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  1. No Heart-X
    "Hmm... well... It doesn't really matter, you won't be able to stop it, because while you were occupied with that barrier, I gathered up all the necessary power into the X-Blade... So in the end, I succeeded." X pointed the X-Blade at Kingdom Hearts and unlocked it, forcing all of the worlds to be connected once again.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. No Heart-X
    "Quite impressive, for someone of your caliber," X wiped himself off as if he weren't affected by it. "But I'm done playing games, you have stalled me long enough, and I shall have no more of it." X created a powerful barrier around Rako that sealed away his powers.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. No Heart-X
    As if thousands of people were speaking, X said, "Gladly" X disappeared and then re-appeared behind Rako, slashing him to the far end of the Graveyard, then knocked him to the ground using his elbow. X then grabbed Rako by the arm, flung him into the sky and sent several energy bolts at him, then sending Rako crashing into the ground at high speeds.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. No Heart-X
    "I'm sure you won't be disappointed," All of a sudden, a bright light engulfed X and the entire surrounding area, then, the light slowly compressed itself into a humanoid form. The being was pure light with navy blue eyes and to large strands of what appears to be hair going backwards, a large red gem on his forehead. The X-Blade itself began to glow a radiant white and came back to X, with X tightly gripping the handle.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. No Heart-X
    X quickly got out of the blasting range, "You know, I do believe you are right," Laughing maniacally, the X-Blade floated into the air as light gathered into X, "So now, let's see how you like this!" Energy started to gather even faster.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. No Heart-X
    X was enraged upon finding Rako behind him. "THEN LET ME FIX THAT!!!" X teleported away from Rako, "HASTEGA!" X became four times faster than before, hitting Rako four times in the blink of an eye.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. No Heart-X
    "MELTDOWN!!!!" X pointed the X-Blade at Rako and produced clones of himself pointing at Rako from all sides. Then, they all unleashed a large red beam that resembled lava.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. No Heart-X
    "TORNADO STORM!!!" X made a large sweeping motion and created several hundred tornadoes all surrounding X. The tornadoes that appeared weren't normal, as they were completely black and had twisted jagged edges.

    "How? How is this possible?" Kain demanded from Snow

    "Simple, I learned how to do it from watching you. I simply gathered up all the light I could muster and used it to amplify my power. The wings and armors are proof of that"

    Kain rushed at Snow with blazing speeds, Snow barely flinching upon being hit.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. No Heart-X
    "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" X had reached his peak in gathering energy, he jumped into the air and flung the X-Blade into the ground into the exact center of the seals. Then he rocketed down and forced the X-Blade completely into the ground causing a massive explosion of light and darkness to surround the entire area.

    Kain turned around and flew upwards, but stopped when he heard movement. He quickly whirled himself around to see that Snow had changed. Snow had giant wings of pure light, armor on both of his arms, and a chest plate that had a large X on it. Snow had half of a mask on his face, with the eye being a bright blue.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. No Heart-X
    X screamed as he staggered back farther, all of the clones disappearing. In anger, he raised the X-Blade to the sky, "I refuse to be stopped. I... I!... I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! NOTHING WILL STOP ME!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME! NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Massive amounts of energy gathered into the X-Blade and into X himself, then, large seals began to appear on the floor, "NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!!! NOT YOU!!!! OR ANYONE ELSE!!!!"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. No Heart-X
    X staggered back a little bit, "No... I won't... I will not... Definitely... I WILL NOT LOSE TO SOME LOW LIFE SUCH AS YOURSELF!!!!!" The X-Blade boosted the output from the clones and X himself.

    Snow was unconscious, floating in the middle of nothingness, with Kain laughing hysterically at the state Snow was in.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. No Heart-X
    X laughed hysterically as he and his clones weren't affected by the electricity. Then he stopped and told him, "Did you know that equal forces cancel each other out?" with a powerful electrical charge coming from his body and the clones.

    Snow was extremely tired, barely being able to hold on the his X-Blade and slowing losing blood, he was beginning to get dizzy. "What's the matter brother, tired from a little running? You truly are pathetic!" Kain crazily declared as he stabbed his X-Blade through Snow's leg. A horrible shout of pain came from Snow.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. No Heart-X
    X laughed maniacally as he watched Rako slash at the ground. "Please! If you really want to show me what you got, then maybe you should try attacking me head on! Or are you too chicken?" X turned craned his head to the left as he spoke to him. Then twelve energy clones came from X and rushed at Rako, each one grabbing hold of Rako and holding him down with a large amount of force.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. No Heart-X
    OOC: Another change in appearance is happening, and here it is:

    Click to see

    IC: X stopped screaming, the energy forcing a change in his armor. He now had large green eyes, red armor, and giant claws. He also now had wings on his back. He was standing there behind the X-Blade, his head twitching to the left every so often. "Hey," X said in a sing-songy voice, "You wanna play?" The X-Blade floated up and started to fly around X as he slowly floated towards Rako.

