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  1. Pinekaboo
  2. Pinekaboo
    I took Cynthia a few days back, but reserved her in private with HOT. We then traded Ghetsis and Cynthia between us. So HOT actually already has her.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Pinekaboo
    Right, for future plot reasons, I'm reserving Siebold (Pokémon), while HeartlessOfLight is taking Wikstrom (Pokémon), and The Hero of Time has Malva (Pokémon). We invite anybody to play Drasna if they want her, but otherwise she'll be replaced with Diantha in the Elite Four, with somebody else taking the Champion spot.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Pinekaboo

    Anarchy Helix
    Democracy Dome
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Pinekaboo
    The Battle of Temporal Tower


    "HUMANS!" a booming voice spoke out, coming from a large Gunman at the forefront of the Gunman forces, customized as though belonging to a commander or general.
    "Only once have you managed to best us in battle! Today you will remember why your kind is meant to be buried beneath the feet of the Spiral King!"

    "That voice..." Kamina muttered to himself, only just loud enough for Simon to notice.
    "...bro, is that...?"
    "Tymilph, huh?" he said, much louder this time, speaking to the Beastman commander. "Didn't realise fat-ass gorillas were made in bulk pal. Got a new Gunman to replace the pile of scrap I left your last one in already? So much for your Spiral King's toys!"


    The reincarnated General growled, glaring at the crimson mecha that had slain him the last time they had met. In this new, invincible body, he knew that the pilots wouldn't get the better of him a second time, but all the same, he had slight reluctance to face it. Was this... fear?
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Pinekaboo

    Team Flare Scientist ????????? ???????? (Pokémon OC)

    Cannot reveal name for spoiler reasons.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Pinekaboo
    Hey, she's Selene's signature Legendary. I need her for that reason alone.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Pinekaboo
    Forgot to do this.

    Diancie (Pokémon)
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Pinekaboo
    I still don't understand how one can claim to reserve a Pokémon. They're a species, you can't just own an entire species as a character.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Pinekaboo

    Miror B. (Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness)

    There's some others I wanted to reserve too, but my mind isn't working right now and I can't think of them. I'll edit or post again if/when I remember.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Pinekaboo
    No to all of those. HeartlessOfLight already owns all of them.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Pinekaboo

    "Oi, Kamina, you really gonna spout that 'manly spirit' crap when she's running circles around you?" Ryoma yelled to Kamina from his position on the Dai-Gurren, ignoring Yoko entirely.

    Kamina shot a look across to the Dai-Gurren, where the large crowd had formed, including Ryoma, the man he had forged a deep-seated masculine bond with through their fists. Already he considered the guy to be his best male friend (other than Simon, of course), and his words resonated within him.
    He was right. With everyone watching him, Kamina and Kallen had a responsibility to the Team, and immature as he was, even Kamina knew that.
    He opened up a private channel with Kallen, to her surprise, and spoke quietly.
    "Kozuki, you know what we've gotta do, right?" he asked, her reaction simply being to go quiet with him, her eyes slightly wide. She didn't expect Kamina to act so serious.
    "Look over at them. They're all watching us. They expect us to get this fight out of the way and carry on to the Tower. If we don't settle this, they'll doubt us now. We can't afford that, not now."

    Kallen was shocked to see this kind of side to him, but she knew he was right. It felt like something that Zero would have said. Maybe Kamina wasn't just all talk after all?
    "All right." he said, nodding, happy she understood, and closing the private channel. "Let's get this show on the road, lady!"
    Immediately, the Gurren stood up, flexing its hands, before charging at the Guren, swinging its strong arms towards the slightly smaller unit, which dodged each of them barely. The Gurren's punches were definitely strong weapons in their own right, a lot of weight behind each of them despite the unit's lower speed. It seemed like both Guren and Gurren had massive differences in their specifications, and that meant that while they shared a name, there was no doubting that they were both 100% different.

    Kallen strained against her controls. The speed of Gurren was significantly lower than her KF, but the punches would likely end her part in this fight with a single direct hit if they connected. Perhaps the worst part of the situation was that her weapons were all designed to be fatal or destructive, neither of which could be fully utilized in this situation. It's not like she could actually kill Kamina after all.
    "Enough!" Guy said, finally stepping forward as promised, spreading his arms as he hovered between the pair of red units, his body glowing a subtle green. "Fighting between ourselves isn't going to help right now. We need to prepare for when we reach the tower and this is draining our time!"
    Grudgingly, the duo agreed, just at the same time that Mina and Ryoma had stopped also. The infighting had ceased for now.


