*gasp* I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!! :O
I thought that sounded familiar! :D
'Ello!!! ^^
lallaalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa........ *sings* I can't stay on but probably like a half hour... And my computers bein' evil and makin everything take forever to load... T_T Sooo... HI ANYWAY!!!! :D
O.O ... Hmmm.. coco's name? makes me think of a coconut.. xD WAHHHHH!!!!!!!! Seriously... Guess i gotta go back to ffspirit and get the clip... T.T .. and it's evil big watermark... D:
DS CAME BACK!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!! :D Hi fam!!! After sorting cans yesterday.... I NEVER WANT TO SEE A CAN OF CORN AGAIN!!!! T___T Even worse.. I just signed up for an FF site that you had to register to be able to download from.. Guess what? I registered. AND I STILL CAN'T DOWNLOAD ANYTHING!!!!!! >____< And like.. their forum was like.. empty... so i didn't want to ask for help... D:
O.O Sounds evil. xD O__O????? awww.. Coco's baking failed! well.. i'ma get off!! ^^ Bye!!! *hugs*
k. ^^ Ehh.. I've thought about it.. But all the ones that looked interesting had like.. A jillion replies. D:
*patpat* Ish okay!! Did you ever start your 'idea' sig for me? xD I'm still wondering what you meant.... Wow. O.O I RP on message boards where there's only a few of us who roleplay. ^^ (The rest are n00bs. xD) .. But if i leave when there's like.. 2 ppl there.. I'll come back the next day and there's like... 30 more replies... T.T ... So i usually drop out. xD
pretty. But big. *hides* don't eat meh. I kinda dropped out of the 2 RP's i was in... heheheheh I usually post here and there and everywhereeee... But now i basically just post here 'cause it rarely lets me on here....
^^ I wanna see it anyway! Sorry. I'm just kinda roaming around the forums. xD
I ish back now! :D
^_^ ... Welll... Hey.. I probably should go ahead and get off 'cause i g2g get ready for the youth group thing. ^^ I might bbl... idk yet! (XD ... Wow that was some serious internet talk) Soo... BYEEEE!!!!! ^-^
Uh... Is this a trick question? ._.
Yeah, But that makes the fangirls want to hug him! ^-^
xD .. I noticed What's with this new thing online where everyone starts calling Roxas emo?! Like... People are always like "Roxas is emo" and that stuff... T.T
...? Me confused. T.T
Aww. It's cute. ^^ I'm looking the top 5 at the video portallll... XD .. The alvin and the chipmunks trailer won. xD Let seeeeeeee: (Some of these i still am a fangirl of..) Riku, Roxas, Ryou, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Ayumu, Sokka, Zuko... Unm.. A couple i can't remember... xD Man.. I wasn't THAT fangirly though... O.O
o.O ... Man... I used to be a fangirl of a lot of people. xD
.____. Lallallaalalalalalalalallalalaaa..