. As he looked around, he noticed that there were more and more things in there that suited his fancy.

    "Here's your room. Welcome home. Blah-di-blah. Don't go outside, in the throne room, or the dungeon. Everything else is free game, aside from other people's rooms unless invited in. If we need you, we'll come find you." Chicken Wings was quick to leave. Well, not like he wanted that bastard to stick around anyhow. As soon as he was gone, Sam went to the door and opened it. The hallway was big, almost like a palace. There were so many doors along the hallway, though he figured those were other people's rooms. The place was certainly fancy.

    As he closed the door to his room, he noticed a familiar face in the hallway. Just standing there, at the end of the hallway, all smiles and whatnot. Ever since he disappeared, a small part of him wondered where he had wandered off to. It would've been fun to have a couple sparring matches with him, and now he had the opportunity to have them. Casually, he walked over to him, as he cracked his knuckles.

    "Well, well. So this is where you wandered off to. I've been wondering where you've been."

    __//Room Unlocked: Abaddon's Room

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bite the Dust
    Well, it's been a while since I've done anything here. Actually, last time I looked in here was when I posted the thread. Anyways, with the recent release of Episode 7 I felt it necessary to give my opinions on the past four episodes I didn't give opinions on. So, without further ado, this is:


    To keep things neat and organized, and because of actual spoilers for those who haven't watched the episodes yet, each one will be in spoilers.

    EPISODE 4:

    For the most part, this episode was really silly and just over the top in every way. It kept me laughing the whole way, and I lost it when the "new friend" revealed herself to be a spy and then stole Senketsu. She literally had no animation to anything she was doing. Nothing too extravagant for her. After all, there's no need to spend money on a one-shot villain that will never ever show her face to anyone ever again. That's just absurd.

    EPISODE 5:

    This episode introduces Captain Manly McBeefington with the red mohawk from the OP. He had to show up at some point, and this is the episode to have him appear. But first, let me tell you two things. First: He's a nudist. Second: He has an absolute disgust for clothing, even though he's wearing them himself. He's pretty badass, as mentioned before, being able to fight a two star uniform without the benefit of a Goku uniform himself. The thing about how Clothes and People can never be friends was a little sappy, but it was necessary to address that at some point. Great episode overall.

    EPISODE 6:

    NUDIST BEACH. Sorry, had to get that out of the way first. That certainly explains why Mr. Fanservice loses articles of clothing as scenes with him and Ryuko go on. And those nipples. Just, yeah. Really crazy. Anyways, on to the main portion of the episode. This episode was just fantastic. More backstory for villains and it showed that the good guy doesn't always win. It also shows that victory comes at a price, which Sanageyama was definitely willing to pay. Also, c'mon, who doesn't love a suit of armor that can shoot out shinai at a rapid-fire rate? That shit is just way too cool.

    EPISODE 7:

    The latest episode. This one was really good and had a good moral. Umm... It had something to do with greediness changing people, or something. Whatever. DOOD. Mako vs. Ryuko. That was pretty badass, you have to admit. Also, I loved that they gave her a fucking Jotaro cap. For those of you that don't know, check out my JoJo manga thread. But yeah, it was a great episode overall that just went all out. Although, that's pretty much every episode so far, lol.

    And with that, this concludes:


    Thank you for your attention.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 46 - 1/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Norman Island, Australia

    Joslyn woke up from the sound of the cabin door being slammed open. She drowsily rubbed her eyes as she looked to the source of the sound. In the doorway, she saw Hana. That was great, now she could tell her all about the compass, and hopefully find a way to fix it. However, as she got up to greet her, she saw that the fiery red-head was completely distraught. There was panic in her eyes as they darted all around the room. Before Joslyn could even make a sound, Hana had turned around and made her way to the deck of the ship. There, she pulled out her wand, put it to her throat and with a loud, booming voice, she cried out for Sam. Had he gone missing? What happened? When the pale skinned teenager looked around in the cabin, he was nowhere to be seen.

    Worried, she made her way over to Hana, but stopped when she had punched the metal on the side. She let out a garbled cry of agony as she held her hand to her body. The sound of the others coming out of the cabin could be heard as they came to see what was going on. She lifted her head, turning to face the others. Her rosy cheeks were stained by tears as her bloody lip trembled. He's gone, she muttered to no one in particular, He's really gone ... Gone? Gone where? How could he have disappeared from an island without the boat? Surely he was somewhere on the island hiding away, surely.

    "Oh my god, I've never seen Xath so broken up like this. What could've happened?"

    "I... I don't know... But... It has to do with Sam."

    "Were they in a relationship? That's the only real reason I'd see her being like this."

    "I can't really say..." The only thing she really had to go on was that one time she found them sleeping in the same bed. But that's the only thing, there's nothing else beyond that she could think of. Still, for her to be so distraught, so hysterical over his disappearance, it had to mean something. However, seeing Hana, her only real friend, like this, it made her heart ache. She so desperately wanted to do something to comfort her, but she had never really been in this position before. The ghostly girl just stood there, watching her closest companion cry, unable to do anything about it.

