WHAT?!?!?!? How can you say that?!? Portal is amazing! DON'T DISS IT!!!
KH is easily one of the greatest game series I have ever played, second only to Portal
I'm gonna have to agree with Oda on this one, 36 seems about right considering that in past KH games, we battle alot of the bosses at least twice, plus the multiple forms for the final battle, that would add up to at least 30-36 battles. And, if they bring back the Mirage Arena, it'd be impossible to estimate how many Xehanort battles there would be in the Arena, and it'd be impossible to estimate how many times an individual would re-play the Arena matches
Yes, that definitely seems to be the case, but I do have one question; who is Aeris?
for me, BBS was the best, especially the Final Mix version secret ending, because it actually explained some of the events of the games that are further along the timeline.
that isn't why I posted that
Hmm, I wonder what Zack from Crisis Core would teach me, other than to embrace my dreams and protect my honor....
One thing I don't understand is why Discord isn't as appreciated by those on this forum, I mean, apart from me, Oda and the Hero of Time, I don't see anyone saying they like him.
OK, 1) (in response to the original question) No, KH had nothing to do with it 2) (in response to everything else) You all are nit-picking about something that doesn't matter, so stop, its not worth it.
hmmm, I've got a couple ideas for this
I definitely agree with this, but I also really love the style of comedy they use, it, unlike other shows, actually make me laugh, even if I've seen it 10 times already. Its just little quirks that are in the show that really make it. Also the fan stuff is amazing, thats actually how I got into the show
I like three different ponies: 1) Pinkie Pie - whats not to love about her? especially with all the little quirks she does 2) Doctor Whooves - its the Doctor, come on! 3) Rainbow Dash - so full of herself, hard not to like her
can I just say that entry number 2 was also quite good. I would have voted for that one as well, but I can only vote for one...
Japanese for the win!!!
easily the Great Gatsby
Death? HAHAHA!! Death is impossible in the KH saga!
I totally agree, but I also love The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, if you haven't taken a look at that you should.
has anyone here ever listened to any of the fan productions, namely the Pony In A Box production of Doctor Whooves Adventures and Midnight Magic Production's The Vinyl Scratch Tapes?
Great show, I'm a little annoyed with the amount of episodes in season 3 though. Can't wait for the next season!
Does that mean show tunes?