    "We should follow." came a male voice from the cloaked figure beside Ryuko, referring to the huge legged battleship that had once again began to move now that everyone was back inside of it, along with the other two large ships that followed it. "Come on."
    The figure moved up to Ryuko and scooped her up in his arms in order to carry her, much to her displeasure. Unfortunately this was the most efficient way for them to move around without Senketsu taking too much of the girl's blood.

    ***One Hour Later***
    ~~Temporal Tower Battlefield~~​

    There it was. The Temporal Tower stood menacingly on the horizon as they continued to move forward. As ZEXIS closed the distance between them and it, they began to see that the area around it was far from empty.

    As far as the eye could see, there were robots similar to the ones they themselves piloted, ships in the air, and other various types of weaponry. Though they had always known that diplomacy was a long shot, at this point it looked even less likely.

    Rossiu was close to trembling as the dauntingly large enemy force came into view. His heart rate continued to rise as more and more opposition came into view.
    "There's so many of them...Is it even possible to defeat them all?" Rossiu asked with a shaken voice to nobody in particular. He was quickly answered by Jin, who gave him a heartfelt smack on the back.

    "Of course we can! This is ZEXIS we're talkin' about! Every single one of us is powerful enough to take on half o' that army single handedly. With all of us workin' together, we'll send those punks packing before they get a chance to put a dent in our forces." Jin said, kneeling down to Rossiu's level.
    Rossiu looked back at the Tower and it's large force, then back to Jin, a look of fear still present on his face.
    "A-Are you sure?" Rossiu asked.

    Jin placed a fist on his heart before speaking again. "I stake my life on it. Just remember all I taught ya about piloting Blodia, 'cuz now's the time to put it to good use!"
    A smile finally grew on Rossiu's face. It seemed like Jin's words could always motivate him even in the most dire situations. Rossiu nodded somewhat confidently.
    "Right! I'll show them just how strong I can be!"

    "We all will!" Kamina yelled proudly, a wide grin on his face as he observed the size of the enemy forces. "Whether there's ten or thousands, we'll smash them like everyone else!"
    "Very well. ZEXIS, our plan of attack will be simple. Spreading our forces wide avoids an area-of-effect counterattack from the enemy, but we are outnumbered, and to go in without allies would be foolhardy. Therefore, our battlefield shall consist of two! One force, led by Kamina of Team Dai-Gurren, shall attack from the ground. A second, led by Sumeragi of Celestial Being, shall do the same for a second force in the skies and focus on aerial units. This way, should reinforcements be required, the two forces will be able to cover each other at all times!" Zero spoke over the comm systems.
    "There is no special terrain in this area. The only obstacle for both forces is the Tower itself, which currently belongs to our enemy. This means that there is no time to provide additional environmental support. This will be an outright battle. As such, the Ikaruga shall provide support from a distance, and stand firmly between both the sky and ground battlefields. Should you require time to resupply yourself, returning to Ikaruga will be your course of action."

    "Then let's do this! Time to go kick some ass!" Jin said aloud as he stood up. "C'mon, Rossiu. Blodia's waitin' for us." Jin said as he made his way to Blodia. Rossiu nodded again before following him.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jan 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Pinekaboo
    Profile Post Comment

    Who was it?

    Who was it?
    Profile Post Comment by Pinekaboo, Jan 27, 2014
  14. Pinekaboo
    Fierce Deity alone isn't a character, but a form of a character, who is taken I'm afraid.
    Vaati and Dark Link are taken.
    The others should be free.
    The front page can't be update anymore since Droid is absent from KHV most of the time, but the RP itself is still very much running, if slow because of my laziness.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Pinekaboo
  16. Pinekaboo
    Merry Chri-- crap I'm late.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jan 2, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Pinekaboo
  18. Pinekaboo
    You missed Hector's. I know that at least he had Vincent, so, sorry Twilight.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Dec 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Pinekaboo
  20. Pinekaboo
    I think they're maximized, but not well distributed. Pikachu is really good in battle, but there are far strong Pokémon out there. He seems to have a lot in HP I'd say, since he stands back up after just about anything, a bit of speed, but not much else.
    But to some degree it's also just dramatized of course.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: Forum Families