    He left... she whispered. How could I have been so stupid? Unable to take it anymore, Joslyn started to approach her, trying to think of something she could say to her. However, before she could even make it halfway to her, something had spoken.

    "Does it matter? You're leaving now too." At the sound of the unfamiliar voice, she looked to where it came from. A winged creature swooped down and grabbed Hana by the shoulders. She was unable to fight back, having dropped her wand in shock.

    "N-n-noooo! L-le-let her g-go!" The astonished teenager called out as it lifted Hana off of her feet. She gave chase in a futile attempt to save her. Before she knew it, they had disappeared into blackness. Stunned, the girl dropped to her knees as tears rolled down her cheeks. This was the second time she couldn't save Hana from being kidnapped. She was powerless to do anything about it again. Her crying intensified as she started to sob out loud. "Ha... Hana...."

    "They won't get away with this." Her voice was laced with utter anger, her tone was deeper than it had been before.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Forest on Norman Island, Australia

    "They're probably asleep already," He said as he continued to kiss the nape of her neck. "I know that this is a bit public, but I can hardly contain myself right now."

    I -- Sam ... she whispered. I just ... Hana pressed her hands to his chest, but she didn't resist. She sucked in a sharp breath. Sam, I've never ...

    He stopped and looked into her bright blue eyes. "Never?"

    Hana swallowed and her face flushed further. She shook her head and her red bangs draped over her eyes. No... Never...

    "Well..." He pulled her tightly into his embrace, softly stroking the back of her head. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

    She buried her face into his chest and breathed in deeply. Sam, it's just -- Hana paused, I ... she was at a loss for words. It's not that - that I don't want too... I just ...

    "Nervous?" He loosened his hug on her. "It's alright, that's natural. I was nervous my first time too."

    Hana slid her hands down to his arms and tightened her grip. But you're not thousands of years old.

    His eyes widened at her. "You mean... In all of that time, you've never...?"

    She looked away from him, unable to meet his gaze. No. When I said never, I meant it. So I could understand if this well ... if this were to be really strange for you.

    "It is a little strange that you've gone without for that long..." He went back to running his lips against her neck. "But that doesn't really matter to me." Her body seized up as his lips returned to her neck. She moved her hands upwards and wound her fingers in his hair, lifting his chin and his face back to him. She mashed her lips to his and pressed her back to the tree behind her.

    As she had her back against the tree, he started to feel around all over her body, slowly exploring territory unseen by him. The warmth of her lips pressed against his set fireworks off in his stomach. His emotions were running wild as he caressed her younger body. Slowly, he started to lift off her clothing. She gasped at the contact of his skin against her body and the rigidness of the treebark to her back. Hana fumbled, her hands shaking, to pull off Sam's clothes as well. Birds cooed in the trees above, but the only other sound was coming from the both of them. She pressed her lips to the side of his throat and breathed heavily. Hana was doing what she could to follow his lead.

    As she pulled up his clothes, he could feel the cool breeze against his skin as the birds sounded their cries. He pulled away from her for a moment to get his shirt off, haphazardly tossing it aside before pressing his lips against hers once more. Despite the breeze against his skin, he was burning up from the excitement. He pulled her closer to him as he stripped off her top. Her chest was bare and they lowered to the ground. The twigs and leaves crunched under back. She pulled Sam against her and had this odd mixture of warmth and chills. Their bodies were so close and their breathing heavy. There was a sudden paralyzing chill as her pants came off and she froze underneath him. Sam's touch slowly thawed her and then it was happening and the ground around them started to smoke.

    Slowly, rhythmically, he thrust forward, feeling skin against skin. Each push was punctuated by a breath, sweat forming all over. The combined heat of their bodies made this start to smoke, but that mattered little to him. He continued to thrust, slowly speeding up as they continued. She dug her nails into his shoulders and bit down on her lip. It was, so intense. Hana gasped Sam's name breathlessly until it was too much anymore. Her image flickered in and out and she cried out into the darkness of the woods.

    As she cried out, he, too, let out a cry of passion. He slowly came to a stop as he reached the climax. His breathing was heavy, sweat coated his body, a smile adorned his face. He pressed himself closer to her, kissing her neck once more. "I love you," the satisfied man said as he rubbed his face against her bare body.

    I love you too, she whispered into his throat. Hana disentangled herself from Sam, suddenly feeling incredibly exposed. Her clammy hands reached for her clothes and she shakily got to her feet. The ground was stuck to her back and she had to heavily brush the dirt off her back and she pulled on her clothes. Hana slid back down to the ground, her back pressed against the tree, and gave Sam another kiss. He reached for his clothes as he received Hana's kiss. After getting his pants back on, he sat on the ground next to her. He slowly pulled his shirt over his body, covering the new scar on his shoulder.

    Are you okay? she asked tiredly. That scar looked fresh. I could - I could heal that if it hurts.

