sho-*wakes up then goes downsairs with 4dsi* helllllllllllooooo everybody
sho-im soooo tired ima go back to sleep *destroys force field then falls asleep*
sho-*wakes up* my eyes are burning with anger*
sho-*falls asleep*
sho-okay fine
sho-*traps himself in a force field* no
sho-i don't know
sho-but whyyyyyyyy
sho-i needed some place to sleep
sho-ummm no
sho-i flew up
sho-*blasts horn*
sho-*steps on horn* uh oh *hides under bed*
sho-*sneaks to bedroom*
sho-*flys to plane*
sho-*grabs it but falls into puddle* great now my clothes are dirty
sho-*hat blows away* nooo my pi hat *runs after it*
sho-*lands on finger perfectly* oww that hurted
sho-*looks at ground then screamz* my shirt is gonna get wet i'll just land on my finger
sho-*sings some song that i wont tell you*