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  1. SmashFan127
  2. SmashFan127
  3. SmashFan127
  4. SmashFan127
  5. SmashFan127
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh. Sorry

    Oh. Sorry
    Profile Post Comment by SmashFan127, Oct 27, 2012
  6. SmashFan127
    Vegeta VS Alucard​
    HP 300/ 300 - | - HP 330/ 330​
    SP 0/10 - | - SP 0/10​
    Level 50/ 100 - | - Level 52/ 100​
    Attacks - | - Attacks​
    Big Bang Attack 50 dmg 2/2 - | - 454 Cassull 25 dmg (7 rounds per magazine) 4/4​
    Rapid Fire 15 dmg (5 bursts) 1/1 - | - 13mm Combat Pistol Jackal 30 dmg 4/4​
    Punch 20 dmg 20/20 - | - Punch 20 dmg 15/15​
    Kick 30 dmg 15/15 - | - Kick 30 dmg 12/12​
    Baskerville - Alucard Summons a black hell-hound by transforming his arm into a dog and choosing to lunge at the victim. (Requires 3 SP)​
    Cromwell Invocation Level 1 - Alucard transforms into his straightjacket form, boosting attack power by 1.5%. (Requires 5 SP)​
    Cromwell Invocation Level 0 - Alucard transforms into Vlad the Impaler (Dracula), dawning armor, boosting attack power by 2.0%, and releasing devoured familiars to fight for him. (Requires 10 SP and approval from Sir Integra Hellsing)​
    Status Effects​
    Nosferatu Immunity: Alucard is permanently immune to sunlight and several holy artifacts, and to kill him, you must destroy the heart with a sharp blade or stake.​

    Alucard aimed the Cassull at Vegeta's right shoulder and shot. The bullet hit. 1 SP gained.
    OOC: Hero, it's time to use the coin flipper to decide if your next attack hits or misses.

    Wolfwood sighed. "Well, we haven't gotten anywhere so far, I guess we should do that."
    "Where do you think we should go? We don't know too much about where we are!"
    "Good point."
    "Good luck on finding a place to go, then."
    Janus went outside of the tavern smiling.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SmashFan127
    We shall use a heads/tails generator to see which blows hit. Damage from the Cassull and Jackal shall act like normal bullets due to the power seal. Vegeta's turn has passed.

    And another thing: I don't understand SP, which is why I am saying I prefer using the heads/tails generator with the style of battle that was performed on bosses earlier.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SmashFan127
    I see...I shall pass on Majin Vegeta and Goku to someone who can play well, due to the fact Myst is taking a break. Any takers?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SmashFan127
    Can someone give me a recap, just so I can get back in?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SmashFan127
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm on it

    I'm on it
    Profile Post Comment by SmashFan127, Oct 26, 2012
  11. SmashFan127
  12. SmashFan127
    Normal bullet damage? i already said that.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SmashFan127
    A battle between good and evil is what I said it would be. By the way, Myst. Did you get the note about Alucard's guns?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SmashFan127
    The Sagas in this RP are plural, much like Dragon Ball Z, and the arcs? Well, I have two Arcs planned for the War Saga.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SmashFan127
    Crossover Sagas' name does not change. It just marks the beginning of a war between good and evil.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SmashFan127
    People, I have noticed how quiet I have been about the plot, and I think it's time to announce the start of the.....

    War Saga
    Feel free to ask if one of you will share the title of the Saga.​
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SmashFan127
    Alucard's smirk reappeared. "Trash? That reminds me of the Iscariot Organization. I accept your challenge..." He pulled out two pistols, one black, one platinum. His eyes widened as he growled.

    OOC: For info on Alucard's guns, you can go here and here. Just be aware the Jackal has enough power to put a large hole in a stone wall. In saiyans' case I allow the shots on the Jackal to be treated like regular gunshots.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SmashFan127
    "Sparkling vampires? How ridiculous..." Alucard's grin was starting to fade. Had they not enough knowledge on vampires?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SmashFan127
    Who will use the Ganta Gun? Who will take the Woodpecker? WHO WILL TAKE GANTA IN TUMMER'S PLACE?!

    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SmashFan127
    Knives is currently watching with interest.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home