I dunno. Just 'cause. I chain with Starlight Road! So now, your Heavy Storm is stopped in its tracks, and I get to Special Summon Stardust Dragon!
What're ya gonna do 'bout it? Well, he wasn't facedown, he was in face-up defense mode. Regardless, no chain. @Fred: Oh god, don't remind me of Season 0 Yami... ._.
Nyeh, everyone looked better in Season 0, except you. Then again, it's hard to make you look good. No chains.
"You must spread some Reputation around before-"
Red Leader, standing by.
Can't tell if serious or not. If serious... Don't break them up. That's pretty much guaranteed to make both of them hate you, and THEN who's the loser?
And I was much more of a badass. [video=youtube;wxnL6TJoY-E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxnL6TJoY-E[/video]
So far, Lee's alone on the path from Plafore to Spindale. Drew is with the other Heretics in Coldheat. Also, could I have the gym that's on Misty Island?
OOC: Completely forgot about this. ^^" BIC: Drew thought for a moment, and then answered, "I don't believe I have any pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Where do we need to go?" OOC: lol short post. BIC: The battle wasn't going too well. Oshwatt was slightly worn out and the Sneasel, who had taken a few hits, was still raring to go. "It's too fast," Lee grunted. "Oshawatt can't even touch it." Suddenly, and idea dawned upon him. "Oshawatt, use Double Team!" Lee shouted. Oshawatt, gathering enough energy, complied, spawning illusions of multiple Oshawatts surrounding the wild Pokemon. Sneasel looked around, confused about which one was the real one. "Quick, tackle him while he's confused!" Lee yelled. "Osha!" the otter Pokemon cried, nodding his head. The real Oshawatt, along with the fakes, began charging at Sneasel from all sides. Sneasel began panicking, right up until it was knocked down from behind, where the real Oshawatt was. "Yeah! Now we're back in control!" Lee cheered.
I'll give sudden Death Note a try.
Yeah, it's starting to make some sense... In fact, the more I think about it, the more I believe that. Still a bit skeptical, but it's the better than anything I can think of. :P
Wait, huh? I'm talking about this scene, where Xion (or Roxas, or whoever is having the "dream") suddenly looks like Riku, who, as far as I can tell, neither of them have a direct connection to. [video=youtube;iAHOUX1mFDM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAHOUX1mFDM[/video] @Bueno: How exactly does THAT work?
Hm... So, you basically get one shot to get it right, and it's all guesswork.
If there's another thread on this, please delete this. OK, I was replaying Days, and I got to the part where Xion has that freaky dream with Zexion and Riku. In that dream, we see her change her form from Roxas, to Xion, to Riku, and then to Sora. What I'm confused about is, why Riku? I understand why she looked like Sora, but not Riku. Any ideas?
Eh, I'll fix my sleep schedule when school starts. Which is in a week. T_T Alright, here's my move. Spoiler Now I activate Spell Absorption! And then, I use 3 copies of 7! It looks like it's Joey's luck day! Since I have all 3 of these babies on the field, I can send them to the graveyard to draw 3 cards and gain 700 LP for each! But why stop there? I also get 500 more LP for each card because of my Spell Absorption! Hand: 3 LP: 11600 (Somewhere, thousands of miles away) (Meanwhile, back at the duel) Now, I play my Ancient Leaf! Since I have over 9000 LP, I can pay 2000 of them to draw 2 more cards! BUT I gain another 500 from Spell Absorption! Hand: 4 LP: 10100 Now, I use another Ancient Leaf! Hand: 5 LP: 8600 Next, I play Trade-In! I discard my Phoenix Gearfried to draw 2 cards and gain another 500 LP! Hand: 5 LP: 9100 Now, I use my last Ancient Leaf! Hand: 6 LP: 7600 Alright, now, I summon my Marauding Captain! And then, I use his effect to Special Summon Jutte Fighter! And then I use his effect to switch your Blue-Eyes into Defense Mode! And now, I tune my Jutte Fighter to my Marauding Captain! 2 + 3 = 5 This warrior, wild as the west, can't be tamed. He takes down all, blazin' a path glory! Synchro Summon! Shoot 'em up, X-Saber Wayne! And now, because of my X-Saber's effect, I can Special Summon Torapart from my hand! And now, I tune my Torapart to my X-Saber Wayne! 2 + 5 = 7 The flash of lightnin', the boom of thunder! The warrior who crushes all rides on! Synchro Summon! Strike 'em down, Lightnin' Warrior! Now, I use my Pot of Avarice! I return X-Saber Wayne, Torapart, Jutte Fighter, Marauding Captain, and Gearfried the Swordmaster to the Deck and Extra Deck to draw 2 cards! Hand: 4 LP: 8100 Next, I place 3 cards facedown. And that's all for now. ~End Phase~ Hand: 1 LP Counter: Joey: 8100 Kaiba: 8000 Let's see whatcha got, rich boy.
Let's just say KaibaCorp security ain't what it used to be. JK, but, seriously, if you're going to Dollywood, you've gotta head on Mystery Mine. I mean, it's got a 95 degree drop! It's insane! Anyways, I'll post my move tomorrow. Too tired to think of a good one right now. -_- (which is odd, because I'm not usually tired around now. I usually head to bed at 3:00 AM or something xD)
All have logged onto KHV at least once.
All have an image in their signatures.