    "Oh, that." The smile disappeared from his face. He remembered that Abaddon was the one who made that scar on his shoulder. The thought that he needed to destroy something flew to the forefront of his mind. "No, that's alright. It doesn't hurt that badly anymore." He didn't want to trouble her with it. Besides, it wasn't necessary anymore, the wound was pretty much all healed up now. The one that still affected him was the one on his thigh, and even then, it was for the most part healed up aside from some minor pain here and there.

    All right, if you say so. she said with a yawn. If you change your mind, feel free to ask. Hana leaned into Sam's side, shutting her eyes. She felt really sleepy. Is sex always this draining? she murmured.

    The smile came back to his face. "Yeah, usually. We should go to sleep now, it's pretty late now."

    Her head moved up and down against his shoulder. Mm yeah. The others -- they might be worri -- she was interrupted by another yawn, I don't - I don't think I can walk all the way back to the boat. she mumbled before dozing off.

    "Unbelievable." He muttered before putting her on his back and carrying her back to where the boat was. When he got there, he lay the sleeping figure gently on the shore near the boat. He lay down beside her, staring up at the starlit sky. The goofy grin that he had still lingered. It made him extremely happy that he had finally had time alone with Hana. It made him even happier that things went down the way they did. He grabbed Hana's hand and gently caressed the back of it with his thumb. At that moment, he realized that he needed to make sure she survived, by any means necessary. He let go of her hand as he fell asleep.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Norman Island, Australia

    The sun had disappeared behind the horizon and night had fully set in. As she sat in the boat, looking around, she noticed that some of the others had started to fall asleep. It was getting to be around that time, but Joslyn was a little more than concerned about what could happen if she were to fall asleep. After all, someone had managed to crack the compass while she was asleep. There was no way she wanted to have to deal with that again.

    "Yeah, if you fall asleep, the person who cracked it before may come back to finish the job. We'll have to hide it somewhere."

    "But where?"

    "Well, for now, we could try hiding it in your clothes."

    "But... If someone were really serious... I don't think hiding it in my clothes would stop them.... And..." The pale skinned girl looked away for a minute.

    "Oh. Right, I hadn't thought of that. Well, what can we do?"

    "I don't know." The both of them became silent as they thought about their next move.

    "Well, if we bury it, we might not be able to find it the next morning." The angel said, breaking the silence. "Maybe, if you're lucky, the person won't search you that thoroughly. Well, anyways, if someone starts to touch you, I can wake you up, so it'll probably scare them away. They should run away if you start to wake up. The person doing this would want to keep their identity hidden if they keep attacking during the time you sleep, right?"

    "You're right. But... Where do I hide it?" Silence fell upon them once again.

    "...Your bra?"

    "W-w-wh-wha-what?!" She asked as she began to blush violently.

    "Well it's either there or your panties. Which one do you prefer?" The embarrassed teenager remained silent as she weighed her options. Considering that others may touch the compass, it was a far better idea to just stuff it in her bra than down her panties. She'd at least prefer it that way. Quietly, she lifted up her shirt and pulled the cracked compass from her bag. With a bit of hesitation, she lifted one of the cups off of her breast and shoved the compass in between. The cold press of the compass against her bare skin shocked her for a little bit.

    She pulled her shirt back down and lay down on the seat she was on. "Th-there."

    "I know this sucks honey, but you have to deal with it for tonight. It'll be fine, trust me."

    "Are you sure?"

    "Positive. Good night, honey."

    "A-alright then... Good night." With that out of the way, and the compass pressing against her, she slowly fell asleep.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Old Woman's House in Yanakie, Australia

    Vincent lay there as an elderly woman continually came in and out of the room to check up on him. At the very least, the person who owned the house was a kindly old woman instead of some sick twisted pervert who gets off on cutting people up. Cliched horror movie plots aside, the lady informed him that there was another person who had brought him there. Somebody by the name of Leo. If he remembered correctly, he was the Asian guy who could apparently pull strings to get them things. That was lucky, he was washed up with possibly the best person to be stranded with. Though, he imagined that his condition was not much better than his own. Still, better that they were still alive and sick than dead and at the bottom of the ocean.

    As the old lady tended to him, he started to feel his headache go away. The pain was less potent and the burning was pretty much gone already. Either this lady had some really good medicine, or there was something else going on. After a while of being treated, it seemed like his condition was more or less normal. No more pain, the throbbing in his head was barely there anymore, the burning had subsided. Although by that time, it was already night time. He couldn't afford to get up and leave, especially since he had no idea where to go. Not to mention, Leo probably wouldn't be in as good a condition as he was. It would be a good idea to rest there for the night.

    Laying on the guest bed, he thought of what they could do in this situation. With no idea of where to look for the others and no magic compass to guide them, randomly wandering around wouldn't be such a good idea. Leo may have an idea or two, but right now, he couldn't think of anything. All he could really think of was ask people if they found people who had washed up that looked like their companions. Although, with what happened recently, it wouldn't be a stretch that a lot of people washed up. Chances of it being their group were slim to none. Nothing he could come up with was good enough. He hoped that Leo would come up with something as he fell asleep in the strange bed.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame