haha B3C4US3 WH3N Y0U TYP3 71K3 TH1S 1TS L00KS ST0PID and thats how ghetto peopl in my town type.
lol.....nice like this??!??!??!?!!?! lol ure right that is fun... omg behold ghetto typing lol
is anyone notices larxel is offline and i just explained in my last post..lol
one of her vids was on another sight..
lol that hilarious.....
heyyyy! nothing here..... lol what up?!?!
lol its okay.
lol i cant stand how yu ust typed that with all h 'ems
over the summer i felt i freeloaded off jenna WAYY to uch.. but she said she freeloaded off me so i was okay with it :D
i kno! except my friends do it WAYY to often XD
hmm YES! cause at lunch i go around and ask people for food! cause i get hungry cause everyone eats my food!
lol ur so mean!!!!!
lol thats a joke right?
lol you act like i cant spell! fr once no typos...amzing :D
oh..that stinks..and dan STOP STEALING MY MNMS! GET UR OWNNNN!! XD
you could eat the plain MNMS.....
NOOO! and its moral not morel :D
NOOOOO! lol today my mom bought me some wen she went to get gas for the car and she was lik "i go ou a big bagso make shure you share them with your friends" and i was thinking "yea right." SO when i get to M.tousey's room [i eat lunch in my homeroom with y friends" immedientle my friend leonel grabs the bag,opens it takes a handful and says "hey can i hav some?"and im lik "shure you already opened it!!!" to mak this story short... i barley got any of my precious MNMS &>he lesson is DONT SHARE YOUR MNMS!
i liked the effects! lol EDIT:dan......i see you! muahahah post? please? =]
well i gtg ttyl!