Xane smirked and shook Wing's hand. "Let's go then," Xane told the others. "Looks like we got a kind of maze to trek through first..."
Alright, then.
Pharell quickly drew a Sora System MK-99 and opened fire on the downed body of Ecko.
Pharell hastily leaped out of the fire, dropping his plasma launcher an pistol. He reached back and pulledo out the U.P.A commisioned Hyper Rifle, HR-55. With that, he began to fire at Ecko. OOC: Gotta go.
"You're a pretty weird guy, y'know that, Ecko?" Pharell asked, shhoting his pistol at Ecko from behind the pillar, before running to a ew location betwwen some two bushes.
Pharell ducked and crouched behind the courtyard walls, firing the Ulfire Plasma launcer in Ecko's direction.
"Always right?" Pharell asks. "We'll see about that..." Pharell than arms his free hand with a Ulfire Plasma Launcher. "So we gonna fight, or wha?"
"Yeah," Pharell says, reaching for his U.P.A captainship badge on his right shoulder. "I was. While I was never to fond of the Hairis system, I thought things were gonna start looking up once Skinna tok that position. Then, I found out the truth." Pharell then throws the badge straight p in the air, as he draws a pistol from his pocket. He aims quickly, and fire striaght at the badge. The gleaming golden piece of metal shattered in midair and the pieces landed at Pharell's feet.
"I guess it'll have to be me," Xane says, cracking his neck. "Hope you're ready for-" "No, I'll handle it," a voice called out, from behind the Ultimate Organization. Captain Pharell Titan of the U.P.A approached the group, armed with several U.P.A standard and exotic firearms."You all have Scourge to deal with."
"That was it?" Xane asked, expecting something more...dangerous from a Brotherhoo member.
"Some guy who...You know, I don't really remember much about him," Xane said. "All I know is...He's Brotherhood." OOC: Gotta go for a few minutes, but I'll be be back.
"They're in position," Novice whispered to no one in paticular. "It's time for you to show us all up, Ecko," Novice joked, teleporting back to his station. OOC: And it's Ecko's turn after all.
OOC: Alright, then. See ya later.
OOC: ...Right...Let's hurry this up, DK.
OOC: Novice was there first.
OOC: Uh, let's see...All I've got is... BIC: Novice stood waiting at the end of the courtyard, obscured from sight, slightly.
OOC: Nope. BIC: "Nice lookin' place," Xane noted. "Looks like somethin' you can easily get lost in, though."
"Right," Xane shrugged, walking through the portal. Mellodia followed with Venture, who was dragging Skinnar with them.
"It's now or never," Xane said, trying to sound as action movie-like as possible. "Everybody ready?"
"Oh, we're bringing you with us..." Mellodia stated. "It's way too much of a risk if we keep you here to face the U.O," Xane started. "Actually, you're a danger to us, wherever we go...But we need to keep an eye on you, so..."