"I see," Xane said, not quite expecting a long winded answer like that.
"Skinnar," Xane asked. "We've been enemies for a while, but since we've got you hostage, can you tell me something? What's with the whole trog thing?"
"Us? Live normal lives?" Xane asked, half jokingly. "Kinda impossible if ya ask me?" "Hmm," Mellodia smiled. "Not too impossible." Xane raised an eyebrow at her and returned her grin, nervously. It was hard to think about the future at times like this.
Venture nods and starts to launch the ship, followed bythe EK fleet. "We branch off from Wing's ship at the Galactica Strip," Venture announced. "After that, its supposedly smooth sailing."
"I'll take it, then," Venture said. "But, you'd better be right." Venture wasn't sure of this, but then again, no one was really sure of anything now. Except maybe Xardius.
"I know that path," Venture sighed. "A little bit too long, don't ya think?"
OOC: I know I gave the warship a name in the last thread, but I don't want to go look it up. Have either of you saved the last thread on an archive, by the way? BIC: Venture started up the ship. It's engines roared, and the whole ship tarted to rumble, slightly. With a flick of a switch, all automatic weapons turned on, and the Warship began to make it's flight off of the ground. OOC: This is assuming everyone's onboard.
"I guess so," Xane shrugged. "Wing should take that ship, though. His mission is the most important. If anything, I'd feel safer in Venture's giant warship."
"Skinnar's help?" Xane asked. "Eh. I feel bad for the guy, but I still don't trust him. It might be a mistake, but...he's got too much weighing on him to really help us out, anyway."
Venture soon gathered the EK pilots and sent them off to man their ships. They wouldn't face easy odds once they were deep in enemy territory, so some precautions had to be made. "All ship captains," Venture started. "Gather up your crews and prepare for death. Yes, I know we all hope to win this war, but we have to face the facts. We will eventually go up against one of the most powerful fleets in the known universe, the U.P.A's Armada. And possibly...even the Brotherhood. All of your piloting training will mean nothing. The opponent is more skilled than us in every way....And that's why I'm authorizing the use of Omega Tactics." "Sir!" one pilot shouted, chuckling nervously. "That crazy ****'s never going to work." "The way I see it, we've got two choices," Venture said. "Victory or destruction. If you wanna have a higher chance of winning, use Omega Tactics...And that's all I gotta say." Venture isn't much of a motivational speaker, but he gets the message across.
"I'm going to go tell the crew we've warmed up their ships," Venture says, before running off. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna start packin' stuff myself," Xane added. Their next couple of missions were not going to be easy, and Xane had to make sure he was ready.
"Well, hope you're feelin' better," Xane nodded. " 'Cause once you're done healin', you're about to go back."
""Wing?" Xane asked. "What happened to you?" Xane scratched his chin, realizing that their mission might be delayed if Wing is injured. Of course, taking care of your buddies is important, but the fate of entire universes might weigh a little more on the conscience.
OOC: Hey, Wing! BIC: "Don't we have EK techies for that stuff?" Xane asked.
"I dunno," Xane shrugged. "Looks like Skinnar's been left outta the loop for a while."
"Whatever happens, we're still takin' on the Brotherhood soon, right?" Xane asked.
OOC: I admit, I've always been here. I was just enjoying Xardius and Skinnar's arument. BIC: "I hate to say it, but...Vecked might have a point. We can't really trust Skinnar," Xane said. "But, I do think we should help him out with his current promblem within the U.P.A."
OOC: What did the first thread going down have to do with me? And P.M you? Alright...
OOC: Time for some bad news; The game...All of its files may have been deleted. All of them....The good news? I may be able to make an entirely new one with an updated system!
"So, they're not just your grunts," Xane nodded. "That does explain a lot."