me too, EMINEM, BLINK-182, TENACIOUS D all kinds of music
but 2 me its an everlasting competetion between blink 182 and tenacious d
blink 182 rules ^___^
hey. (Listening to Tenacious D)
thats makes it a little better!
that screwed up. i hate when things like that happen
Why? Also, I'm here to stay! (or until my laptop gets taken away. >_>
i still alive.
Karate By Tenacious D With karate I'll kick your a**, here to tiananmen square. Oh yeah mother****er, I'm gonna kick your ****ing derriere. You broke the rules, now I'll pull out all your pubic hair. You mother****, You mother****er. Kyle betrayed me and then he lied, tried to hide. And I died deep inside, and you know the reason why! I'm gonna kick your a**! From here to right over there. Oh yeah mother****er I'm gonna kick your ****ing derriere. You broke the rules, now I'll pull out all your pubic hair. You mother****, You mother****er. (Reversed:) Donkey Cr*p.
What's your favorite singer? Eminem Tenacious D Lady Sovereign Obie Trice Dr. Dre Ozzy Osbourne Alice Cooper Boston Black Sabbath D12 Liam Lynch Blink-182 Hironobu Kageyama Avril Lavigne Amy Lee Gerald Way Utada Hikaru Hailey Williams Ikimono Gakari Yui Makino Megumi Hayashibara Minami Kuribayashi Katy Perry Sakai Nanako Kana Ueda Minori Chihara Sawao Yamanaka Shimon Moore Johannes Strate Oscar Linnos
Roxas_Ultima is back! ^_^ Gone 4 over 6 months! 0_0 .... TENACIOUS D!!!:) EDIT: Where did every1 go?
Name your favorite songs of 07 and I'll decide which one is my favorite. I'll make another thing on youtube about this so when you pick your favorite song go on youtube and tell me there too. Youtube name:Aetoms I;ll also pick random song names too. List it like this: Artist - Song -Album (Not Needed but useful.)
hey. 8monkeyz8
hey evrybody
hi *111111*
hi *filler*
sorry guys, i will only b able 2 b on wen i m at scool i m grounded
ya! its kool! LARXEL! speak up!
ya! u no weird al yankovic makes the real spongebob theme song?