    Kain looked at Snow, his sclera were jet-black and his irises were a glowing golden-yellow with black trails of tears going down his cheeks. He now had giant black demon wings and his right arm was completely black, with spikes jutting out at the shoulder and elbows. Snow looked back in horror as he started to back away. "Ho-How? What is this?"

    "This is your undoing, Brother," Kain laughed maniacally as he charged straight for Snow.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. No Heart-X
    As X flew back, he planted the X-Blade into the ground so that he wouldn't go off very far. As the explosion died down, he stood up with a few burn marks on his armor.

    As Kain and Snow continued to fight, they were both losing a lot of blood, both of them becoming very dizzy. Then all of a sudden, Kain backed off and started clutching his head. "Dammit, why now, of all times?" He continued as Snow let his guard down, Kain struggling with the pain. "No, Dammit... No!" Kain started screaming in pain releasing a large amount of energy.

    As Kain was clutching his head, X did the same thing. He staggered back for a little, struggling with pain and clutching his head, he let out a spine-chilling scream as more energy burst from him.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. No Heart-X
    X backed off for several feet, raised the X-Blade into the air and created seven energy duplicates of himself, four of the duplicates rushed to attack Rako's duplicate while X and the other three duplicates attacked the real Rako.

    Snow and Kain were both tired as they were floating within the Dive to the Heart. Both of them were breathing heavily, sweat dripping from their faces, with several cuts all over their bodies.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. No Heart-X
    "Hmph, You'll definitely have to do better than that..." X gathered up a large amount of energy, then jumped up into the sky and quickly came crashing back down creating a massive explosion.

    Snow kept hacking away at Kain as he merely deflected the attacks as if they were nothing.

    "C'mon Snow, you'll have to do better than that to get me down!"

    "All right then, let's up the ante..." Snow backed off and then rose up and blasted the entire station, shattering it into a million little pieces floating around them.

    "Impressive." Kain sarcastically said as he lunged at Snow.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. No Heart-X
    X jumped back out of his range, then held the X-Blade up as if it were a javelin and launched it at Rako. Then he created an energy duplicate of the X-Blade and launched that as well.

    Snow and Kain had their blades locked, neither of them budging an inch. Then they both backed off and charged at each other once more. As they did, the force from the impact of both of the X-Blades was cracking the Station slowly.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. No Heart-X
    "Pitiable," X pointed the X-Blade directly at the energy wave and parted it, then X charged through the part he made "If that's your idea for an attack, then you're in for a world of hurt!" He jumped into the air and crashed down right in front of Rako creating a large X-Shaped blast.

    Meanwhile, Snow and Kain were standing in a Dive to the Heart, both of them looking directly at each other. The Station they stood on featured Snow and Kain on opposite sides of each other, the images on Kain's half of the Station was the Evil Eye found on Way to the Dawn, the images on Snow's half were images of hearts. They were both holding their Keyblades, in the middle, three of the big images were Kain's The End of Time key chain, three of the others were Snow's Shining Wing key chain, and in the middle, it was the X-Blade's key chain. Below that was an image of the X-Blade itself, alongside Kingdom Hearts.

    "So, you had this planned out all along, did you?" Snow looked at him with a roaring anger

    "You're damn right I did, including the part where you met Master Roan, although Stella was a little unplanned, but she worked to my advantage, didn't she?" Kain looked back with a mocking glare

    "I can't believe it, you knew Master Roan?"

    "Not only did I know him, he was my former Master, so I guess you could technically call me a Master as well."

    "I will never call you a Master... you don't deserve that title, not now, not ever."

    "Harsh words coming from a softy like you..."

    As they both stood there, they both held the X-Blade, Kain's was overflowing with darkness, while Snow's was overflowing with light

    "What do you think of the power of the X-Blade, Bro?"

    "It's... fearful... I can't let you use it freely, but my heart is a part of it,"

    "That's right, meaning if you destroy it, our hearts will be lost for all eternity. Still considering fighting back?"

    "Well, I won't fight you to destroy the X-Blade, but I will fight you for control over this body!" Snow entered his fighting stance

    Kain did the same, "You think you can take control of this body from me? Good luck with that half-wit!"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. No Heart-X
    OOC: You know, I figured since you post music, I would post some music just for this fight

    Battle Music

    IC: "A demon? Foolish... You are nothing... let me show you how pathetic your endeavors are," A large amount of energy gathered into the X-Blade, "Your power is nothing!" X made a huge swiping motion and released a massive energy wave the spread out in all directions.

    OOC: I gotta go now, so see ya'll tomorrow
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home