Grant stood there looking at his stopwatch Grant: If you don't recall any events, I could help you to see what happened.
Grant: I am very much aware of that.
Grant: It seems that time marches on, I don't like it when someone starts time when I'm in the middle of something. Grant's stopwatch became bigger, then he pulled on the top and the clock hands became a gigantic blade.
Grant: He is an empty vessel, the bearer of the dark dragon's soul. It slowly eats his body and takes over his body for a short period of time. Currently, he is an assassin employed by the empire, so I am sure you will meet.
Grant: Ahh, but it is not her that I am talking about, but rather, someone she's met
Grant: Ahh, my deepest apologies, my name is Grant, it certainly is an honor to meet you Grant bowed as he introduced himself.
OOC: Err... you do realize I stopped time so that I could speak to her personally, right?
Grant: It seems that a disturbance has arrived and opened a rift. Should that disturbance be kept alive, the rift will expand to the point that it would devour everything.
Grant: I need to talk to you about something Grant stood behind her holding a stopwatch
Everything around Nuthura suddenly stopped moving.
OOC: Well, I got to go to bed, I'm kind of jet lagged and some sleep would do me some good, so see ya tomorrow
OOC: That's cool, still, holy crap, during the time I'm gone you guys get up to 104 pages, i thought you guys would get further ;P
OOC: Alright, cool
OOC: Goddam, I've been gone for awhile, umm... what's happened so far?
???: Listen, lady, I'm sure he's said this before, but just to make it clear, I'll make it clear, It's my job, nothing personal He grabbed her neck and slammed her into the ground.
???: Yeah... I don't think that's gonna happen Phisoxa He drove his blade deeper into her hands.
Wrath?: Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're not done here, since it seems you know the person that owns this body, that means he's attacked you and you survived, in that case I have to finish the job Wrath quickly went in front of her and drew his sword.
Wrath?: Agreement? We've never made an agreement, actually, who the hell are you?
Wrath?: Maybe you could turn around and fight he spoke in a deep and raspy voice, floating towards her slowly
Wrath emerged from the darkness, completely different. His body was jet black with red traces that look like veins. He has wings jutting from his back and wrapped around his waist. His hands have claws and spiked knuckles. Wrath's sword also changed into a longer and chipped version of itself. He looked around briefly before creating a portal to Twilight Town.